Confirmed: At least 14 US Special Forces captured by #Syrian forces in East #Aleppo bunker


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Are chechens crypto-canadians?


Those two look whiter than many of the whites here. Sup Forums explain this.

Those are literal Caucasians from the Caucasus Mountains.

Mutaz Kanoğlu – Turkey
David Scott Winer – USA
David Shlomo Aram – Israel


Oh no! That sucks!

Morning anons, French toast?

let the tards rot in a syrian detention center. special forces are special like those kids on the short bus

Just what the fuck are we doing in Syria at the moment?

Seems really nefarious.

Holy shit you took this story and completely twisted it around. How about this for a headline:

1 American and a shitload of Saudi's captured by Syrian special forces.

Instability of Assad's power is a reduction in Russian power. Same reason we beat the war drum every time Iran coughs.

Once Trump teams up with Putin to crush the Sunni jihad Iran will be sitting pretty

wtf i hate assad now

>Trump teams up with Putin

Why do you Russiaboos keep trying to ship this? U.S.'s military dwarfs Russia in tech, upkeep, and size. We don't need Russia. If the U.S. wasn't doing this clandestine bullshit and just flat out attacked Assad's military, Assad's regime would fall in a week and he'd be hung in a few months. Then we could leave the rebels to take it and create another power vacuum.

Because its a smart fuckin move.

USA needs Europes biggest superpower.

>special forces
You can't make this shit up.

Fake news.

Fake news

What did he mean by this?

Don't tell us what we need and don't give us advice on smart moves when you've lost half your country to Chinese investments. Your entire country can crash at the whim of the Asian market.

I'm not the Russiaboo Trump is though. The deal is that the Trump regime helps Assad and Putin destroy Isis then Putin looks the other way when Trump starts a war with Iran

What were your intentions when you shopped and/or manipulated page script?


What's Aleppo?

>Only source of this new is Southfront

OP is a Facebook user confirmed. People post stupid clickbait shit like this all the time and dumb fucks like OP make it go viral.

This no name news site wouldn't know its ass from its elbows. Whatever gets views.

Dude, it's obvious...he's a CTR/SJW/Muslim shill trying to spread misinformation to deceive us all.

No, not Shlomo!

Can someone post the images of the Syrian girl connection to the Al-Zinki """moderates"""" moderately moderating the 14 year old pali?

his cyber wizzkid son told him about some backdoor tactics.

Everything's going to be okay little buddy

>Trump regime helps Assad and Putin destroy Isis then Putin looks the other way when Trump starts a war with Iran

You people sum up geopolitics like these countries are akin to high school drama. Russia isn't going to give up decades of relation and pushback against Turkey, just to take out "flavor of the month" savages taking advantage of a regional instability.

The population of Russia and the U.S. aren't much different. One isn't evil and the other good, but both governments are actively trying to position themselves as the superior power of the world. Hell, every country is attempting to do this. The sooner you realize that geopolitics is a game of frienemies, the better off you'll be.

Holy shit that's Waffen-SS oakleaf camo

These people are the last soldiers of Obama, so good riddance.

Supporting actual jihadis and trying to convince people in America that it makes sense, was one of the most disgusting foreign policy paragraphs in history of American presidency.

Obama for Hague.


.. savage

>geopolitics is a game of frienemies, the better off you'll be.

screencap my post and we'll see who's better off

Who could be behind this post

user, I don't care about your opinion enough to screencap your post. Screencap your own post and forget about it when you start wising up.

>start wising up

I made a straightforward analysis of the situation which I could source back to Trump and his cabinet nominees own comments but keep blathering on as much as you like

>David Shlomo Aram – Israel

Fine, you talked me into it. Screencapped you for future reference.

Why is this bad? What does this mean?

But, user. What about the children?

Lose the argument and go for the epic troll, huh

Fake news

>Lose the argument

You made a suggestion of something that won't realistically happen. I think you're being a bit overzealous. But like I said, screencapped. We'll see in a few years if you still suck Putin's cock.

>we actually don't need Russia, and that it doesn't need to be as covert as possible in order for the U.S to quell the oriental uprising

I'll be right you dumb bitch