Can not be fabricated!
Sup Forums's mod is literally a communist from reddit
Other urls found in this thread:
He coordinates with /qa/ and reddit on what to delete
Bump 4 justice
>against the law
what? seriously?
OP's pic is from 8gag
I think he went to bed.
is still up
Yeah, and the /r9k/ mod is an SJW who doxes users. So what.
>the mods have something called an IRC messenger but I don't know how to access it
Niggers and jews need to hang from trees
>Even better is that the mods have something called an IRC messenger but I don't know how to access it.
this is worse than that cuck on /vg/ who didn't know what a VHS tape was
a /k/ mod practically banned one of the only good trips on that entire board because it was "political discussion" and told him to come here a while ago.
the guy has come here before, he knows a lot about nuclear weapons and had to argue with people who thought the earth was flat, nukes were fake and that he was a jewish shill
not all faggots are mods but all mods are faggots
I wish he would ban you alt-right faggots.
>muh wall
>muh all lives matter
>muh capitalism.
>all lives matter
Newfag spotted
>Referring to yourself as Mod-Bro
Christ what a massive faggot
Wow that video is rough.
there's absolutely nothing wrong with being from reddit
Fucking faggot Commie mod.
Dont worry
He had a dope funeral
I've been on Sup Forums for 3 weeks. I'm no new fag.
>all lives matter
Are you genuinely retarded?
No, I'm actually a member of MENSA.
Bumping for awareness.
Will continue to post SS threads and ruin Communist unsafe places.
I can't tell if you're 14 and trying to bait but you're incomprehensibly fucking retarded or you're ironically baiting.
>3 Weeks
I don't have enough reactions to express what I'm feeling
No. Especially since this isn't doxxing. The mods couldn't delete the thrads based on that and decided that they were not political.
I had enough of /nazi/ pol, they always make fun of us Germans and Swedens
>no racism outside of Sup Forums
You gotta go back.
What's a manager?
Some sort of flaming faggot apparently
it is not racism if it is racial realism
niggers are subhuman
kikes are subversibe bastards who want to destroy whites
chinks eat rice and work hard
slavs like heavy drinking
>it's another Sup Forums revolt episode
these are always fun
wtf this faggot
But chinks DON'T work hard. They're some of the laziest motherfuckers I've ever met.
only chinks in my area are those 2 in Chinese Trade Centre, selling a lot of weird cheapass stuff from China
I have no quarrel with them
Why is the tranny holding Jumbo Jacks?
Shut up
I believe they're supposed to be caltrops.
That's even more confusing
what is confusing about caltrops?
you throw them and run away, hoping that people run with light shoes or barefoot
probably the most leftist weapon
>attempts at disrupting the board will not be tolerated
We're at war once again, lads
Some plebbitor suggested throwing down caltrops to defend against fascists
Only one thing to do, create more fire safety threads. We are at war, gentleman.
This explains why all woman and nigger hate threads get deleted.
This is truly abhorrent and i'll muster minimal effort to attempt to fight it.
I wonder why.
these are literally the backbone of Sup Forums, and the primary source of IRL redpills
>people think this is real
Fucking someone do something
>people don't want to tear reddit down (while ensuring the users stay /safe/, of course)
I have women hate folder and if there is not enough hate, I will dump it
I almost exclusively stick to /r9k/ but it seems there is need to push normalfags away from here
kek'd idgaf either
fuck so this is why those threads about race keep getting deleted
god dammit lefties can't we have one fucking website to post what we want
Mods and janitors have been doxed for less. Should be a funny shitshow to watch. Enjoy.
Find out where he lives and then kill him. How hard can it be.
>sharing public info is illegal
b... but we're all just russian hackers
turns out he's an autistic virgin from r9k
none, but pls contact me if you want to be my gf
[email protected]
>Financial status
>Political allignment
>Religious beliefs
Discussing politics/philosophy, roleplaying, miscellaneous computer related things: coding, discussing gnu/freedom, editing images, I also like literature but I don't write as much as I would like because lack of motivation
>Time spent online per day
18 hours
oh for fucks sake, I am robot and I despise roasties, but this guy is epitome of a faggot
No wonder blacks are the way they are. Thousands and thousands and thousands of years of dancing tribal shit.
>secret mod board
>woman hate
You mean MUH wahhhhh MUH weekend is lonely and I can't get ass so I'll bitch about it to other like minded beta spineless faggots threads
There's a home for that and it's /r9gay/
I have zero problems with nigger hate treads even though you homos jump on a kanye thread like a Swedish girl on hard Somali cock.
Every fag who hates this place or bitches is stuck here. You're all addicted to this place because you're all weak and can't have even one day with Sup Forums, much less your precious Sup Forums 2.0.
This place used to be decent until /r9gay/, /x/, /lbgt/ and /fit/ made it their second home. Including all the fucking trash from Reddit who decided to stay.
I bet you like Israel and kikes too, right faggot.
Pro tip: kill yourselves, your body as fertilizer will be more valuable that way
Oh god, how can you be so retarded?
and a manlet
This is sad.
This pic made me cringe hard...
women hate threads have been a cornerstone of Sup Forums for years you newnigger
>Online 18 hours a day
>Into roleplay
Oh this is a winner all right.
>newfags learn how fucked up the staff are
I see a new exodus, hopefully this time it'll work
>Want to be a black bloc retard
check my doubletripledoubles, faggots
what a piece of shit loser.
This keeps getting better.
kek. such faggotry
nigger wears a goatee of course he's a faggot LOL
>only 2 chinks there
>get a whole trade centre
If doubles then a hilary electorate will change and vote for trump but no trump electorates will change their vote on moonday
roastie cunt detected
Don't want a relationship, and never tried.
>women always attack by calling out sex life
The memes write themselves. Nice job, dipshit.
No They haven't new fag kike trash.
See how you're all proud of your digits like a Sup Forums piece of shit.
From its birth via /n/ and /new/, women hate threads were practically non existent. Even on Sup Forums 1.0
Then one day moot decides to erase r9gay. And lo and behold, faggots like you were wandering Jews looking for a new place to infect with your Jewish propaganda in order to have men decrease reproducing. It's a subtle yet obvious scheme my kike friend.
Unless of course you're some fat loser who can't get laid. Then, well...there's no help for you is there other than suicide.
yeah but they're generally much more minor, revolve around recent court unfoldings or some fag on some forum's weird relationship
not nonstop bullshit about how all women are whores and have heart shaped nipples
You sound like an angry fat woman.
That's because no one will have you tough ass motherfucker mgtow Jew shill faggot.
Keep helping the White race decrease in numbers with your shilling kike
I am literally shaking right now
>Favorite anime: Psycho-Pass
Well at least his taste isn't shit there.
gee I wonder who could be behind this post
Holy fuck I looked at the images first and thought someone was inventing the most fucked-up stereotyped PATHETIC faggot that could exist, then I read the posts and saw it was a real person.
K I L L _ Y O U R S E L F if you are reading this, prickliestcactus
No lives matter, dude. We are all just cogs in a shitty machine known as life.
Well a Jew is obviously behind your post moisha.
>yesss Sup Forums hate women
>but muh white race is decreasing
>who cares get yourself a chink instead
>but the shit skins are increasing dramatically
>it's okay all white women are skank cum troughs
>you're better off being alone and never spreading your seed
>oh shit better bump that KANYE and trap thread I like son much on Sup Forums
Nu/pol/ garbage needs to be hung and then beaten like the shit pinata they are
>reading comprehension
It isn't about whites reproducing like niggers and spics. It's about reducing their populations by cutting off subsidies and aid, while pushing them the fuck out of countries they shouldn't be in.
You have to be new.
3 weeks = Newfage
1 year=Newfag
if you first logged on during ZimZam Trial =Newfag
You will always be a newfag like me (Came during Zimzam.)
wrong goy
I agree
Kill yourself prickliecactus
You fucking faggot