Anyone Else Disgusted by Gays Now?

Didn't actually know much about homosexuals until I started visiting here.

My opinion used to be that it's none of my business what adults do together alone with consent.

I still feel that way, but I now think all public promotion homosexuality is absolutely abominable.

Anyone else used to think that gays/lesbians were harmless but now see them as often the source of a lot of deviant shit?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Didn't actually know much about homosexuals until I started visiting here.
> but I now think all public promotion homosexuality is absolutely abominable
really activated my almonds

Honestly, I'm conflicted on this. I see where this leads, but I have a libertarian streak that just wants people (including me) to be left alone.

But that leads to this:

There's no way around it -- that's where it leads. You take away hetronormative standards and you have Officer Pervy showing people xir's video getting gangbanged by a bunch of strangers in the park.


What I meant basically is that I can now see how its promotion was only ever done as a means to introduce more and more degeneracy into society.

For example, back when everyone was going crazy about gay marriage, I didn't see how it could be a slipper slope. I just figured, who cares if they want to be married in the eyes of the government.

Now we have fucking gender neutral pronouns mandated by law here.

What the fuck, it was like 10 years between gay marriage and this pronoun stuff. What's next?

>You take away hetronormative standards and you have Officer Pervy showing people xir's

Yes exactly this. I can't believe how fucking fast this has all escalated.

The part that is scary to me is that the transgender stuff isn't even based on science at all. They've normalized bodily mutilation with surgery and hormones for individuals that should be treated for mental illness in a much different fashion.

And now these individuals have been given the power to imprison people in my country if those people refuse to use their newspeak that isn't in our dictionaries.

What really concerns me is what are they going to push next?

Same here. I wasn't bothered until I started seeing "gay propaganda" on my newsfeed. Are you really going to try to convince me that only 48% of American teens are straight, NowThis? Fuck off.

That, and moving to college in the northeast. Gays and lesbians are absolutely degenerate for the most part. Rampant sex, rating of partners, little responsibility, drug and alcohol problems, mental disorders, etc. A lesbian may fuck a dude with chlamydia one day, and the whole 20-person clique will have it within a week.

Goddamn. If I didn't have based conservative gay friends who act normally, I would have supported gassing them all.

>What's next?
You'll probably allowed to do sexual acts with anima-

But in all seriousness I don't think it's fags that are the problem, just cultural marxism blossoming in the universities, there have always been fag populations and they're not that bad if they're in the closet or just keep that shit on the downlow.

No, because im not a brainlet. I judge degeneracy on a case-by-case basis, I dont make intellectually lazy and weak generalizations based on few factors within a sea of assumptions.

I've never met a faggot without some major form of mental illness.

With this user

I have the classic liberal live and let live as long as you aren't harming others

But, I do see the benefit of keeping behavior "proper" for the sake of public and family

So, do whatever freaky shit you want to do in YOUR castle, but leave it out of public spaces

I've seen anons posit on here that they will unironically try to normalize pedophilia, but I just don't see that happening.

But I mean, if you ask the average Canadian about gender neutral pronouns, they have never heard of them, and they have no idea about our laws changing.

So what if they do start sneaking some pedo shit or somehow something worse into our laws?

Fuck I hate this country.

what does public promotion of homosexuality even mean?

do you honestly think someones going to turn gay because... what? they say it in a movie? dont think people are that homophobic anymore even though you just said it's none o your business?

Rational answer with eighty-eights to boot. Very nice, user.

So you don't actually have a problem with gays, but gender neutral pronouns. This makes no sense, these are both equally harmless.

It's part of a bigger issue, I think. I come from the Midwest. People didn't care what you did in your house, but they didn't want to hear about it. It was a public compact that they didn't pry into your life and in exchange you didn't rub their faces in it. That sense of public decorum has vanished.

Tonight on the Young and the Restless. A bunch of bullshit from Victor and Nicky. From 1963

>be pro freedom
>but not when people enjoy it the way i don't like them to

Its not scary that they pushed this shit

Its scary that so many college retards actually ate it up as truth

If youre friend was based he would say "gas em all" and go down with his ship like an honorable man

ye it is fucked and it is being promoted all over the place. Seems like it is just confusing the hell out of kids these days to create a culture of degenerates to break down the framework of a traditional family.

It's hard to imagine myself back when Gay Marriage was passed

Said in OP that I don't care what people do, but that I now see how promotion and normalization of degeneracy is a slippery slope.

That's right, I don't have a problem with gays (said that in OP), I have a problem with special interest groups being used to whittle away our freedoms, and also how normalization of homosexuality has opened up the floodgates for more degeneracy.

Are you mother fucking illiterate?


I was taught from a young age that there's nothing wrong with being gay.

Now that I'm an adult that can make my own rationalizations, I realized there's EVERYTHING wrong with being gay and they are going straight to Hell.

I'm gay and I'm disgusted by myself. Sometimes I smell poop when stroking me cock

Bunch of crap

I eat a bunch of crap like you for breakfast

>it was real in my head

in my heeeead in my heaeaeaad in my head in my head in my ah ah ah ah oh oh oh

the "faggots are people to" is just a meme forced on society by normies who have never met a gay before.
faggots are intrusive, imoral, lack any ability for comradery outside their queer partner. with them its always just me me me me me
i want me me my feelings me me
me me me me

honestly, IS has the right idea about how to deal with that issue