What is the biggest cancer currently plaguing your nation, Sup Forums?
What is the biggest cancer currently plaguing your nation, Sup Forums?
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Give me about half an hour and I'll get back to you with that one
Looks like lung.
not enough weed lmao
Niggers coming with boats.
Is that after the NBN.
The libs really did manage to double our Internet speeds, totally jealous!
I don't get it, you elected a hot leader and managed to let him fuck up
Human or animal cancer?
Probably cancer
Probably skin cancer.
Leftist youth.
She's not that bad really
...and then coming to germany.
kek, fuck off paki
LGBTWTFLOLBBQ, leftists, and atheists
Germany economic policies.
uncontrolled breeding
my dogs have a better pedegree
Russian hackers.
And sexual deviants
Good OP, mate.
Also quite acceptable. Get back to me when you stop dropping packets and actually load my response.
This, but Australian Liberals.
Immigrants, especially Indians and the Chinese.
Why would you hate LGBT? They enjoy everything you right wingers enjoy but have more fun with it
So many white people are kept employed off the back of these shitskins.
So arguably the biggest cancer is actually white people.
So many.
- Political Oligarchy
- National ignorance
- Highest taxburdens on labourers in Europe vs lowest wages
Humans. The god damn vermin are fucking everywhere.
That's a weird way to spell niggers.
That's the WRONG way to spell ningen.
corruption, lies, evil, and apathy
Chuck Feeney. The Irish-American scumbag that has his finger in every "progressive" pot imaginable. He started off by funding university programmes which ensured that a whole generation of people were blue pilled.
Now his organisation fund groups ranging from the women's council to queer rights to the immigrants council. All of them contributing to the downfall of our nation.
Aussies need to be aware of his organisation " Atlantic Philanthropie" because they are working heavily in social engineering there too.
Degeneracy. Ignorance, wastefulness.
I just want retards to be laughed at instead of people sitting down to have intellectual discussions about rubbish topics.
Why is it acceptable to take retards seriously today?
The plan that keeps importing muslims and the muslim family's having 18 children each. The immigration machine never even slows down, and the rich who all live in white neighbourhouds are progressive watchdogs because they care so fucking much about being the absolute best in not being racist
Even trips aren't good enough for some people
Jews and pedophile satanist goys.
Also fags, dykes and trannies.
Croats from Bosnia. More specifically, this region.
AIR pollution
just image how many kebabs we could get from that plutocrat land whale...
Cult of Personality and voluntary Ignorance, blind fanaticism
Leftist cucks,pleb,arsim,muslims, ultra orthodox welfare kings, illegal refugees from sudan and eritrea....
Too much
I don't understand the argument you're making if it's just based on emotions, Duterte is pragmatic and you can't argue with results.
If we're going to be serious about this though, part of the reason white people commit less crime than they would in the US is because they don't have the same opportunities as in other countries. If the US had not had black people, there would be white (or Hispanic or Asian) people dealing drugs, and by extension, committing gun violence. If you removed the black people from the US you would of course see a dramatic decrease in the total gun crime, but you would likely also see an increase in gun crime among the non-black population.
Homicides are categorized different in different counties. The US definition of homocide is very very broad, to include ANY instance of one person killing another person. Justified use of force?
Texting mishap that results in a pedestrian being run over? Homocide.
I believe the UK by comparison only categorizes homocides in the case of criminal charges, and only in the event of conviction. It has the result of driving the statistics down, or else buffering any policy change that might otherwise impact said statistics.
Every country may have their own quirks that make direct comparisons like these... unproductive. But I would like you to consider what I said with respect to the US's very broad definition of "homocide" including justified use of force (self defense) in light of those numbers higher on the chart you posted.
Fuck your bullshit, criminal scum.
I like watching friendlyjordies
And your precious cultist.
Old people
Neo liberalism
illegal central americans
Gangs, and incredibly corrupt politicians on both the right and the left
says the criminal scum to the criminal scum
pls (you) my OC
What do you want to do about your "old people problem" user?
i believe you. start playing soccer and come play for some team in canada
The same cancer plaguing every nation. The Kike.
the mainland
LNP supporters who took 4 years before they'd talk critically about their bullshit government
Libs have fucked Australia to the point of no return and you all fell for the terror/unions diversion, have no money left, censored internet, fucked nbn and no future
Fat people.
What does Sup Forums think of Gilad Atzmot?
step aside manlets, the most isolated city in the world coming through
Please, you think you have a fat epidemic? Americans are more whale than human at this point.
Other Germans.
1) Trump voters
2) Uneducated White Trash
3) Racism
4) Gun culture
5) White Supremacists
6) Air pollution
7) Water pollution
8) Meat eaters
9) Violent Dogs
10) Rush Limbaugh
11) Alex Jones
12) Breitbart
Checked-in, Herr Jude!
>Uneducated white trash
Pick one.
>Germany, Netherlands, UK on the list
A general lack of order, mostly caused by women being given political rights but not having any cultural or educated clue about the purpose for which those rights should be used.
Multiculturalism and angolans
Me. Hehehehe.
There is nothing wrong with Iceland :^)
Police state, both good and bad.