Race is a social construct

Race is a social construct.

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No, it fucking isn't.


define it then

Soce is a racial construct

>I believe in evolution!
>humans are just animals!
>humans stopped evolving 10,000 years ago you fucking shitlord reeeeeee!


satanist agenda, your good company is that of sin and all that is unholy, godless

>tfw want to cum in brown pussies

It's a genetic reaction to external events.

Don't fucking test those who have a clue, cunt.

Then why do we have white privilege if there is no race but the human race. And why are there racial IQ differences between races even when IQ tests are made culture neutral to ensure no ethnocentrism.

Why do Blacks get different kinds of medication for heart problems than whites?

Sounds like their may be a root in DNA here.

Also I'm an NZ permeant resident of anglo decent currently living in the states and wanted to know where is a good place to buy land for building a retirement home. Waiheke island was my first choice but shit's too expensive now.


so there's an infinite number of races then

Step 1. Define 'race' and 'social construct'.

Step 2. Define other relevant assumptions.

Step 3. Use formal logic methods to combine your assumed assertions in the first two steps to come to logical conclusions.

a category of people defined by their personal appearance

Human neurological uniformity is a religion to these cucks and it's holding us back.

But are abos even human?

Yeah it is.

that's racist! (or socialist. and I don't really know which is worse)


Reminder that Medshits are not white.

What he means is: white, black, asian are social constructs invented in America.

No, you fucking idiot.

The genetic majority will always show itself visually.

Are you fucking spastic?

Just drop the topic.

This isn't the place to fuck around like this.

any difference between these two groups of people is all in your head

>there are infinitely many species
The term "race" in a scientific context should be replaced with "subspecies".

>Race is a social construct and nothing to do with genes
>Obesity is entirely genetic and nothing to do with society or personal choice

Same thing with sexual orientation too desu

so literally an infinite number of races then

>differing phenotypes
>social construct

No, no, no, no, no.

lel chink detected


>Obesity is entirely genetic and nothing to do with society or personal choice

Never seen Liberal say it has nothing to do with society or personal choice.

so gingers are a different race
ok i finally understand

>infinite shades of orange
>therefor orange doesn't real

You're just mad that you look like a mongol halfbreed,

Consent is a social construct, rape is natural. Do you think animals ask for (((consent)))? No! Therefore rape is natural

>using white science to have a fake ass

Oh, by the way, society is a racial construct.

sounds to me like you're admitting there are as many races as there are people

What is general skull shape, mixed with hair type and skin colour amongst other things?

Why is OP so fucking retarded?

You're still ignoring me Soros employee.
There are clear genetic clusters there.

Fuck you Maori boi

Differences between subspecies are generally less clear than between species, but sharper than between breeds or races (races is what different subspecies may be named, if they are taxonomically distinct).
So "race" is a proper scientific term. deal with it

Race and Gender are social constructs, but white men are inherently violent and racist

then you're hard of reading

sounds to me like you should commit suicide tbqh senpai

Also, how long until some slut identifies as a virgin and berates actual virgins for their privilege?


>Genetics & Biology = Social Construct
Because...... Autism

holy fuck are those sores or something?

race is science and kim k has a fake butt

Probably krokodil

It is. I'll go as far as to say language and shared social values/norms matter much more than race does.

Ethnicity tends to be tied to cnulture since the is racial intermixing. New ethnics and races tend to be the product of cultural mixing and integration. The white nationalists (a term of which disregards how different each ethnic and nationality that is deemed 'white' really is) who fight this basically are trying to fight nature itself.

Races can be made by simply mixing other races- white southerners love it.

Partially correct.
The physical and physiological differences are evolved characteristics.
Because each group evolved separately for so long, the differences are dramatically more pronounced when blended with cultural paradigms and social and technological differences that occurred separately.
Due to the differences in the demands of our respective environments, we all look quite different, but are essentially the same animals.
The importance of the physical differences is purely a social construct, though.

nah she doesn't look that strung out.

she's pretty thicc too

fuck happened to her?

Why does it always take people so long to just stop with the trolling bullshit and just data dump these threads?

Go to some shithole Nigger/Sandnigger/Asian Country and you'll quickly figure 1st hand race is not a social construct.

>I'll go as far as to say language and shared social values/norms matter much more than race does.
And you would be objectively, provably incorrect.

If I recall correctly, bitch got a botched plastic surgery treatment to make her T H I C C E R. I think it happened in Brazil.

Language is reliant upon personally subjective interpretation and coded message relay. Language is inherently a social activity, and therefore this definitionally makes language a social construct. So, either you admit that you can actually gain or glean useful data about reality and transmit it with a social construct, or you deny that in which case language and social constructs are meaningless and you shouldn't have made this thread anyway because by extension it, like you, is fucking meaningless too.

No it isnt melanin content is looked into too deeply, as far as race we are all mammalian warm blooded homminoids. Though soon we will find out we have kin in the cosmos, shades of skin color does NOT matter. Digits concur.

>she's pretty thicc
it's implants

That also is social.

>he a good dog, he jus haf a bad owna, das all!

Go to the right parts of VA, same difference as going to Liberia.

You have no idea what Liberia is like. Nowhere in Virginia has ever been half the shithole that Liberia's finest neighborhood is.

This is a gross oversimplification.

I mean the analogy, not the dog chart.

>shades of skin color does NOT matter

Let's blow niggers into space!

I believe race does exist to the extent that it doesn't make much a difference so who cares.

Not like it will matter when CRISPR allows anyone to inject themselves with whiteness and become white so it's just not a problem. Other races simply will use CRISPR to make themselves white to compete if whites really do have the best genetics (which is up to question- Asians are pretty competitive with whites)

>m-muh cultural factors
>not gross oversimplification
pick 1

Society is a racial construct.


We live in society not nature


Your wrong, blacks are inferior and always been in terms of IQ, and from here, starts all problems. Blacks IQ is 65, Whites 105, median of course, this means, a huge difference. Can you talk with a monkey?

Racism and all derivatives such as antiracism are social constructs.

Feminism is a social construct.

Race is the biological classification of humans by distinct genetic categories.

But blacks have higher fitness scores. I'm talking about breeding rates, metabolism, as well as physical fitness retards. This is why they outbreed us.

And all studies show that the higher fitness group outlasts the group that is more knowledgeable of his environment(aka high IQ)

So we as whites better get more fit, start working out more and being more fucking physically primitive or we are fucked in the long haul

Mediterraneans are a mixed race created by hundreds of years of foreign invasion and rape imposed on europeans.

They are similar to south american and mexican "hispanics" in a way but the difference is where as those people are a result of invasion rape and mixbreeding with native americans the mediteranian people are a result of invasion rape and mixbreeding with native europeans.

Both are mud races with no real identity who either cling to one side of their ethnicity or wish to deconstruct the definitions of ethnicity entirely because they have no clear ethnicity of their own.

Blacks can't train mind, so they train muscles. That's the only thing left for them.

If I take the wipes out will it hurt?

>Mediterraneans are a mixed race

No dude, you are a bit wrong, all south Europeans are tan, because of Sun exposure. But they are not black at all, look at genetic results.

And that's why they are going to annihilate us unless we nuke them or spread Ebola

You're truly incapable of seeing the big picture, aren't you? As a society, left to their own devices, no backwards group of people who had been repressed and denied education and the opportunities to perform even skilled labor will magically drive their civilization to compete or even resemble ours within a timeframe we can appreciate. It took white people tens of thousands of years to reach the level of civilization we've achieved. Africans never had it, and nobody ever taught them, and they've been free in my country for only 150 years. Despite the fact that a bustling civilization was functioning around them, they were nearly forbidden from participating. Look it up. After the slaves were freed, incarceration skyrocketed. Your hatred, in part, continues to drive the cultural gap.

Firstly the vast majority of blacks in the US are mixed race mulattoes.

>all studies show that the higher fitness group outlasts the group that is more knowledgeable of his environment
This is only true if the more intelligent species has artificial limitations imposed on itself by itself or an outside force.

For instance if you put a species with a physical advantage in a cage with a species which has an intelligence advantage with no tools to defend itself the one with the physical advantage will win. How ever if you allow the more intelligent species to go without artificially imposed limitations the more intelligent species will win.

Put a man in a cage with a lion with no tools the lion will dominate.

Allow the man to compete in a natural environment without limitation and the lion becomes the defenseless one while man thrives and dominates the world.

The reasons niggers are able to thrive is because laws and social limitations act as the cage preventing whites from being able to use it's natural abilities to dominate the nigger.

They outbreed us out of pure ignorance, not some magical genetic breeding superiority, you mindless cunt. Stop reading white power propaganda and educate yourself. For fuck's sake, hate niggers if you want to, but don't reference bullshit for proof of your own superiority.

gender is also a social construct thats why its not gay to racemix with traps

>social limitations act as the cage
My entire point. We're being genocided at an astonishing rate bc of that

They have arab features due to muslim invasion.

Likewise european features like blue eyes ended up in arabic muslim communities due to the kidnap, rape and breeding with over 1 million european slaves.

You need to look at historical trends of every society that has ever existed

Romans were BTFO. Yet the Arabcunts are in the billions now and taking over

Unless you're white of course, then it's not.

Race is meaningless. Having no racial identity is only worrisome to shallow insecure douchebags with limited intelligence.

damn we being raided
sage and hide

It would be extremely painful

It never ceases to amaze me how ignorant racist eastern eurofags are. Sometimes I look at myself and think I'm not worldly enough, but people like you make me realize how much of a hillbilly I'm not.

What is 23 and me Alex?

The fact that the frontier is blurry does not mean that there are not two distinct groups. Learn2math

Race is not meaningless. Different races have different strengths and weaknesses and various other traits. The differences between races are not the result of different cultures. Differences in cultures are the result of different racial traits.

If you are arguing that race is meaningless then that is the same as arguing that culture is meaningless and we should there for reject multiculturalism entirely particularly outside cultures since they are meaningless.

>ignorant racist eastern eurofags

Yep, don't come overhere ever, Africa awaits you.

>variable with significant predictive power in numerous areas

Fucking this, underrated post. This is the post I wanted to make, but am too retarded to articulate.

It's like a spectrum of races really. Of course there are physical differences derrived from different populations, but the modern concept of race is a combination of that and the culture you identify with. It gets especially tricky when you throw in all the mixing. I know some Lumbee Indians here in North Carolina who are mixed with a little bit of everything, and depending on how they act you could easily say, oh that's a white guy or that's a black guy. Modern race relations are really about different sub cultures, reinforced by skin color.

It's not now, nor has it ever been a calculated decision on the part of any populace ever in history to make the population explode. People are stupid. When they have kids, they aren't doing it so their particular skin color will have more people in it than any other. In places like Africa and India, it's anything from social pressure to just plain ignorance about reproduction and the possibility of avoiding it. You're looking at the result and calling a single factor the cause.

Often times, such as in Christianity, ignorant masses were forbidden to use contraceptives.