hello pol this is a bit out there but you guys are the people I love the most I just had a friend die 2 weeks ago and I just found out today that a kid I did not like and ended up bullying (sort of) Killed himself today. Now before you think that I made his life miserable he was the one that was bullying me for a while, but I went off on him once and literally would say that god hatted him (very religious school) and that he should kill himself. That was our relationship from then on where I would just say for him to kill himself until he transferred out for reasons i never bothered to learn. That was 4 years ago but I can't help but think that I was the person that started this process that eventually lead to his death and I don't know how to feel. Should I feel bad, Should I feel good, Should I talk to the family, should suicide be something taken more seriously and is it red pilled or blue pilled to end it on your own terms if you see nothing else in life to live for.
Did I do this
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self bump
user listen to me
Don't think about it, did you kill him yourself? No, he did it because he couldnt deal with his own problems.
You can. Don't kill yourself, leave this thread and go watch something funny
How about this: youtube.com
Pray about it, do whatever feels right to you. It's not your fault.
>red pill or blue pill
Get off this board and make a friend
im not suicidal im just thinking that i never thought me turning on my bully would end up being anything more than him fucking off not fucking off forever.
God does not hate anyone.
i know that i was saying that to piss him off for i knew it would get to him.
If he bullied you first then he broke the NAP and your actions were justified.
Please don't kill yourself. Not worth it.
Sorry I worded that wrongly, I meant that you can solve the problems that the kid couldn't.
Just let it go, it wasn't you. If it was he would have done it sooner and said so
>very religious school
stopped reading right there
eh, anyone needing religion to exist is better off dead, you exist for the self and can have religion as a guide, dont worry you didnt tip him over, perhaps just helped him do it earlier
what do the 2 deaths have to do with one another?
>you guys are the people I love the most
> I just had a friend die
You need to learn to make better, longer lasting friends.
> I can't help but think that I was the person that started this process that eventually lead to his death and I don't know how to feel.
He started shit first, be glad an enemy is dead I say.
Stay frosty user, because there isn't any frost where we're going. :^)
just loosing 2 people i knew to suicde in 2 weeks was alot one was a friend one was not.
Put the Katana away bub
>That was 4 years ago
Many things can happen in 4 years user. I doubt he even remembered what you said when he ended it
its just that when i turned on him others did to, it just seems like i was the first domino in the line.
>to suicde in 2 weeks was alot one
mayb u shloud suiside to for friend to be beter feel better freind
nice try satan.
satan is a leaf
are you 12?
im 18 drunk from partying and then i get home to see this.
*tips fedora* you are truly enlightened
Who cares if he killed himself? Good for him.
Don't feel too bad.
Lots of people are committing suicide these days.
If he had a wife, kids, a house and a career, then he wouldn't have killed himself.
Sure, it's a shame you didn't have a chance to apologize for being a dick to him, but now it's too late.
It's not your fault he killed himself. Either he was biologically defective or his life was so fucked up that it's better for him that he's gone.
If you want some closure, go take some flowers to his grave or something and apogolize and then move on.
Yes it was your fault he killed himself. The bullied became the bully!
That kids blood is on your hands and you will have to carry that for the rest of your pathetic existence. You should feel shame for what you did. He would still be alive had it not been for you.
If there really is a heaven, i can promise you this kid, you certainly will not be going.
Repent for your sins.
Go to the police and tell them what you've done.
Apologize to the family.
Come clean to your own family.
Own up to your wrongdoings and accept responsibility.
If you ever want jesus to accept you then you must make this right. Clean this blood from your hands. Do something in the world to that saves a life and then kill yourself to prove your remorse.
t. Father owens.
i have moved on ty pol back to toxic self
>Did I do this.
Although you must remember that it was his ultimately decision, based on what you posted I believe you may have contributed to the guy making it. From what I personally know from my own experiences with depression and a single suicide attempt, when people keep bringing up the subject of suicide you begin to think about it all the time yourself. Also, sensitive people (anyone who is considering suicide is at that time sensitive) tend to just unconditionally believe a lot of what they are told on some level because their less stable emotions push them towards irrationality. People aren't completely rational even at the very best of times and, when in that kind of state, they are even less so. Being told "God hates you, you should commit suicide" is an opinion that people can come to truly believe if they hear it often enough.
Whether you should feel any guilt over this event in your life is your own choice based on your own values. I personally believe far more than enough suffering has already been experienced for you to begin considering yourself a murderer of some kind. I recommend seeing a therapist for a while if you are feeling troubled, and to start taking good care of your health if you are not already doing so.
>should suicide be something taken more seriously
Yeah. Christ...what's the point in wasting billions of dollars in fruitless cancer research if so many people are committing suicide before they even get it?
>is it red pilled or blue pilled to end it on your own terms if you see nothing else in life to live for.
Being red pilled just means you understand some specific hard truths about society, it doesn't dictate anything about how you behave after knowing those facts.
kid hangout with your grandparents more often
beautiful meme, friend
Every man is responsible for themselves ultimately and he did not wish to shoulder that responsibility.
There is little reason to mourn. If he truly was so terrible towards him, then he should have seeked vengeance like a man.