Poland is the last hope of white race

Poland is the last hope of white race.

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Slavs aren't white

sure they are asian

remember diversity is strength and a beautiful thing

How the fuck is UK no.1, we had one terrorist attack 9 years ago that blew up a bus.

France and germany just had some mass shootings and are flooded with syrian shariah sleepers

how in the fuck are sweden at 87% with all the refugees they've taken. I'm calling bullshit

slavs are not white

come visit warsaw and cracow senpai,
there are direct flights from tokyo



I'm amazed at how switzerland has always minded their own business and it has avoided them so many problems.

Poland is going to be a superpower within 100 hundred years

Screencap this

I just thought the same thing.

A smart enemy will hit you where you think you are secure.

in the ass?

Good job Eesti bros! I'm proud of you.

Because nobody cares about Poland enough to attack it.

It's a shit country that Poles have been pouring out in droves from for decades.

t. Mo Muhammad

>UK no.1
>France, Germany and Belgium have had terror attacks in last 12 months
>UK hasn't since 7/7

But our enemies arent smart though. They will most likely keep attacking these large countries with large populations of immigrants.

>Ukraine - 16
>The fucking civil war with tanks and artillery to the east of country
Such a reliable statistic.

Being rich in Poland is fucking great. I have a holiday home there that I spend a few months a year in, living in complete security and comfort.

yep...right in the cheek

They are not smart indeed, just like with our feral negros that stay in the big city ghettos here. I am really surprised with Finland being orange. Seriously? Have y'all imported more somalis or has Sweden spilled over?

yfw there are more brits in eu than poles

The survey was done in 2014, before all the shitskins and niggers came.

This isn't necessarily true. Bosnia is even less relevant than Poland but we have a higher chance of a terrorist attack happening because we have kebabs.

For Poland it's a mix of being fairly irrelevant but also keeping the trash out.

Proof? There are like 2million brits in the EU and nearly 1 million poles in the UK alone. Including other coutnries like Germany poles will be at parity with brits if not higher.

>UK is number 1 in terror risk
>all the major attacks have been in France

Okay pal, I do hope some terrorists make the mistake of attacking London again, there's nothing of value there now.

im too lazy to find it. just believe me. there are like 2,5 millions brits and like 2,2 poles. Per capita there are more poles but in absolute numbers you infest europe more.

How do they determine this?
How is Latvia more likely to have terrorism than Estonia? Makes no sense.

Not for long - kikes are not pleased.
They want a coup there.

Poland is a shit country anyways. The last hope are the baltic countries.

dont forget about russian minorities



>terrorism threats in Europe

UK higher risk than Turkey. This is shit. Delet this.

>religious nutts

Why would anyone pick them over God's chosen Swiss?

No need to screencap, I'm a time traveler and can confirm.

what's going on in Poland right now, btw? On which side jews are?

The russian minorities are very small in Lithuania atleast. And when we'll deport the poles from Vilnius our average IQ will rise by atleast 20 points.

Not for muslims per se tho, most religious extremists are former junkies and drunks payed by Saudi Arabia.

Based Mektić will save us all.

Nothing. Russian media are magnifying it. The opposition was protesting against kicking press (jews) out of the parliament and started blocking the speaker place. The rulling party just moved to another room and stared passing laws alone. The opposition is butthurt over this.

God probably hates the Swiss since they have make it seem they have no conviction wich is bad enough in itself but they actualy shield the greedy ones

we all know what having a russian minority means , no matter how numerous

>Russia muslim by 2100

True that. There's a guy I went to elementary and high school with who used to drink and smoke weed at the time but later joined ISIS and died on the battlefield about a year ago.

I know other cases of former junkies and drunks who join up these "brotherhoods" and get brainwashed into wahhabism. I don't think it's just the promise of money, many of them are dumb and think joining extremist causes will justify their previous actions in the eyes of Allah.

It's nationalist commies vs. progressive eurocucks.
It's a shit show

You know what having a polish majority means. It means your country is shit.

Russians are the most powerful race in the world

bullshit, people with 120 iq are considered as a genious here

I bet in poland even 80 is considered good.

yeah, I bet this is our real iq avg

oh, where is Lithuania?

I bet they included the polish and russian minorities.

>in Finland
Why? What would a terrorist organisation gain from it?

your logic is a shit, sir.

dont you have some homeland native shooters?

No one cares about White people.

Does that also count russian and swedish immigrants?

Because we have a lot of those.


This won't be the last time you'll see me, pole.

couple of native school shooters who were bullied yes
now you have to be 21 to get a hand gun thanks to those fuckers

All you have to do is not letting migrant animals in your country.
Sure, we have some Ukrainians, Lithuanians and such, but they can be domesticated to some extent.

> Underlying risk of terrorism in Malta

I don't even think a terrorist attack of any kind ever happened here..

Good luck, poor guy.


I suspect this graph is a few years old

Remember Lee Rigby


you'll probably kill yourself by then, or a Turk will do the honors for us.

shituanian scumbag

>how in the fuck are sweden at 87% with all the refugees they've taken. I'm calling bullshit

I'd guess we're actually a lot higher.

Why is Spain so high?

I believe itll be sooner, like within 60

Estonia is.

Countries with the largest white population:

1)USA: About 150 million
2)Russia: About 110 million
3)German: About 70 million
4) UK/France/ Italy: About 50 million

Oh man the wooden houses near the forest overlooking a lake, free boats, fishing, store close by, food place (outside seating) within walking distance, fruit on trees everywhere, tv, internet and only about 8 people within a mile radius. Also a cornfield close by with the sweetest corn growing, can pick it for free the farmer has thousands. Best thing is, it is literally never cold in the summer. Not even a breeze of wind with steady temps. It rained once for 2 days in a row but i was starting to turn in to a rasin anyway

Feels good man.

Feels > reals

Especially when Sweden has only 9 million people. How many of them are even Ethnic Swedes?

Balkanites who came to Sweden in droves in the 90's are considered Swedish in statistics now.

Mystery solved.

This is what i mean


I was some weeks in Poland and Kaliningrad and when I came back to Germany, Everywhere I saw shitskins, before my visit I did not realize it.
Last week I was in Frankfurt and almost puked in disgust when I went to mainstation.


Just wait until all the boomers die off, then we're suddenly at 60%.

Why does Europe become considerably less white the further west you go?




What do you think?


Because Western Europe is rich. Immigrants usually go to richer countries. Russia's percentage would be much higher if they haven't conquered Siberia and Far East, which still have native people living there.

Yeah blocking the press out of parliment is always a good thing. Also doing votes without opposing parties, that's also cool beans. Democracy and all that.

Wait, so you are saying out of 64m people in the UK, about 50m of them are white?
wew, that isn't even that bad.

Wrong. Japan is rich and has few immigrants. So is S-Korea. It's about the policies. If you have lots of gibs available and piss poor or no control of your borders and nonstop multicultural propaganda (thx for that """America""" and """Hollywood""") then you have a shitload of immigrants.


why the fuck? it's a tourist destination and a drug smuggling route but nothing else, there's no ethnical/religious tension and the country is meaningless as fuck

>being op
>WEW I just post a random map
>i dont explain how the rating is made
The only statistic that is true, OP is 100% a faggot

They're not white though, so they can get away with saying no to immigrants. If English or German did that, they would be called a racist and a Nazi.It would be considered a hate speech as well, and they could get arrested.

Should've listened to Korwin and voted for him, at least he was honest that he hates dupocracy.

You seem to have missed sarcasm in my post.

Why does Montenegro even exists? Ethnic Montenegrins are not even the majority in the country. They only make up about 40% of the population.

Fuck off Korwin Krul.