Redpill me on Noam Chomsky
Lib friend just made me watch "Requiem for the American Dream" movie.
Are his stats accurate?
Redpill me on Noam Chomsky
Lib friend just made me watch "Requiem for the American Dream" movie.
Are his stats accurate?
Other urls found in this thread:
cmon guys i need answers and i'm too lazy to do research
He's a Cuck.
yes, he is very accurate. hes a cool dude. knows what he is talking about.
wow dude. great one.
He's a crooked nosed kike.
Probably the biggest low life weasel in academia and that's something say something.
He deserves to be shot dead and/or skinned alive and then burnt.
He's good desu.
But you know his "stats"? (Whatever that means)
Noam fucking (((Chomsky))) are you serious? Might as well be Marx himself you fucking retarded nigger.
Manufacturing consent is a good book because of the subject matter, but overall his body of work is much too dry and academic
is he dead yet?
wat a fag
Chomsky is based as fuck. He's dealing some serious redpill to normies without using hard words (bankers/corporations instead of (((them))) ).
Find me another Jew that defended Holocaust revisionist from being persecuted because he holds a different opinion?
>Probably the biggest low life weasel in academia and that's something say something.
That would be Alan Dershowitz.
He is just awful. I tried to watch it... I couldn't. He is so dull and slow.
Also, he acts like climate change is so important when in ten years everyone will be driving lithium cars.
I've never read any of his books but what i've read on wikipedia leads me to believe he is just a boring old communist in constant denial.
>Muslim subhuman defending Chomsky
Wow! What a surprise.
Chomsky is a subversive communist Jew. He is one of them. Just because he hates Israel because they're right wing nationalists doesn't mean anything.
>I've never read any of his books
Typical Sup Forumstard dismissing a guy because he's Jewish. He may not be the most exciting orator, but his preaches contain some serious redpills (especially on geopolitics) that get served to normie audiences on a daily basis.
Did you know he had a campaign of defending Robert Faurisson, a "holocaust denier", from persecution in France. He even wrote this:
"I see no anti-Semitic implications in denial of the existence of gas chambers, or even denial of the Holocaust...I see no hint of anti-Semitic implications in Faurisson's work,"
He may be a liberal, but he's thoroughly consistent with what he preaches and certainly isn't pushing any globalist/establishment agenda.
>b-but he's a Jew, surely he is part of global Jew hivemind
>b-but he criticizes America muh freedumz
Are you a Muslim?
chomsky humiliating william f. buckley:
can you imagine chomsky debating someone from Sup Forums? it would be fucking hilarious
>p-pls say you're a muslim so I can disregard your post without thinking
Did you know Chomsky is abhorred among Muslims in Bosnia? He's literally seen as Satan because he holds opinion that the massacre in Srebrenica can't be defined as genocide.
Noam butthole Chomsky is captain hindsight. He sits on the fence spouting ivory tower / high horse bullshit. He's literally never done anything other than comment on past events with perfect 20/20 hindsight. He's a boring fucktard and shouldn't be held in such high esteem
Bold faced liar
Great linguist hands dowwn nobody can disagree with That but when it comes to discourse and debate he's a fucking mong he resorts to ad h and picks apart your arugument based on grammer and if you use slang. Iirc there'sa infinity or 7chon tripfag who btfo his .edu and you can see hhis bs regarding the points above in the caps
Everyone I know who likes him says stuff like "love me some chomsky", always saying "some chomsky" like it'd some casual stuff.
That tells you all you need to know.
A humble linguist.
Chomsky is a false flagger. He writes like he criticizes his kind but is just legitimating (((them))) even further. Should be hung
>gets completely BTFO on linguistics thanks to an academic investigating the piraha tribe
>kikes his way into getting the guy banned from ever visiting the tribe by negotiating with the government
Fuck Cuntsky and fuck his left/pol/ Jew dicksuckers. He is a corrupt liar and a failure as an academic. Nothing he has produced in his life is of worth to the public at large and anybody in this thread who defends him is absolute scum.
>Noam butthole Chomsky is captain hindsight. He sits on the fence spouting ivory tower / high horse bullshit. He's literally never done anything other than comment on past events with perfect 20/20 hindsight.
chomsky immediately puts in print his position on virtually every matter in the world. he takes extraordinarily specific stands that are very consistent and are always on record
you could not be more wrong
Unless he would be debating Sup Forums on Islam. You can just whack him with crime and education statistics, and he would jus'N-n-n-n-notall' until he would Affleck away.
>He is a corrupt liar and a failure as an academic
you're an aussie who maybe went to a decent college
he's the eighth most cited source of all time. just behind freud and ahead of hegel
i'm pretty sure he wins as far as academic accomplishments go
Chomsky is pretty brilliant, but there are certain things he's very wrong about. There are no intellectuals on Sup Forums though so you're going to get nothing but reflexive regurgitation of things that Sup Forums users saw once or twice on the Bretardbart forums. You're barking up the wrong tree.
You don't need to defend Chomsky from anyone on Sup Forums. 99% of the people on Sup Forums are mountain dew mouth sister fucking neanderthals.
Lol. Sam Harris couldn't convincingly overcome Chomsky's defense of Islam and I say that as somebody who wishes Islam would be eradicated this immediate instance. He'd humiliate any Sup Forums user to the nth degree.
Who cares who killed JFK?
Chomsky dispels 9/11 conspiracies with sheer logic
I'm gonna quote Nick Krauser now kek
>Noam Chomsky is a textbook case of a fearsome intellect being completely ruined by never challenging the basic principles his Jewist communist parents indoctrinated into him as a small boy.
>muslims in Bosnia know anything about Chomsky?
Since when?
He was too much of a faggot to debate based Friedman when he was still alive since he knows that he's an economic illiterate.
Chomsky: Israel lobby is insignificant
That's pretty true actually
(((Chomsky))) BTFO
>Noam Chomsky is a textbook case of a fearsome intellect being completely ruined by never challenging the basic principles his Jewist communist parents indoctrinated into him as a small boy.
Just like Bernie Sanders
This. I'm not a huge fan of Friedman but I'd love it if Chomsky debated him.
The winner would be the Jews.
Well,they're both Jews,so yes.
Globalist commie kike. That's all you need to know.
And they both wouldn't argue anything that was bad for the Jews.
Are you even allowed to post under the dragnets and CCTV cameras in the UK? Go suck some Muslim cock you fuckin limey rat.
Jews seem to be doing REALLY REALLY WELL under the current system. These 2 advocate for things that have not existed in Western society yet at the same time Sup Forums is crying about how Jews control the world. Interesting cognitive dissonance.
Gnome really slows down the conversation here.
He just takes the opinion that anything Buckley says is wrong no matter what it is. Buckley says about the Greeks that they were grateful of American support and Gnome says what do you mean by 'they' like he's caught Buckley out or it isn't clear what he means, 'The government or the people?'. There would be people who are for or against the American support in both the government and the general population.
This protector of the people and power to the people bullshit has been worn out by leftists, they show repeatedly in the end they don't care about the will of the people or the wellbeing.
my dad met him once when he gave a talk at a hall his union was holding a function at, probably the only leftist intellectual that ever communicated with them in a meaningful way, don't agree with him too often but i wish him good health and he isn't a complete elitist like leftists usually are.
Of course Chomsky is an elitist. He believes that Jewish domination is the natural order of the world.
Look at your penis right now, is it circumcised? Enough said.
If you're gonna be a kike shill,at least make it a bit less obvious.
Just some advice.
Yeah, I respect Chompers but that user is clearly a butthurt fag from /leftypol/ or something
Lol. I'm a Swedish born 20 something from a multi-millionaire family. I'm just saying, the Jews control you fucking rubes with or without Chomsky. Which post involves shilling and not just facts, I wonder.
I'm so butthurt. 250K a year and heir to nearly 100 million dollars. Hot girlfriend, big dick that isn't mutilated like your American designer Jew dick, and I'm butthurt. Hearty chuckles.
>claims he's not butthurt
>continues seeks validity on an armenian clock-repair forum
nice twink pic btw, your boipucci must be nice and tight
It's professional suicide to reference this guy in anything other than a YouTube video for your private Facebook Berners group. That should give you an idea of how seriously he's taken in politics.
Never been fucked. 8.25" master race uncut dick too. No reason to be mad at me friend. I'm always advocating for labor. My family has very proudly never paid minimum wage to its employees although it easily could. I wish you great fortune in your life, just remember... if you work as hard as I do, you can also earn 250K a year. Haha.
A retarded An-Communist who denies crimes committed by Communist dictatorships, supports BLM and other forms of leftist degeneracy, for further info see:
Dems hate him
Republicans hate him
That means he's probably right on a lot of things he says
He's a very intelligent man. Too bad He's literally never used it to do something worthwhile.
Most boring fucking public speaker ever too. If you have insomnia put on a Chomsky lecture. You will be out in 5
Dems have a raging commie boner for him. You're an idiot
>dems hate him
What are you talking about liberals fucking worship Chomsky SJWs and kuks quote him like he's some sort of infallible authority on every issue.
>Anyone who knows anything would discount the evidence that 9/11 was planned
>Video describes this as SHEER logic
He is, and unfortunately the Sup Forums users will call him a 'communist' and then point towards things he's very critical of such as Bolshevism as proof that he's wrong about all that he believes, or that being critical of the Cuba embargo is grand endorsement of a fascist regime. Chomsky IS a descendant of classical liberalism and absolutely recognizes individual freedom and freedom from the government, the thing is is that he's ahead of his time and that people have not yet come to an understanding of the END GAME of classical liberalism or of free-market economics. You're only seeing the very beginning of that end game, and thus, Trump's rhetoric is effective but alas, his supporters aren't intellectuals, how could they be. You're a lost cause and your families will suffer. Perhaps not in your lifetime but within the next 100-200 years when the incentives of those who control labor strangle out opposition and demand you to live more simple lives in the world that is ALREADY globalized.
Jews are "brilliant" at believing what they want to believe.
He's an anarchist. In other words an emotional child
Noam Chomsky's life work refuted by new evidence. Evidence rebuts Chomsky's language theory
"The idea that we have brains hardwired with a mental template for learning grammar—famously espoused by Noam Chomsky of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology—has dominated linguistics for almost half a century. Recently, though, cognitive scientists and linguists have abandoned Chomsky’s “universal grammar” theory in droves because of new research examining many different languages—and the way young children learn to understand and speak the tongues of their communities. That work fails to support Chomsky’s assertions.
Can't take a man who uses 'fascist' as a generic insult seriously.
At this point generative linguistics is a joke taken 40 years too far.
>implying statists aren't the children who see the state as their parents
You understand that Chomsky is for less government control not more correct? What difference is it if he believes it was Saudi Arabians who flew planes into buildings which is not some grand feat or that it was controlled by the U.S. government or Israel or some other such retarded fantasy you live in. Was Chomsky responsible? Was he responsible for the reaction? The reason people think you are retarded, is perhaps because you are and haven't quite accepted it yet. My advice is, try to find ways to be happy in life despite the fact you will never achieve anything in academia, or as an intellectual or probably in business. Be happy with your role in society and try to drink less poison not more from the internet. Think about giving up the internet for a year and only reading books.
>and thus, Trump's rhetoric is effective but alas
take a few English classes will you
He's a self described anarchist. I don't think you and he would agree at all what the word means. I think you believe anarchism is the meme you see when you type "ANARCHISTS" into google image search.
>clasical Liberalism
He's an anarchist, belives in radical redistribution of wealth and other ant-capitalist endevors, that's as far as away as you can get from Classical liberalism.
> Linking an MMA forum as a literal source
English is my 4th language and I make 250K/yr despite not having to work a day in my life, thanks for your advice peasant flag.
Who cares if the foremost "expert" on media covers up CIA/media collaboration about JFK and 9/11? So what if it could happen again tomorrow?
- Jew
>Literally a proclaimed Anarcho-Communist
>"Hurr durr classical liberalist"
How many proxies you behind leaf?
Who cares if the foremost critic of Zionism doesn't think the Israel lobby has any power?
- Jew
Not what he believes at all, you are a complete intellectual illiterate, the faster you recognize this the better for yourself and the people who read the garbage that you shit onto your keyboard. Anarchism is the child of classical liberalism when the free-market global economy finally forces you to understand that you're not free and never were free. No matter how hard you work, you will never make as much money as me, so on so forth. You'll NEVER have what I have and your children will have even less than you. Wealth is for labor and those who create it. It does not mean that you don't succeed on your own merits but believe me, the controls NEED to be there for you or your children WILL absolutely suffer in unimaginable ways.
Any chance you have access to the whole article?
I remember wanting to read this but couldn't find a copy at the time.
'In one of his essays Mr.Chomsky writes, quote, 'by accepting the presumtion of the legitamacy of debate onto an issue such as this one, one has already lost ones humanity' I should like to begin by asking him why under the circumstances if by being here he stands to lose his humanity, he should consent to being here in the first place.'
>I didn't say it exactly like that
>It was a quote
>I did say it about CERTAIN issues and I think it's true, like with auschwitz
>I'd still debate those issues
>This isn't a contradiction
>What the fuck are you doing nigger
Chomsky thinks you lose your humanity by debating objectively in favor of something you beleive in and wish to defend. But not really, but totally, the soviets dindu nuffin
It's literally no use. Nobody on Sup Forums has an IQ above 110. Something tells me you have never read a book that wasn't forced upon you by a high-school teacher. Thanks for your non-contribution to society rube.
The thing with Chomsky is that his criticisms are largely correct, but he's VERY selective about what facts and statistics he presents. I remember reading a review of one of his books, and it said something like, "It is as if Chomsky is combing through a beach, microscopically picking up every black grain of sand and placing it into a jar, and then presenting us proof that beaches are black in California." That's basically Chomsky in a nutshell.
So when you read him, remember that he's fucking terrible at giving context. And that's okay, that's the point of reading many sources critically and drawing up your own conclusion.
And honestly, the problem isn't with Chomsky himself, but the leftist retards who read him uncritically. I find that most of them are missing the point and just blame everything on America.
The last thing, is that even if you accept a lot of his criticisms, his solutions are largely batshit.
So you're saying he's like Raymond Geuss but worse somehow?
>TLDR of all you need to know about the Gnome
The man has no credibility outside of the realm of Linguistics and should be thrown in the trash.
He is the pinnacle of democrat/progressive hubris in that "I have a PhD and my opinion matters in everything."
The pic related book deals all about The Gnome and his like.
the autism is real
I have mixed feelings about Chomsky. His intellect and knowledge of history is undeniable and he has facts to support everything he says. But his criticism of the US borders on masochism so typical of the modern "progressive liberal". It's the same mentality behind cultural Marxism and SJWs. He also dismissed Sam Harris and Slavoj Zizek pretty harshly and those are two of my favorite thinkers.
He also views conservatives as a monolith, a consequence of being in his ivory tower at MIT for so long. I still listen to his opinions, but I take everything with a grain of salt now.
PS Anarcho-syndicalism only happens at burning man, give up the dream.
>Links a book written by a retarded nigger
Wow Sup Forums you really outdid yourself.
>Chomsky's life work wasn't ground and pounded
Or you could actually explain this "end game" to capitalism" you espoused to Chomsky knowing i your original post instead of merely picking one post to be intellectually dismissive of, but hey apparently you and I are both intellectual midgets so I guess I get why you wouldn't do that.
He doesn't even have credibility in linguistics anymore. Universal grammar has been debunked. Jew led the whole field to wrong direction for 30 years.
Get a load of this edgy 18 yr old senior.
>But his criticism of the US borders on masochism so typical of the modern "progressive liberal".
So what? One does not validate or invalidate the other. Isn't that obvious?
It's the same mentality behind cultural Marxism and SJWs
Which is the exact same mentality of Donald Trump supporters, it's just that the Trump supporters believe in a completely alternate reality because of the Dunning-Kruger effect.
Conservatism is a monolithic but the right doesn't constantly pretend that liberalism is?
Pipe down, Jew
Reminder that ((((((((((((NOAM CHOMSSSSSKYYYYYYYYYYYY))))))))))))) got his ass kicked so hard he ragequit by an Sup Forums tripfag.
Chompsky is an okay guy in theory (loves freedom and doesn't afraid of anything), but in practice he's hopelessly out of touch in how the world works and his wordview won't even hold up against random South American tribes.
Says the American with a circumcised Jew dick. Give me a break goy boy, only one of us will ever have real wealth and an entire penis.
The thing with these "anti-Israel" jews is that at the end of the day they are still playing for team "pro-jew, anti-white", much like their zionist comrades.
Get a load of my bank account, dirty unwashed peasant. Get out there sport and work harder, you can be anything!