Why does America want to kill Syrians so much?

Why does America want to kill Syrians so much?


Any intervention in Syria for either side would kill Syrians and the reason the US wants to intervene is to build an oil pipeline.

why do you support ISIS?

I support the Syrian Arab Republic

For that sweet sweet pipeline.

Because America hates white people.

But you didn't answer the question.

It's not that we want to kill Syrians, it's just that we don't care.

We don't. But we also don't care if they die

Because if they kill all the pretty ones then libtard European country will think that the nignogs come from Syria and not Africa and browner middle eastern countries.

I did

The world hates America for being Interventionist, but wants us to solve the worlds problems. At this point we don't care anymore. The whole lot of them can kill each other off; a thousand dead washed up infants can be photographed I won't lose any sleep over it.

Its not our problem. We need to fix our own problems before we lift a finger for another country again. We fight for decades and elevate their societies to our level, and they hate us for it or they just fall back down.

Unless they're a NATO member, Anglo Commonwealth, or one of our Asian allies, they can go fuck themselves.

It's always because of oil.

Here we go with the "Americans did it" libtard ideology
ISLAM caused the conflict in Syria


Yes Goy, Muslims aren't a threat. Let them into your country.

I wasn't aware of America have problems with Syrians beyond Assad.

You can find fairly untwisted justifications for the actions of ISIS in the Koran and Hadiths. Al Nusra and Daesh are modern incarnations of groups which have already plagued the Western world since the inception of Islam.

I'm old enough to remember when Syria was a stable country and the immigrants were ok people. You started that mess, just like Iraq and Libya. Islam does turn people into dangerous extremists, but we had everything under control until you started your "war" against "terror".

So we started a war against terror that didn't exist prior to us declaring war? Absurd.

Precisely. Gotta protect that petrodollar, aye?

We don't. We voted the shit government out.

Because it's funny

I would drag my dick trough every desert in Syria and barrel bomb every bakery in that country just for a date with Dima.

are you under the age of 30?
it is importent that you answer truthfully

Of course.

Islamic terrorism has always existed. The crusades were a result of it..

Because they tried selling oil for something other than USD.


They're the one who voted for Assad, not me. And we're done with destabilizing the ME just to whack some Dick Dastardlies who rustled the UN's gimmies.