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Rot in Piss Faggot
fuck you
Now oblivion welcomes it with open arms.
Begone from this world, scion of chaos.
Is this that guy who ripped up his party registration or whatever because of Colorado?
edgy liberal
Dead low mental energy conservakike.
Evil deserves no quarter.
>Evil deserves no quarter
Yea and making edgy comments online is how you show no quarter....what a badass
>t. college freshman
i'll bet you've yelled "that wasn't real communism" once or twice in your life
stop larping ya fucking queer
For now.
I like that the right continually strawmans its opponents. Please continue this folly.
Who's larping? I've said what I believe and I'd say it in real life too.
>For now
You won't do shit ever. Edgy comments anonymously is the most balls you will have
Sure is enough to piss you off though, isn't it? The human world is dying. Who knows what the future holds?
He was fine like a month, what killed him so fast?
just answer the question and stop being a bitch about it
I don't care about communism.
Your precious marine will still rot.
who is this c u c k?
Semper Fi
May Kek bless you with unending suffering.
May your worship of chaos unleash said force upon you.
>first digits of ID are 776
God Bless America
A sign this man was a true patriot and a real human bean.
I hope Kek smites you
He's been promoted to serve out his final duty.
kill yourself you edgy faggot
I just shat my pants
Another fallen hero of the meme wars.
Kys pls or just fuck off back to whatever underground chan you crawled from your troglodyte.
this christcuck really believes heaven exists and he's going there
top kek
>I made someone respond online!
>Evil deserves no quarter!
The amount of suffering you have brought upon yourself through your posts in this thread is heretofore without precedent.
>implying we haven't been steadily winning the majority of local governments and the US house and senate and just won the presidency
I like that the left keeps believing biased news, marginalizing working class people, openly displaying disdain for whites (especially males), criminalizing gun owners, trying to restart the cold war, and supporting SJW's. Please continue these follies. It's going to be a fun eight years.
>Worship a literal war criminal merc piece of shit
>Call others edgy and throw a shit fit
He's dead, Jim. And probably writhing in hell as we speak.
Your victory means your demise.
>Your victory means your demise.
KEK blessed you with digits to disprove your statement, you heretic.
Your suffering begins today.
A true Patriot
The odds of this happening for any number is already ridiculously low, not even taking into account the significance of this exact number AND contextually relevant. Kek truly is at work here.
Evil consumes itself.
Damn that vid is sad.
literally who?
your gonna die the worst death possible one day
A man who mattered.
So what. While I live I win. While others die, they lose.
Rest in peace, man.
if digits, liberal shit dies in pain
thats a poor attempt at edge
speak like that in front of someone who cares about soldiers you pathetic child
Drumpf breaking his promises.
also F
It's not an attempt at anything. It is the factual truth. The dead have lost. I live.
>speak like that in front of someone who cares about soldiers you pathetic child
Well I don't tend to talk to many humans, but if you think I'm afraid to tell mercs to go fuck yourself, you're mistaken.
you clearly are trying to be edgy
its obvious your young and going through that phase
god speed mate, god speed
lol you fags lose again
No, I am pissing you off, which you deserve, while telling the truth, which pisses you off more.
Mercs deserve no honors. They die. The world is blessed by their passage.
no your not
if you continue down this path you may end up in the same place as this guy alot younger
Why does he wear the mask?
Rest Easy old timer, we'll take it from here.
He might of died but he was a Marine and the Marine Corps legend lives on forever so that mean he lives forever
Semper fi you beautiful bastard
Will you be coming to a point soon? I have little to lose. You have zero power over me. I don't fear you, you don't impress me and I'm not afraid to die.
nows not the time for jokes mate
more like Semper Fag
Eat shit faggots and check these digits
>He's still dead
They will go out quietly and unnoticed
Lost and forgotten
and likewise
ill add that i pity you though
I don't care.
Hail victory!
No one does man
You're a faggot.
Commies and antifa BTFO
thanks for reminding me old white racist fucks are dying off.
Fuck.. Manly tears were shed at the end.
You'll die screaming then wake up in he'll screaming.
Rest in peace
Not even American but damn, this mans final moments could've been watching Hillary teabag the US instead he goes out with some hope.
My thoughts exactly.
At least he got to see one of the greatest happenings of our age before the end.
Great thing is that he's pretty much safe from any normie criticism, the moment some normie shithead wants to talk shitabout him, a horde of rabid Marines are gonna descend upon her.
They like doing things like finding out numbers, addresses and places of employment believe it or not.
Its like a fuckin' mafia
Who are you kidding, they won't do shit.
Any idea where and what he doctored in?
Lol ok man
Even now there is hope for man.
I didn't need to have these feels today
I hope Trump at least sees this and tweets about it, would be nice of him to visit
This thread proves that leftists deserve no quarter.