rate these men Sup Forums
Rate these men Sup Forums
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Clockwise staring top left:
>pseudointellectual cult leader
>batshit insane murderer and arsonist
>controlled opposition
Top left pretty cool, rational thinking open to a debate instead of closing himself up in his bubble thinking that he is right no matter what.
Top right thinks he is intellectually superior to everyone while saying stupid shit all the time.
Bottom left not the smartest one out there but he speaks his mind, sometimes seems too biased and won't listen to anyone else.
Bottom right... A guy out of prison living on a welfare complains about degeneracy... I mean come on.
shit, i never knew he went to prison
He murdered his friend because his friend was a leftist
He also burned down a 1000 year old church
Varg > the others
Styx would be top if not for his civic nationalism.
>living on a welfare
He doesn't live on welfare, people like are usually butthurt christians trying to discredit Varg instead of beating his arguments. Which is doubly amusing because Varg doesn't really do comprehensive, well-reasoned arguments.
1/10, 2/10
1/10, 1/10
>.5 shekels deposited to your account
Moron who only debates people who he knows that he can win, pseudointellectual who lives in a bubble
don't watch him, don't know
>Bill HIcks
controlled opposition since 1997
I'll give him that he speaks his mind, even if it's not the most popular opinion
From top left to down right:
>either intelligent enough to make people think he's knows philosophy or genuinely retarded
>haven't watched many of his videos. Seems like a decent guy.
>host of a shitty "news" channel. Trying to bandwagon with the rise of nationalism.
>I know nothing except the "stop doing x" threads about this guy.
fuck off roach, he's 100% right.
You idiots literally fall for kike plants or con artists who just abuse the situation - look I'm against "DA MEINSTRIM METEOR", give me all your attention and moneys!.
>mfw globalists think they can FILTER the truth
>framing the argument 101
nice try juden, he killed a man who was planning to kill him.
and burning down a church isn't a big deal. It's like if 1000 years from now someone destroyed a mosque that was built today. (nothing of value would be lost)
Fucking retard
Cool dude, wouldn't want to go to church with him tho.
Top of the line comedy.
left right starting from top
1 irrelevant person 2 who actually watches a fucking vlogger 3 entertainer 4 good musician
Okay Hillstein we know thats you
out of 10
1. Cult leader who gets money from reading wikipedia.
2. Who?
3. Snakeoil salesman who sometimes has legit conspiracies.
4. Larper who has a point.
Who is 1 and 2?
Inbred balding beta cringe racist insecure white males with daddy issues
1: Stefan Molyneux
2: youtube.com
Stef: 7/10
Styx: 9/10
Alex: 3/10
Varg: 2/10
1. eugh
2. damn he's ugly
3. bill hicks was a genius
4. burzum is a shit band, that's all i have to say
He's alright, he's not redpilled though. Some vague inklings, but the guy is a Liberal basically. That's not to say his videos aren't good, some of them are great and interesting, and he's interviewed some great guys, but he comes across as if he thinks he's some kind of revolutionary philosopher. He isn't special.
I would like him, but his visible autism triggers me. Out of the four, I agree with his esoteric spiritualism and traditionalism the most, but he's just too awkward and his videos are just boring most of the time. Plus, his Satanism is embarrassing.
He's funny, other than that, there's nothing to love. His videos are just mostly him rambling, I don't get anything from it, he doesn't teach me anything. What's the point of watching something if you're not going to get something from the experience?
Probably my favorite, if not for his ludicrous dislike for Christianity. I like his Pagan, ultra Nietzschean ethics, and his music is really good, but Christianity has helped inform our civilization for two thousand years. Obviously I prefer European Paganism over any other faith/culture, but being so hostile ultimately gets us nowhere.
The Golden One is quite good. Him and Varg would have to be my two favorite rhetoricans.
molyneux: kike
styx: not sure, need to watch more of him
jones: controlled opposition
varg: respectable man who has good videos
Varg is a genius
>30 years old etho-nationalist nu-male, beliving in magic, living with his parents, who was married and eventually cucked by a 5' mexican girl
>(((High verbal IQ cult leader)))
>Good guy
>Conspiritard entertainer
>a bit of a loose cannon
1. ancap retard
2. no idea
3. redpilled but kind of insane
4. redpilled but hates christianity too much
Not an argument.
>Will Wright
Loved SimCity 2000.
I heard he murdered someone. I mean, this guy is a real jerk!
>Alex Jones
The cure to 1984 is 1488.
Clockwise staring top left:
>living red pill
>narcissistic attention whore
>most idiotic larper
>a humble water filter salesman
alex jones is the only one that has produced work that I enjoyed, unless I'm getting my documentaries about the Waco Siege mixed up
i might not have actually seen the one made by Jones now that I think of it
Based. Intellectually honest about 90% of his beliefs (Except DemSoc, Climate Change, and Religion)
Based guy, I feel like he trusts trump too much though and is a little intellectually dishonest sometimes but overall good
>Alex Jones
Controlled Opposition
This guy is so fucking right about Ethno Nationalism. His views on Christianity are deluded and how he praises Muslims and Islam while claiming to be a European traditionalist is fucking stupid. Overall 7/10
Eccentric ancap madman
younger eccentric ancap madman
sells things you dont need
redpill incarnate, even tho I'm a cultural christian and don't agree
Clockwise starting top left:
all of them are meme-tier and nowhere near red pilled in any way.
Varg is the only one who has produced anything of value (his music). He is the only one who will be remembered in 75-100 years
The rest are glorified blogger faggots whose only claim to fame is producing faggot videos for Sup Forums-tier intellectuals to cicrlejerk and pretentiously pontificate over. They produce nothing but pure mountains of trash in the form of 45-minute youtube videos, released on a weekly basis. Prove me wrong.
from top left to bottom right
this t b h
Most intelligent of the four, he focuses more on the economic aspect rather than ethnocultural truths.
Nonoriginal redpill, but is cringey pagan, ex satanist, herbalist
>Alex Jones
Best propagandist of the four and most succe, funded by the Jew, conspiratard of all conspiracies. Controlled opposition
Most relatable, down to earth
Hates Christianity, sucks ancient dick too much
Never concludes anything, least reasonable. Also welfare nigger and he killed a guy and burned down a 1000 year old church, faggot
Transcend all of them
Be rational and intelligent like Stephan
Be successful like Alex jones, but without the Jew
Be ethnocultural like Varg, but don't fuck over white Christian Europeans just cause your a tree fucking fedora
We all don't agree on everything but we can ally on what we have in common. Whether you are Ancap, pagan, or ethnonationalist, find some common ground. Our infighting is fucking us over.
except varg's music is really embarrassing tryhard garbage. whereas bill hicks was the greatest standup comedian of his generation.
Prison wut
I love how Varg fanboys try to defend his criminal past.
Molyneux is gay as fuck tbqh.
Long live Varg "Watch Porn, Get Stabbed With an Acorn" Vikernes
>gets tax cuts because 5-6 children
>welfare nigger
>post yfw the CIA director reveals Alex Jones to be Bill Hicks, backing it up with evidence
I'd rate them as follows:
1. This Styx guy
2. Molyneux
3. Jones
4. This Nordic guy in France, if I've recognized his face rightly.
That said, I don't think it's really an optimal selection of YouTube political commentators. To go into the specific shortcomings of each of them:
1. Styx is a hell of a lot more articulate and well-informed than you would imagine someone to be who looks like the bassist in some crappy death metal band from Boise, Idaho. His stances are mostly pretty sound. He was firmly behind Trump without any faggy cuckservative "plague on both their houses" bullshit like we got from Crowder or Shapiro. But, for all his obvious intelligence, he occasionally sounds as nuts as he looks (thinking the Mexican girl in the "When Leftists Attack" video might be his ex-wife) and his (admittedly deserved) success has gone to his head a bit (he constantly prefaces everything with "As I predicted...)
2. Molyneux is also an impressively articulate and well-informed guy, and also spot-on right on most issues. I suppose one has to hold him to a higher standard, though, since he in all seriousness believes himself to be the Socrates of the present age. The fact is, though, he really just hasn't had a long and rigorous enough formal education to be that. I often find myself embarrassed for him because of his errors of idea-historical fact and mispronunciations of certain philosophical terms. Major props to him, though, on balance, for doing far-from-bad intellectual work outside the stifling structures of the academy.
3. Jones I find personally obnoxious, with his massive ego and "think of the children" histrionics. In many ways, Infowars deserves, in many ways, its notoriety as a laughable crackpot site. Jones appears to have realized that he was being used as a patsy in the Clinton psy op that was the "Pizzagate" nonsense and to have backed off from it, but crap like that is definitely his style. It can't be denied, though, that he was a pioneer.
and be like styx and write songs on your casio keyboard while petting your pussies and ripping off MRESteve
Good guys fighting the good fight
alex > stef > fedora man > varg
Molyneux: Not redpilled enough but he is growing stronger
Styx: *tips*
Alex Jones: Controlled opposition
Varg: Insane murderer LARPer anprim
styx is a fucking degenerate lanky fuck, I can't understand why people take him seriously
Woden tier:
high tier:
ok tier:
-Alex Jones
retard tier:
but he's so dreamy circa 91
He doesn't live on welfare kike. He did go to prison but has 6 nordic children and lives like a traditionalist. Very controversial but he's actually pretty based.
>Sells CD, merch from possibly the most well known black metal band ever, and has a game
>Needs to live on welfare
Christfags are conniving as jews
Kill: Styx
Marry: Varg
Divorce: Molymeme
Fuck: Alex Jones
Stefan - Growing more redpilled everyday
Styx - Hes all right
Alex Jones - One of the founders of the alt right, hes all right but over sellout with his male vitality shit
Varg - Arsonist, fake natsoc pagan who thinks everything is either socialist or capitalist
I thought it was Varg "Screen full of ass? Fall 23 times on broken glass." Vikernes
Varg is the only one not controlled opposition
>dude drugs lmao, god is totally not real and you need to free your mind
Cool dude, with a lot of good ideas. Don't agree with everything but he want the best for Europe.
>Alex Jones
Probably the biggest fucking retard ever. Can't believe that there's people who take him seriously.
>Probably the biggest fucking retard ever. Can't believe that there's people who take him seriously.
he has the heart in the right place, but doesn't even realize how convenient he is with his conspiracy nut tendencies to discredit the legitimate alt right concerns
1. Styx
2. Varg
3. Moly
4. Jones
Styx is a fucking faggot, are there seriously people here that watch his videos? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Styx isn't controlled op, Jones maybe.
>Destroying historical buildings of worship is ok now
please kys my famalamalam
bottom right guy lives off welfare because he hates families and wants to rob them of money for their children.
Jones has developed a big ego. He's only good at stirring shit and hyping things up.
>Styx - who gives a hot shit?
>Varg - who gives a hot shit?
>Molymeme - who gives a hot shit?
>Jones - who gives a hot shit?
Only idiots need idiots to tell them what to think.
What makes him so bad?
Spent yesterday night listening to Varg videos while working. He's a cool guy.
Worth looking up to, and some interesting insights on pagan religion. I think I'd buy his rpg, could be fun for just 10 euros.
Oddly enough, in Paul Joseph Watson, Jones seems to have trained up one of the few political commentators and analysts on the new Right who stays both radical and level-headed.
The "Pizzagate" silliness is the current prime example of the "discrediting of legitimate alt right concerns" that you refer to. It was clearly a Clinton-coordinated psy op to get the non-mainstream media to join in obviously batshit-insane accusations against them so that the mainstream media could then dismiss ALL accusations against the Clintons and the DNC as batshit insane.
I get the feeling that, if it hadn't been for associates like Watson, Jones would have fallen for it. He has generally shown himself all too willing to jump on this "powerful white men are raping the poor children" bandwagon which any fool can tell is driven by the Left, since it only fuels their "we live in a rape culture / anybody who claims to be a victim of a powerful white person must ALWAYS be believed" narrative.
Even despite coming to Jones from David Icke, of all people, Paul Joseph Watson, I think, has steered well clear of all that sort of stuff at Infowars. His pieces on British and US politics are content to work with the masses of information available on the REAL crimes, lies and general shittyness of the "progressive" camp in both countries without flying off into some supposedly right-wing variant of National Enquirer hysteria, as Jones tends to do.
What's wrong with him? Yeah he's a bit of a cuck when it comes to race etc, but his content is good. By far the most tolerable alt-liter
His points are alright, but his fucking skeletor face and glasses are obnoxious as fuck. It's 2016 and there is plastic surgery and this dude is in dire need of it.
His videos are literally him just talking. Tons of people share his exact same viewpoints and can do exactly the same thing he does.
Instead of keeping his religion to himself he wears it on his shoulder. I do not understand why people do this; he can't just have his own personal beliefs - he needs to use it to cultivate his entire identity and it's so fucking contrived i can barely stand it.
I don't like your opinion.
I don't know any of these faggots except AJ. AJ is fun to watch, he talks about true stuff like the JFK assassination and 911 coverup and he isn't afraid to discuss shit like pizzagate.
alt-right is bullshit, who even knows what it is really? Though the MSM likes to blanket all their deplorables with this word now.
>his religion
Someone has no idea what they're talking about.
How all his videos are "occult" shit and he has 666 in his title and he looks like a real life fucking necromancer.
I'm sure you will regail me about how he is a spiritual satanist and it's really atheist and a mindset or whatever the fuck
Normal people don't care
>His points are alright, but his fucking skeletor face and glasses are obnoxious as fuck. It's 2016 and there is plastic surgery and this dude is in dire need of it.
fucking americans
You are clearly a schoolchild and yet you don't strike me as a native speaker of Japanese. Are you on a high-school exchange year or something?
My reasons for assuming you are 12 are:
1) You seriously believe that people should get plastic surgery to make them more photogenic before making YouTube videos
2) You delude yourself that even 1 in 1000 people could talk, ex tempore, as well and as cogently as Styx does for 15-20 minutes two or three times a day almost every day.
3) You claim to have watched his videos, must have noticed that he makes little or no mention of what I believe was once his "religion", and still accuse him of "using his religion to cultivate his entire identity".
alex and molyneux are based, the rest are literally whos.
clockwise, starting with mollymeme
>pretty cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything
>literally who
>mostly correct, but a retarded larper, also myfarog is absolute shit
>a scam artist
Molymeme is at his best when he verbally abuses guests on his call in show.
One of them is not like the rest.
College Professor/10
He's not a satanist though, and he makes that point fairly often because people like you make outlandish assumptions and speak them as if they're true.
His channel is ultimately twofold. A great portion is on occult works, and the rest is political in nature. His political analysis is largely on point, and his occult videos are a very logical take on things that other people would try to attribute too much faith to.
Did he offend you at some point? Why are you so salty?
I'm literally always salty
I got you senpai
precisely what I said and implied.
Lmao have a good day.
associates with too many alt liters despite appearing to be redpilled
quite powerful propaganda tool as can be very persuasive, even to a fault (had a cult)
somewhere between liberal and full redpill
>alex jones
alt lite liberal critique of the left shit tier controlled opposition e-celeb profiteer
literally got notoriety for killing some guy
can be incredibly autistic and delusional especially when he talks about shit he is totally uninformed on
eg "where do slavs come from"
doesn't even have an ideology, nihilist?
You should probably chill out on that then. It's probably not healthy.
Attention whore
Don't worry, kid. That will probably pass off when you hit puberty.
Till, then, though, I really would advise you to take out your frustrations by throwing your toys out of the pushchair and making Mommy pick them up instead of shitting up discussions on political image boards by posting about things you don't know the first thing about.