Was the chemtrail conspiracy real?

Was the chemtrail conspiracy real?
Was there a conclusion to all this?
Is it still going on?

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It's real, but if we're speculating here I'm confident it's being done for geothermal conditioning.


No, no, it was never a thing.

Honestly almost as dumb as the flat earth tards.

Its absolutely real, I've lived near 3 different airports, and I can tell you there's a huge difference between normal contrails from air traffic and the persistent grids of chemtrails.
I've heard all sorts of theories about smart dust and morgellans, but my opinion is that it probably has to do with weather modification and atmospheric research.

>not a flat earther

They used to openly report on it in the 80s. Back then there was some kind of radar/mapping program that used it.

Chemtrails = Flat Earthers, Putin troll edition.

chemtrail memes are all false

Airline pilot reporting in.

Yes, it's real.

Zoom in on the ACARS

It's real. Grew up near a US Airforce base. I saw plenty of actual contrails. I now live on the west coast and see chemtrails every spring/summer. They are completely different and visibly affect cloud cover.

Our senses can alter our mood and confidence. Even beyond that I have a feeling environmental stress can as well alter our moods.

I think the average tin foil conspiracy is far from the actual reality of what should be talked about.

I think cloud seeding and other forms of weather modification should be used more sparingly than how we have seen them being used. I do think some people get a hoot out of sponsoring cloud seeding as they see it as a traditional sign of achievement being that they "made" rain.

You get some hardcore Christians in on this conversation and they don't think twice about using this technology because they think they are in control of everything.

I think in the end it's not about the consequences of a said technology but rather on if someone can build confidence from being right or wrong.

At least for me guys. I could care less what I breathe in. Im just a suicidal ball of senseless sarcasm regardless of what fills my misunderstood lungs.

If chemtrails are actually used to spread chemicals that make us stupid by inhaling them, wouldn't that also mean that the jews inhale it as well?

Why would you even say was? What would even lead you to believe that this wouldnt still be happening if it ever was?

Mostly because I don't see people talking about it anymore.

if you can't figure out why that pic is a hoax then you are fucking retarded

use your eyes

This. Ive lived near airports All my life.

The muddy chemtrails that linger and turn into muddy dirt clouds started around 2002-2004.

So either they changed the kerosine formula or they added aluminium to the formula. The hazy skies are a pretty new thing.
I remember when there was one week of planes not being allowed to fly after that icelandic volcano blew up. Pure bliss. Blue skies, clear air.


It is real, just don't question it. It is all for the good of the populace.

None of those images were taken in the same area. The differences in contrails are caused by differences in the chemicals used in different planes.

Nah Chemtrails is bullshit but it's been made up so people ignore the actual impact of global aviation. Like shit do you really think the hundreds of planes that fly around every day aren't in someway fucking with weather. Not to mention the pollutants they disperse at such a high altitude that nothing can really bring them down. Rain brings a lot of pollutants down but planes go above that.

Between grids of chemtrails I am noticing rainbow segments, no rain all day, not in a bow shape just square chunks.


ur just trying to make me upset rite


Polarized sunglass lenses make it easier to see the prizmatic light diffusion, probably caused by petroleum based excessive exhaust trails. Not only ugly in the sky but definitely not health food, whatever the fuck they are intentionally seeding our clouds with.

Yes, its one of the easiest conspiracies to know is legit because we can see it's effects with our own eyes, literally takes an hour and an open mind

It's geoengineering. Trails disperse creating cloud cover blocking out sunlight and lowering the temperature. They are ALWAYS too high to identify. I have no doubts they can modify the weather and 'chemtrails' are a big part of it

Australia has suffered a 15 year drought, our traditional food bowls have dried up. mass spraying in australia started around 2001, go figure. Similar situation in California

Watch the sunset on a day of heavy spraying. Crazy, chemical tinges to the clouds.

Sundogs are a common occurrence now. Rings around the sun too.

Everyone is vitamin D deficient.

Kek 10/10

I've always been sceptical of chemtrails until just the other day when I saw jets making a diagonal grid over LAX and the entire south bay

You can gauge what conspiracies are probably legit by the degree of public ridicule proportionate to how unbelievable it actually is

"Chemtrails and lizard people hahaha" is the go to when someone wants to mock a conspiracy theory

but geoengineering is absolutely real and has been talked about for decades, and the major method of carrying it out is spraying reflective metals into the ionosphere. kinda like what they are doing now ;)

P.s. It was sunny and warm for weeks and then the next day after I saw pic related, it poured rain and now it's winter weather

oh no
planes flying over a major international airport
how mischevious

Us military has been known to do illegal spraying but I doubt any commercial airline would waste gas on that shit.

top left and center have fading rainbow chunks inbetween the grids of trails

>that ugly hazy sky.
Remember when the sky didnt look like you forgot to wash your windshields?

ageing shill with outdated unfunny meme collection detected

I do user, anyone born before 1990 should do also

all you gotta do is watch a pre 70s film to see what the sky used to look like. It never looked like the cobwebby mess with thin wispy sheets of cloud like it does today

yes pooland

they're indeed real, and your zionist government and military has sold your people out to death

expect cancer rates and health issues to surge in the next couple of years where ever chemtrails are seen.

>"chemtrails exist"

"how do you know? where's your evidence?"

>"i once lived near an airport"

they do this on purpose


Because they have propeller planes before then not jet engined plans... JESUS !




So specifically what compound are planes supposedly dropping on us?

If it's in big enough quantities to be significant it's surely also measurable, right?

It's called H20

The metals sprayed into the ionosphere are likely controlled by magnets, which are likely part of the HAARP apparatus, leading to cloud patterns like these

I see these all the time now. Like a rock being thrown into a pond, ripples in the sky

Cirrus clouds have definitely become a lot more prevelant in the last decades, as well as the increasing occurrences of sundogs

Also worth looking into the phenomena of sun dimming and how it fits in

Dihydrogen monoxide can cause death when inhaled

another example

I was born 86.
I think after 2001 is when they started that shit or at least when it became really obvious.
I loved to sit in the fields and gaze at the sky when I was a kid and a Teenager.
As soon as the sky became muddy and blurry it wasnt that much fun anymore.

still going on, but they seem to spray in rural areas and let the winds blow the clouds over

they seem to do it before and on hot days here

they don't seem to blatantly spray over cities like in the 2000s when nobody was paying attention

and it appears this is what they are spraying

chemtrails are different from contrails
I don't think the govs of the world want to admit to the public that they blew giant holes in the ozone hole from atmospheric nuke testing and don't want the public to freak out

so they just ask for taxes and spray to create an artificial albedo to reflect sunlight until the ozone holes can recover

and there may be some other mini experiments with different mixtures, cloud seeding, weather manipulation, laser mapping or whatever

Alumium or sulfur
If you want to know look for scientific proposals about geo engineering

water tests conducted after spraying consistently tend to find elevated levels of aluminium and barium, google, there's plenty of info already out there

Oh, thanks for that valuable information, I'll keep it in mind next time I drink a hot steaming cup of tea, must remember to avoid those toxic air bourn water droplets.

I hate that fucking pattern so much. It looks so unnatural, like someone shat on a beach or something. Just really dirty.
Almost OCD triggering.

trolls or actual morons ?

You're likely underage.
There used to be a time when clouds didnt melt into some grey-brown sludge and contrails mixed into it so everything looked messy and depressing.

You're just too underage to remember.

how many water tests need to be done before you realise it's real?

go do your own water tests


Jesus H. Christ this tinfoil hat wearing garbage always gets me.

It's almost as bad as flat earth theory and religion.

Take your shit conspiracy theories somewhere that people don't have the ability to think critically, maybe then you'll have a chance of not getting called out for being a complete retard.

Link us to a study?

as kids, it was rare to see a plane leave trail in the sky, and we were outdoors all of the time, when we saw the trails we didn't know any better, we thought they were practising doing sky writing

its not anything to do with mind control/health that is disinfo. It's weather manipulation.

do you need your dad to hold your dick when you pee?

don't you know how to use the internet?
very easy to find

Oh how interesting, do tell, when did this change take place, what year exactly ?

>health that is disinfo.

I dont know about you, but I've been experiencing significant lung issues since 2003

I've gotten pneumonia around 3 times and was hospitalized 6 already, year after year.

I see friends and family around me dropping like flies

>It's totally out there!
>Even though I can't cite any of it, it totally exists!
>Go find it yourself!

The final cry of a desperate man who knows he has nothing.

Stop smoking.

So what's the big deal then? If global warming is real, then it's great that we can control the weather.


the big deal is why we need to be lied about and gaslighted into thinking it isn't happening

If its not sinister why the big disinfo campaign to mock people who have pointed out an obvious geoengineering campaign for a decade?

If its not sinister and its helping the environment, the govt would be tripping over itself telling us all how they are saving the planet. The people would be for it

it's not commercial planes doing it
typically they are white unmarked planes, many photos as evidence, sad!

anyways OP,and anyone else wanting serious answers

if you want REAL answers dont look for them in an austist retard and schill infested shithole like Sup Forums.

this place is highly monitored and inquiring into issues like this youre only wasting time.

The information is out there.

can confirm. you nsw user? see them nearly every day lately

I never help people who are too lazy to help themselves

Go take a look at some of the weather modification permits taken out by the US govt


Maybe, just maybe...

It's because the extent of your 'research' consists of poorly-edited youtube videos.

Geothermal conditionin? How do you mean

yes, nsw, but they don't spray directly over sydney like they would 5-10 years ago

I notice the lingering haze mainly on hot days though, which leads me to think it is mainly for solar radiation management as other researchers have found

It probably went on a lot longer than I realize but it started to be really noticeable in the early to late 2000s.
I remember reading an article in german magazine (((der spiegel))) that tried to "debunk" the chemtrail theory before it even gained mainstream traction.
But the more I pondered about it the more I realized that the cloud shapes really changed.
Now it's everywhere.

If people say it's "crazy talk" they always just target a certain fringe of esoteric loons who try to fumble around with "healing gems" and stuff.

I don't care how or why contrails these days turn into big, ugly sludge clouds. Either they spray aerosols or they mix something into the kerosine.
But they're doing something.

you are expecting the government to admit to a massive covert program? and make nice videos for you to easily swallow lol

the water tests have been done, the results are public, go find them or go away

a fact is a fact, even if it's written on toilet paper

All you retards realize that water vapor is emitted from fuel ignition right?

Your """"""chemtrails"""""" are just the result of water vapor from the fuel condensing at high altitude where it is cold. Haven't any of you started a car in cold weather before?

>but they don't spray directly over sydney like they would 5-10 years ago
Nigga, i was in Sydney last year and there were tonnes of contrails because it was winter.

That doesn't make "chemtrails" real, though.

What weather phenomena is this?

>the water tests have been done
But has anyone taken samples straight from the source?

>Haven't any of you started a car in cold weather before?
Or breathed out on a cold day.

>I don't care how or why contrails these days turn into big, ugly sludge clouds.
Because weather?

basic disinfo

Jet planes have always left a trail of water vapour, in the 2000s, 1990s, 1980s, 1970s & before, literally nothing has changed & I have never once witnessed a vapour trail ever turning into a sludge cloud, they simply fade away as the water vapour disperses into the sky.

Do you understand how a jet engine works ?

Absolutely real.
Some days you can see a black lady be that the chemtrail "planes" follow.
This is a line in the sky there before the trail, that is solid proof it's not what they claim is a contrail.

Btw the planes are not actually planes but orbs that project the image of a plane.
Of course in this day and age they would not use a manned plane to do this kind of thing
Watch closely and you will see these are not actual planes at all.

>Haven't any of you started a car in cold weather before?
>Or breathed out on a cold day.

Oh yeah, I remember the time I exhaled on a cold day and it turned into a cloud that lingered for a whole day...

And the time I started my car in winter, it created a cloud so thick that it was still there when I got home in the afternoon!

how dumb can you be mate?
contrails dissipate quickly
chemtrails dont

If chemtrails are real then wouldn't flying be cheaper so to encourage more people to fly thus creating an easy way to disguise it?

Lol a black line in the sky. Not a black lady. Fucking auto correct.

Nice photos faggot.

>Do you understand how a jet engine works ?
But you certainly don't understand how clouds work.
The vaporized water, the so called contrails don't turn into big, ugly grey clouds. They used to vanish after a few seconds. The big, fat trails that turn into grey, sludge colored clouds are what people are bothered about.
You are either too uneducated or not travelled/old enough to even comment on this.


Here you go shill.

Can you show ACARS-OPS CTRL 2/2?

They call it "clouds"
Nothing to worry about though, it's just evaporated water that accumulates due to wind currents.
Where they humidity saturates the air little water dropplets that refract sunlight so much it ends up looking like a diffuse object

t. I went to school

Your nonsense would have made as much sense if it had have been a black lady.

Also, I know about clouds, they even made it into my flag

>Is it still going on?
Are you blind?

>Poorly edited videos with spooky music
>Skip forward to a random point, it's fucking 9/11

Goddamn, every time.

Like I said, they've NEVER been as you describe, NO sludge clouds, never been anything like that.

And you'd better stop making these claims if you know what's good for you.

orbs? idk man

I have seen the black line before though. It's like a shadow in front of the flight path, i've only ever seen it twice, both were full sky spanning trails. It was certainly strange to witness

hence the parallel line pattern right? It's almost like you purposely avoided the biggest irregularity in the image