Religion is a blue pill
Religion is a blue pill
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Yet it ironically correlates with the destruction of Europe (Christianity becoming smaller + increased secularism), and if it weren't for some religious groups, the western world would be more liberal/ progressive than ever.
I'd say it correlates withe Europe being cucked (dark ages), and as soon as we let go of Christianity we advanced (see Industrialisation)
as an agnostic atheist i disprove of this thread. debating idiots is a futile endeavor.
Except Islam. Islam is redpilled
There was no big bang, then there was one, and then the universe was there, and gender is a social construct.
That was how I read it.
What about the hermetic teachings of the kybalion?
Wouldn't be applicable towards industrialization, a post-industrialized country (developed) yes. Also, Europe is currently not advancing, what are you talking about? It's having an identity crisis and that is also due to their secular population. Enjoy the destruction.
This meme is a bluepill.
Athiests dont understand God like liberals dont understand hypocracy or logic.
No one cares. Also, not all atheists are idiots, not sure why you are implying that.
You want to compare our current living standards to that of 500 years ago?
i think you just proved my point you fucking idiot.
If God doesn't exist? Why do you spend your whole lives talking about God, jess and religion? If you don't believe why do you care so much about something you don't believe in? Why is our God and religioun constantly on your minds 24/7?
Definition of God is that he is eternal. Stay ignorant.
i.e. he violates the laws of cause and effect because he never had a chronological origin point. The problem though is if religous believers can believe in a God that has no chronological starting point and no factor that produced his existence then why can't religous believers believe in a universe that has a difficult to conceive and understand but plausible natual origin story? Simple because then there would be no need for a sentient universe crafter such as they espouse
What is the first mover then?
you know what, rigth now im fucking furious
i went to church today, and at the end
some fucking faggot comes up and talks about some fucking refugees which are from fucking albania and are supposed to be deported tomorrow
well sounds like a solid plan
but then the faggot goes on about how cold it is in the fucking west balkans and calls for us all to go to the place they live tomorrow to give them our support and try to oppose the deportation cause we're christians and such
holy shit fucking end us already
how can this country be this cucked
fucking albania there is no isis or anything they are just lazy fucks who want to live on welfare
Living standards =/= societal health.
Our civilization is a bubble. One day its all going to come crashing down.
Eternal = He is outside of time, and therefore the laws of cause and effect.
The law of conservation proves the atheist big bang theory wrong.
There had to be some form of energy that has never had a creation (beginning) and instead has always existed, that energy created the universe through the big bang and evolution
The bible does admit evolution genesis 1:24-1:27
The prophecies of the bible that are predicting modern day events and events of the past prove also that the Christian God is the true creator.
Religion is the real Redpill.
Peace be with you, God Bless.
It's sad the religious LARPing on Sup Forums
He proclaims as he wanks over his zero knowledge of religion.
I have a lot of knowledge of religion, and it's wankery m8
Not an argument really.
You need to provide some evidence that shows the whole spectrum of religion is wankery, and what you consider 'wankery',
Also present some evidence from Gita for me.
>there are atheist in this board who think they're not part of the problem
Kek agrees, praise.
fairytalecucks asking for evidence
now that's funny, you should become a comedian poo in loo
that is not Europe's true problem, I hope you understand that...
I hope you guys are really not that simple minded...
Well, I enjoy the theme, if you weren't stupid you would understand the importance that religion has had in building this world that we know and its societies; being atheist is to not believe in god, but from my perspective I can clearly see what advantages it brought to the table; It is another age for humanity and god has to be left behind, now this belief is not helping us, it's only dragging us down.
Stupid people need religion to not be savages, yes, but that doesn't make religion redpilled.
Do christcucks really believe this? How can they be so disenfranchised with reality? Atheists aren't thinking of religion 24/7 you colossal retard, you just so happen to only care about atheists when they talk about religion.
atheism is just the newest fashionable idiocy
and it comes from the despair and inhumanity that modernity has brought to man.
The belief that there was a big ass explosion that created everything from nothing.
Ah, atheism, the notion that you can put every single eyewitness on medication and poison the whole population with brain damaging drugs because fuck 'em.
I think I remember my bible saying that most of mankind are of the devil, hilarious how mental health became a full blown inquisition where you are locked up with just hot opinions.
inb4 uneducated faggots talking about the nonexistant and never practiced clinical tests.
Eternal = never ending, lasts forever, not outside of time.
it is a blue pill, but people need something to believe in. look at all the depressed fucks in the US and Europe
hmmmmmm, another ignorant person in Sup Forums whooa what a surprise.
You're refering to the big bang Theory, there are multiple other theories has to how the universe was created; don't bunch everyone together because you're ignorant. come back later and try again fool.
oh look, another sodomite attempting to reaffirm their own degeneracy. How original.
God always was
Christianity is the ultimate red pill. Nations created under Christianity become the first world countries.
I wish that I believe that there is a god. But I can't bring myself to it.
>The belief that magic is not necessary to explain what we don't understand
>something makes everything
>nothing decides to explode becoming everything
both are bullshit
god exploded making the universe
we are living in his body
everything is god
>I'm smart and redpilled because I like to stuff things up my ass
Post your tips
I understand that if you follow your heart it can be hard to not follow god, but be mentally strong and seriously look at the world, there is clearly no god in it; don't fall for it and rise up, become truly strong both at heart and mentally, and when you've accomplished that, be proud because you're a rare existence.
God doesn't hate gays. We don't know what causes the homo to be the way they are so we must be content with ignorance. I take for certain based on biblical teaching the physical satisfaction derived from homosexual sex is a sin. Therefore the homo must accept sexual abstinence just as the alcoholic must abstain from drink; both have a problem or disorder normal people do not. However, as with any vice, the disability conceals a vocation, if only we can find it.
Seriously you absolute retards?
This is your role model? Your example of faith?
Would you kill someone cause you heard a voice in your head telling you too?
>Muh Meta-physical
>being Atheist
>in the year 2017 of our Lord
>in hebrew year 5777 of Yahweh
>in the 21st century
Most of christianity is based around the "virtue" of betraying your people.
Explain WITH EVIDENCE what causes hearing voices
Mental illness
If you actually need that explained to you then you may have a mental illness.
that's a claim, I explicitly said WITH EVIDENCE
Is not a claim Juan it's a tested and proven scientific fact
We actually have retards in this board that believe hearing voices is a supernatural effect?
topkek unfucking believable
new low for Sup Forums
Swedish are gay.
you cannot test what you cannot measure, post the proof here kindly
If you won't take studies done by verified doctors as tested proof then you are incapable of reasoning and are simply burning the goalposts.
>th-there are studies!
sure thing family, but they are only real in your mind
You went a step too far with this one Pedro and I can see the nose
If he is not just being facetious, trolling, or jewing, I fear for the future of Spain.
>T. 65 IQ
You don't actually need to believe but atheism always eventually leads to degeneracy. Thus religion is a necessary evil.
no i didnt and psychiatry is a big pharma scam, I even remember reading that these drugs do harm the brain
I kek'd
google: antipsychotics brain damage
cant paste stuff here, dunno how to do it from a console
I think your are mixing up Neurological science and Psychiatry
>dark ages
no I don't, I fully trust neurology, but psychiatry is an unsustained scam that used to "cure" people with torture and even wooden dildos for hysteria.
>You don't actually need to believe but atheism always eventually leads to degeneracy.
What made reach that conclusion?
Do you think that there are many people who don't commit crimes cause they believe in god?
Have a look at mexico
>cause and effect law
>that some guy came up with
The study of mental illness falls under neurological, the treatment falls under psychiatry.
>That some guy came up with
Ironic as well.
> God
> Some guy came up with God
We're reaching high levels of retardation here.
The idea of God has lasted longer than your fedora tipping atheist rethoric. Religion built your precious civilization, pube picker.
there is no study
>The idea of God
Who is the perpetuator of ideas?
>Religion built civilization
Religion came after civilization formed at a base level.
Man created God.
>he thinks civilization came before religion
You made me physically cringe.
mental illness industry has zero studies behind, the dsm books are voted in n out not researched, this is why everybody on here calls fags mentally ill, they were voted out, not researched.
Not to forget the funding. These studies barely get any funding.
Scam? Tell them it the people who don't experience hell anymore cause of modern psychiatric medications
Let me ask you something, If you're having heart attack are not going to the hospital cause doctors used to blow smoke up the patients ass?
If you're argument is (A) used be bad so it must suck today too (even though there is overwhelming evidence it doesn't) then you should stay home and die when you're having that heart attack, otherwise you're a hypocritical cunt
Natural selection at it's finest
Speak English.
>I have no argument against this
>I'm literally shaking
oh i am laffing, ask for their methodology of asking patients if they touch themselves at night to determine and research, been there, lad.
Learn how to read.
Pedro is right because if you think there's no cure for depression, no cure for hearing voices, no cure for anything regarding mental illnesses. So the so called studies aren't good for anything.
>Back to memes again
No one admires you for denying some one else the right to religion, Jared.
Religion shaped the community that you refuse to be a part off.
Sit down and shut up, or fight for your place in the afterlife. Or are you just going to wither and die?
Humans originally bonded together out of necessity for survival.
It's universally accepted that religion in one form.or another far outdated "civilisation". Nomadic hunter gatherers worshipped dieties long before they settled down and built societies let alone civilisations
> Actually believing this
Come on, Jared. At least we leave science alone, and for what it is. Leave us alone for believing in a dead kike on a stick, please.
been there kiddo, modern medication is regularly spoken against because it doesn't cure and tere are papers detailing it damages the brain.
Literal dozens of associations have risen and are active online and offline to denounce this.
So how is the belief that nothing begat something more realistic?
Something always existed.
The discussion is about the advent of religion, stop moving the goalposts you illiterate fuck.
There is one of you types in every one of these threads, and you are always backed the fuck off for your ignorance.
You can not use your own religion to debate it's own existence and advent, and no one is denying anyone the right to anything.
Learn to have honest discussion or stop posting.
> Hurr ignorance durr
I feel like you misunderstood. I'm religious, I don't need proof.
Bring to me your evidence of the first civilization coming about because everyone believed in God.
The world is waiting for your answer.
>and hates gays
Who doesn't?