>What was her last thought (((Sup Forums)))
What was her last thought (((Sup Forums)))
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Im from freiburg where she lived and got killed
>Sup Forums was right again...
Probably hoping that the Police or someone would rescue her.
I doubt she would have had some epiphany of the error of her ways.
Germany is a safe country and there is no way I will get raped and murdered by this migrant. Thanks Merkel.
Any uproar in the citizens? Was it even allowed to become news there?
don't think she thought that dude
>go harder ahmed. as a progressive white woman, my only purpose is to please and serve you, even when my own life is at risk. no matter how this ends, it will be worth it
burger here
somebody fill me in on this story?
women think about cock 24/7
source: i am a woman
>(((Sup Forums)))
Am i being rapes?
An orgasm
>be daughter of an EU official
>get raped and murdered by a refugee
>parents ask to send money for refugees instead of condolences to them
>The BMC(big muslim cock) is much better than the white "cock"
>hopefully he will cum inside me
Strange boner alert. Why is it so arousing to imagine a white girl get fucked by some arab or black?
feels strange desu
got raped and drowned I think, she was also a volunteer for refugees invading the country.
Irony on tap.
>nothing of value was lost
>Sup Forums
Right, I'll bite, show us that boipucci
You need help, Kraut. Or Turk, whatever you're called these days.
It has turned into a bit of a shitstorm, no MSM in the country reported it and they tried to sweep it under the rug.
>I hope this murder rape isn't going to raise AfD's support too much
>checks flag
>makes sense
>nothing of value was lost
While I agree it is better that she be the victim of this, rather than the next young woman. It is still a loss. If only she had not been so naive.
>no MSM in the country reported it
That's just typical burger talking bullshit
fucking white people are crazy bro
are you not white?
glug glug glug
Of course it's a German saying this. Oh how far they Germans fallen.
>this is what Achmed actually thinks
Aye sheeit wypipo are cray cray nigga!
Id rather drown in Semen
actually that's what happened. none of the state-funded media reported on it initially.
That her dad was a massive cuck who was directly responsible for her agonising death
But arabs have notoriously small weinies.
Top cuck
Trick question. Women don't think.
I can watch this gif for hours and dont feel anything. Am i ok?
Wow this is so tolerant abluglurlgublrgubgulg
I do not trust anyone who smiles with their mouth wide open
"It's fine, I'll survive and then I'll blame it on the Germans."
On a side note, do we have a 2015 study of the most common name of a rapist in Germany?
It's the truth!
Bigger than whities still
no I'm a chingchong
Oh Germany, how far you've fallen
at least i am not racist
Herro chingchong
so vibrant
Holy shit, you really got him there.
>How can this happen to me, oh God, I am the daughter of an official, not just a working class whitetrash, oh dear God, the EU will hear of this.
There's Cum driping out my pussy I could be pregnant hope he kills me.
>I sure would hate to fight back, don't wanna seem racist, xenophobic, or Islamophobic.
>Im sure my parents will start a fundraiser to help this poor refuge after he beheads me. (Because thats what her parents did.)
More brown countries posting hot smut like this please
"This black muslim benis is by far superior and better than those german cucks"
I don't know, I don't care. I'm just really happy she died the way she did.
You do not have epilepsy
What was the murderers motive? Not all rapes are murders. It's possible she escalated the situation pissing the arab off into a frenzy.
"I'm such a good person"
it's her fault he killed her yeah man totally
Not saying it was. If she was naive enough to ride her bike alone after hours its entirely possible she misunderstood the situation. Most rape victims simply freeze up anyways, im guessing she was different.
>source: i am a woman
Can we see your feminine penis?
the motive was he's a savage, I definitely agree the cunt was naive as fuck, probably thought nothing in the world could happen to her and the last thing on her mind was one of these rapefugees
Thanks Obama
Probably no coherent thoughts. Since she was incapable of those. but really, it's hard to think anything when you're fighting for your life. It's more of feelings, images and impulses. No real thoughts.
>implying any native germans are around to post anymore
Ficki! Ficki!
Probably felt guilty why the shitskin was killing her, a priviliged white German that need to make good thins again for period 1933-45
Please tell me her parents didn't make a fundraiser for the murderer. Please I want to believe nobody could be this cucked.
> I forgive you.
>No real thoughts
false, especially once they understand they are going to die inevitably and it's time to let go and stop fighting back
gurgle..gurgle...gurgle....gurgle... i left the kitchen...gurgle...gurgle...gurgle...
Doesn't matter the blood is on the Politicians' hands
just another human sacrifice
Hahahaha that's crazy
Open back up the concentration camps.
How can that father not feel an ounce of remorse or regret?
He's indirectly responsible for her murder. He went out of his way to let her murderer in the country.
If that was any reasonable father, he'd be guilt-stricken, but instead, he continues to virtue signal.
What the serious fuck is wrong with these people?
Drowning is a horrible way to go too. Does he not even think about what she experienced? Suffocating, grasping for air?
And after being violently raped?
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with him. At least if he had a change of heart it could be forgiven, he simply didn't understand the threat. But instead he doubles down.
I swear to god, Sup Forums seems to exist for those of us immune to MKultra tactics and these people are literal slaves to the system like goddamn ants.
>Please I want to believe nobody could be this cucked.
some bad news for you, they asked for donations for Weitblick, a Ficki Ficki importer institution.
>I bet the Jews did this.
>>parents ask to send money for refugees instead of condolences to them
No. Please no. God damn it.
"I hope more muslims come to take over Europe, praise Allah".
>How can that father not feel an ounce of remorse or regret?
He is a Molochian cultist. Burning his flesh and blood daughter on the pyre of Jewish ideology is the highest accomplishment he can hope for in this life.
>How can that father not feel an ounce of remorse or regret?
fanatic irrationalists step over corpses to reach their goals, even if its their own children they have to sacrifice to Moloch.
>I'm gonna say it as it is, even if you're going to delete or block me.
The FAZ is such a bunch of right-wingers, when they now start to report against the Tagesschau! Slowly ever more people are starting to show their real colors!!!
The Tagesschau handled the matter just right.
The refugee is currently under INVESTIGATION! He is suspected to be the perpetrator. The perpetrator of what? The press-release was clear, he's not talking.
We of the refugee association Freiburg already told our point of view to the media, but it's just not very popular, is it.
The refugee and Maria probably already knew each other and met in the evening, because the family wasn't supposed to know.
The found themselves a comfy place at the river and did what young people do: Love. Yes, refugees also know what love is and sometimes they probably have more to give than all those right-wing agitators out there!
Then Maria probably just wanted to wash herself with the refugee. He didn't know how to swim and Maria slipped in the dark waters and sadly drowned because of the cold or other circumstances! The refugee probably just was too afraid to call the police in a strange land. There is no due process in Afghanistan. If you're unlucky you'll just get executed. The poor guy had to live with that knowledge the whole time until he was taken into custody. He probably has mortal fear and because of that he won't talk. Because he has already been condemned by you and all the other agitators.
Maria has clearly not been drowned, but drowned herself. They had Sex before. Think, before you condemn everyone! Open your hearts and help those people. Talk to the refugees and help them where you can. You will see, they are all really great and nice people!
Don't forget, the same guy tried to throw a woman in Greece off a cliff in 2013. He was sentenced to 10 years but was released early. Europe a sanctuary continent now.
>at least I'm not a racist!
I hope she makes love with a refugee and drowns herself. Fucking traitors
saddest part about all this is that the refugee had robbed a woman in greece where he entered the EU and kicked her down a cliff.
got sententenced to 18 months (or so) in juvie hall and was released only 2 months later
then he went to germany and culturally enriched my old university town of freiburg
massive fucking bullshit.
i lived in freiburg for almost 8 years.
the dreisam (the river) is so fucking shallow you literally cant drown in it. it's only ankle deep at best at the places where you can access the water.
also the refugee confessed already
gish these people are deluded
I deserved it
I know, I grew up near Freiburg. The delusion of those leftie cunts knows no boundaries. They always make excuses for them all the time.
The deafening silence of the feminists should be noted too...
you know its a trans right?
Its sad but true. Germany is truly cucked.
Here's the real dailymail article. Dont know why a 3rd party is hosting it, or why it shows up before the real article.
The amount of amerilards who say they love BBC porn is much higher. Now go back to redddit and post your shitty "le germany is muslim" meme there.
"I deserve this for not being tolerant enough!: