what is Sup Forums's genuine opinion on Milo?
What is Sup Forums's genuine opinion on Milo?
I think hes useful
Annoying, not really that funny
Makes a lot of money from being a charlatan.
Useful for winning over normie students from the SJWs.
Hes built his image on faggotary, hes setting terrible example for our young gay boys, not to mention hes pretty cringy most of the time
Annoying attention whore, but useful as babby's first redpill.
Unfortunately his arguments are based on being funny rather than seriously intellectual responses but as , so he's left with neither.
Sorry Milo. You're simply the inexplicably popular guy in the movement.
coalburning faggot
>the ultimate based jester redpill showing that it's possible to be gay and not be a whiny faggot
>setting a bad example for gay boys
pick one
He is a whiny faggot, im just as gay as he is but you wouldn't know because its far from my defining characteristic.
We need to teach gay boys that you can be gay without being a complete faggot.
I appreciate that a gay man is capable of shit talking the emotionally compromised people on the left, which are usually gay in general
He can stir the normies up and lead them to some general redpilling
Milo does bring a lot to the table but perhaps he's just a gatekeeper to the land of the redpill
this but im conflicted because he's using the flamboyancy as a suit of armor against status quo liberalism, pick your battles I guess
If Hanging fags was legal I would personally do it.
He's a douche.
Anyone else feel like he's jumping on the lib hate train to gain attention? He has to go with the minority because he would never gain attention from a popular opinion, he likes to be controversial because it gets him attention.
He's just like OP. A faggot.
He literally looks like a homosexual Jew sitting in the streets of Tel-Aviv, preparing for the annual butt-fucking gay parade, where he can hopefully suck off a few African men, which he boasts as loving so much. Look it up.
How /pol got trolled into liking this black cock sucking homosexual Jew who openly boasts about it, just because hes flamboyant when he shoots down stupid social justice warriors
"mmmhmmm sweetie, well if you had better style maybe you'd get the cocks I get so you wouldnt need feminism"
The Aurini is a persistence hunter.
makes some good points
triggers snowflakes
has faggot armour
stupidly mocks fatties trying to improve themselves
thinks too much of himself.
basically and entertaining if annoying mouthpiece who helps out now, but i imagine he would turn on people the moment it becomes convenient.
gay faggot
these threads are cancer
Good. When anti-Islam, anti-feminism, etc etc etc etc gets completely normalized (almost there), he'll move to even more edgy ideologies.
European identity maybe? Mild traces of white genocide?
babys first redpill
Aurini thread now lads.
>literal jewish faggot
if his existence is a net positive, then that's good. i don't know if it's true but i don't know if it's not. what i do know, is that he's a damn annoying jewish faggot
a former deputy SoS disagrees and thinks they're all great picks. really makes you think
What I find funny is like half of Sup Forums's alt-right idols loves black dick. Even the dudes love black dick.
filthy homo tbqh
hes a nice guy and doesn' tafraid of anything
Wasn't he revealed to be an Alien?
I hate him because I heard its popular here
A good homo knows his place.
He's /ourgay/
>Wasn't he revealed to be an Alien?
turns out he is a canadian.
He is more a douchebag than an ideologue. If conservatism was mainstream he would shame it as well.
>makes some good points
>triggers snowflakes
>has faggot armour
>stupidly mocks fatties trying to improve themselves
>thinks too much of himself.
>basically and entertaining if annoying mouthpiece who helps out now, but i imagine he would turn on people the moment it becomes convenient.
10/10 nailed it
I hope the pound bounces back and you guys don't get raped on import prices anymore.
A clown that may be sucking too much cock.
Faggot Kike.
Glad he's fading into irrelevancy. Turns out laughing at le silly SJW's isn't really a big deal when you have a man like Generalmajor der Waffen-SS Richard B. Spencer saying "Hail Victory" at events and appearing at Universities.
Attention whore.
Gay Jew faggot.
Gateway drug to Alt Right, which is gateway to White Nationalism.
threadly reminder
I wonder how many of these threads are made by Milo at 6am blown off coke and can't sleep. Anyway he's got good points and he has a good debate style, but he'll still have to swing on the day of the rope.
>nothing personal, kid
he's ok
degenerate coke snorting fag
This is your idol.
drug addicted sodomite riding the coattails for gibs
degenerate, unintellectual waste that will be dead by 40
he belongs in an oven
Not surprising since he dyes his hair every other week. How long till he goes bald?
Started listening to his podcasts and his 2 Joe Rogan interviews. Some things he's retarded on it just plain wrong, but he also makes some good points and opens up your mind to new ideas.
>Gender is a social construct
> Unless you are Trans, then you were born that way
I don't really get a vibe from him that's annoying except when he's playing up being gay, which normally seems done a bit tongue in cheek or at times when he's trying to put up fag armor in an argument against liberals.
I've enjoyed watching how his style has developed over the past few years as he's gotten dramatically better when speaking and doing videos.
He's a bit of a shapeshifter regarding his positions on some things like that. He takes whatever is basically the popular position. Like it wasn't that long ago that he was anti-Trump and as he noticed Trump was the inevitable popular candidate he leaped right on the Trump Train, a position he took to so strongly that many people forgot he was ever anti-Trump at any point.
He's an attention whoring faggot but he's a useful idiot.
that's clearly richard spencer
>Anyway he's got good points and he has a good debate style
I wish he would work on his public speaking nervous tics and stop mentioning his lust for black dick or his homosexuality every 5 minutes
My genuine opinion is that he has no genuine opinions. He found a journalistic niche and dove into it. He doesn't really care how things play out, he's only in it for himself.
I really don't like him. "dude im being provocative lmao" just fuck off milo.
This. He's an attention whore but he's at least a gateway drug.
A textbook populist guy! Sets sail wherever the wind blows.
But he always seem to convince people that he's got "muh rebel-mind".
But sometimes his arguments come in handy though. But it's only sometimes...
He is articulate and has good arguments, but I can't stand him, because he is a gay kike who keeps pushing for more degeneracy.
He keeps pushing more and more. It starts with some innocent joke about him dating black guys because he doesn't like meeting dads. Ok, funny, whatever.
Then he starts talking about guzzling cum.
Then he makes his fans start acting gay.
Then he starts talking about how Democrats are the REAL racists, and conservatives want nothing more than to take care of gay rights.
I stopped watching his videos when he came out dressed in drag and sang the American anthem.
He is a complete degenerate and a perfect example of why there's no such thing as ''based faggots'' or a good jew.
All jews are awful. No exception.
He's an overly theatrical cunt.
He tries.
But he is way too fucking gay
Kaz has actual principles and is overrall a pretty cool guy unlike Miley
But but yeah Milo just holds whatever opinion that seems popular
For one thing he fell for the war on christmas bullshit youtube.com
He's a reptilian shapeshifter
Having followed him for a couple years now, I preferred old Milo. He used to bring facts and statistics and make eel-structured arguments that were based off of well reasoned and researched opinions. Now it's just opinion after opinion stated in the most edgy way possible with little to no cited sources and a black dick joke every 5 minutes.
>Blacks deserve reparations for slavery
Yeah because Jamal is still suffering because Grand-Jamal was a slave 200 years ago and now he deserves my tax money? Fuq dat desu senpai
he's obviously hamming up the gayness to fuck with leftists
sometimes people do things as a joke user, its ok, it happens
on one the hand he is a funny troll who pisses of sjw's and he browses the *chans for sure.
on the other hand, he is a total faggot and probably OP so he needs to be executed.
Bandwagon rider and one trick pony.