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I cant tell if this is pro or anti USA...
Sorry, we've been cucked for quite some time. We'll be sure to raise our numbers under Trump.
No need, it was worth it.
High score! High fives all around.
>we killed this many muslims? seriously when?
>NAtive deaths those were mainly by the Europeans remember America wasn't a thing unitl 1776 and even then most of those deaths are by diseases
>fucking deserved it, suprise attacked us into a world fucking war with 2 different fronts and even when they lost mainland china and korea, the pacific, their coast, and the skies over their land they refused to surrender.
>enemies by US in war, what so killing nazis is evil to leftists now?
>African slaves again is this only from 1776+?
>murder i explained
>Illegal Immigrants FUCKING GOOD they went into my country illegally they didn't have to fucking come here
Its quite absurd that liberals like the current flag, but not the confederate one, when knowing these statistics.
Don't know where you got those figures for African slaves from
did we really kill that many native americans? feels good
Best ally
The illegal immigrant number needs to be higher, you have some work to do burgers.
I'm sorry we didn't kill more than we should and just nuke you fucks, then again you guys can survive a nuclear fallout nasty ass muthafuggah.
>Native Americans: 82,152,000
I somehow doubt that there was ever that many natives in America
And nothing of value was lost
>native muricans
>outdated farm equipment
>removal of degenerates
>nukeru on japaneriseru
Yeah we call that shit war
>criminal executions
You need to up those numbers
Thank you Based Uncle Sam
sorry that we didn't kill more muslims, commies,niggers, and gooks
we really could have done better
>Native Americans: 82,152,000
But that was Mexico
Anybody got the same list but only including humans?
Apologize for the Armenian genocide first.
It's boring. There's only like.. 5 people on it.
apologize? im about to strut all over the place. were number 1! were number 1!
Where do they pull those Muslim death numbers from? I know when liberals talk about 1 million people dying during Iraqi freedom, which is complete horseshit anyway. But where does the other 1.2 million come from?
Its pro.
Keep the number growing.
Sorry there are no Jews on that list.
Clearly, we need more executions
>native Americans 82,152,000
There were only 200000 of them before Europeans
Someone's gotta do it
>Japanese with Nukes
Far more were killed by the firebombings and conventional air raids. For some reason, these days carpet bombing civilians is seen as slightly taboo.
I'm sorry...
That we didn't kill more.
No, that number is for the entire Americas, and 98% of them died from disease, the rest were killed by the Spanish
>2880000 mudslimes
We gotta pump up those numbers, those are rookie numbers
Damn, still over a billion Muslims to go, got to get busy
>Reading through those high scores
>Only 12,000 immigrants
You were once great killers 'merica
Now look at you,
but it's ok
We'll remove kebab, superpower 2030!
I am so sorry... for not killing more criminals. We should really get right on that.
yeah, didn't you know? There are only 33 million Canadians and we have gigantic cities, but the native american population was three times that and there are no native american cities to speak of! Sounds legit!
only 2.2 mil muslims?
trump can do better
bitch you're next on the list if you keep your shit up. That is an achievement record you are posting.
>Implying ISIS isn't fighting for ((((((our team)))))))
Why so little muslims killed also why do we give a shit about 1k criminals executed i thought u muslims execute like 50 kids a day retarded sand nigger
I dont believe that
>1,238 Criminal Executions
Why is that number so low ?
You kept track after all these years... Merry Christmas Turk friend.
>African Slaves
>8 million
Oh and
>native americans
>82 million
I'm sorry that we're better than everyone else?
>82 million injuns
I refuse to believe there were that many of them back then, murricans are cunts but those numbers are bullshit.
fuck off nerd
we need more blood
82 m in all the continent killed by british, spanish, and portuguese.
We killed a shit ton of muslims after we conquered the Philippines.
why arent we doing more to kill muslims? those numbers seem lacking and unfair.
and yet, people still try to fuck with us
>Apologizing for killing enemies
murders and thieves, thats US.
the native american number is bullshit.
there MIGHT have been as many as 100m natives in north AND south america when Columbus got here. Perhaps as many as 9 in 10 of them died from European diseases within 50 years, almost 100 years before the first permanent (to be) american colony.
The population of natives never recovered. At the time of the founding of the USA (1776), there might have been as many as 3 or 4 million natives in all of north america (including Canada and mexico).
How did the USA kill off 82 mil natives? even the most liberal numbers I've seen indicate that maybe 6k were killed off on the trail of tears. perhaps 10k natives were killed total by the US Army from 1820-1890; basically, there wasn't enough natives EVER to hit 100k killed by Americans let alone 80 million.
Now the 80 mil number is probably right if you count all the natives killed/died due to EUROPEAN colonization or exploration, mostly thanks to disease, and most of the damage done before 1550; long before the first permanent English/american colony was founded.
> enemies of (((our greatest ally)))
>82mil redskins
It couldn't possibly be that high
>2.2 slimes
disappointingly low
Oh right, this image is meant to be positive. I get it.
How can you be proud of killing the Waffen-SS? They only wanted to save you from all of this. What will President Trump think when he reads your reply? He's as German as I am, you know.
>Muslims 2,288,000
We should kill all of ((them))
>Implying the Germans were the bad guys
See user, this is exactly why the world has Germany under a microscope.
If he's as german as you are then he'll probably cry and go suck off a kike.
?? that's fucking it??
There were only 500,000 black slaves total in the U.S. Only 13 million slaves were shipped from Africa. If you want to complain on that point, go talk to Portugal. They had more than 25% of that number.
But that's pro USA you dumb cunt.
>82 million natives
Yeah fucking right. I'm quite sure that there were not 82 million natives.
wtf i love america now
>criminal executed
Highly disappointing.
What's the content of Africans kill count?
2mil muslims -> can't prove that one, not sure where the number comes from. Seems like it's plausible, so I won't argue it too much.
Natives -> already addressed by me in Japan with nukes-> another iffy number. We know directly there was probably as many as 220k killed by the two bombs. Fallout probably killed another 5000 nips; i'm only at 225,000 nips dead. where the fuck did 500,000 come from? rounding up?
Enemies by US in war -> this number HAS to be wrong. the most enemies killed by the US in ANY war was in our own civil war, where if you count all the dead on both sides you come up to 700,000 soldiers/civilians. We might have killed as many as 500k German soldiers and civies in WWII, 10k in WWI, 500K Japanese soldiers and civies, 500k Vietnamese, 100k chinese, 50k koreans, 15k native americans, 20k mexicans, 5k spanards, 20k british, 450k iraqis in both wars and occupation, 100k afghans
== 2,970,000 about 1/10 your number
1238 criminals executed -> this number is actually low. since 1977 alone the USA has executed over 1400 criminals. the actual number of executed criminals in the entire history of the USA is probably much closed to 16,000
African Slaves -> this number is astronomically, comically high. At no point in time did the number of african slaves in the USA ever get higher then 3,500,000. The total number of slaves purchased from slave traders in the USA was probably around 500,000. Now slave OWNERS have almost no interest in killing their slaves;
Murder -> this number is also absurd. The number of murdered people in any one year in the USA from 1900-1996 NEVER broke 23,000 people (as the high number), just taking a calculator and the highest number of murdered people (23k) multiplied by 96 gives us 2,230,000 max.
illegal immigrants -> this number is absurd, no such number exists anywhere. The USA does not line up illegal immigrants and kill them; it never has.
Since when have we killed illegals? Also, implying that you guys weren't genocidal.
btw, you will NEVER be part of the EU.
Stalin killed more people than your whole chart combined.
And he is a super hero according to MSM.
Telling the most powerful country in the world to apologize for killing it's enemies
>Making up numbers
>Armenian Genocide
>1 post by this ID
Move along, lads.
Sorry, that the muslim total hasn't hit 1 billion yet.
>america sucks at genocide
Should've killed them all.
Vast majority of the Atlantic slave trade went to south America. Although we get blamed for it, an incredibly slim margin of slaves were ever in North America.
Sorry we didn't kill all of them.
I'm with you, bro.
I think they're winning.
not a fan of this post
Fuck off mongoloid, South America is still full of indians and mestizos, Spanish policie was convert them into christiandom and annex their land to our Empire, anglos were the ones erradicating entire tribes in the North.
Educate yourself idiot.
>Anglo tricks
>apologize for having the high score
Sorry for what? Our daddies taught us not to be ashamed of our dicks.