Why haven't they just droned Assad wtf

Why haven't they just droned Assad wtf

same reason they dont drone kim jong un

Some asshat probably will. Now that 3D printing and DIY drones are becoming more of a thing, I fully expect some fucker to build a drone barge, and a fixed wing drone to launch from it, sail the barge across the ocean, and nail the dude. From his mother's basement, no less.

i bet i could do it if i really felt like it but im lazy


You're right we should really control and regulate printers both 2 and 3D. That tech is way too dangerous for civilians, plus, what if they started printing their own alternative energy sources?

>Why haven't they just droned Assad wtf

Russians control the airspace and will shoot it down. You need to control the air to get the drone in. The drone would be defenseless against the Russian interceptors and the air defense umbrella afforded by the S-300 and S-400 systems.

Any direct engagement in the air between the US and Russia could spark an escalation, resulting in a conventional war. This is flirting with mutual assured destruction, as both sides have immense nuclear capabilities.

>Outlawing devices that can print their own copies
It'd be like outlawing the flu.

we could nuke every country with a 3D printer from orbit.


this world has become an awesome place to live in.

Because he's working with the Jews. Assad fags don't want to admit this.

Printers need materials fuckface
Guided missiles costs over 100k dollars, where's some neet fuck going to get that

Because no machine is going to stop Bashar The Lion.

Shills everywhere. It ain't gonna work.

Sage and reported.

Digits say nukes have all been deactivated by a higher intelligence.

>he hasn't 3D printed a bunker

Guided missile are purchased at a premium because the government isn't so great at price comparison.

>Soda bottle
>insert a few sparklers
>fill the rest with a 50/50 aluminum powder and rust powder mix
>Add electric lighter to light the sparklers with
>place a firework mortar shell behind the bottle
>Do this several times to test and balance the thermite/mortar shell ignition times
>Build one of the remaining bombs onto a fixed-wing drone

>Dive at target
>Activate to make cone of metal fire

I admit I've never made a flying bomb before. But I can think of a few theoretical designs on the cheap. All it takes is some ingenuity. Actually, you could probably just search Youtube for amateur bomb designs.

Linked wrong post.

Why not nuke the area instead with the biggest nukes? Get rid of the problem using the biggest hammer.

Because military drones and combat UAVs aren't real, they're just a myth to create order.

Because can't MOSSAD the ASSAD