>Hi user me and my friends were just talking about what an idiot Trump is.
>Don't you agree?
Think carefully about your next words user
>Hi user me and my friends were just talking about what an idiot Trump is.
>Don't you agree?
Think carefully about your next words user
Other urls found in this thread:
>He doesn't seduce lefties and then do a reveal the morning after
that is some genius trolling britbong
And a good way to end up with a false rape accusation, at that!
Trump is awesome, Hillary sucks, disagree, I don't care.
*girls swoon at my confidence*
>Stand by my support for Trump while being charming af
>Orgy soon after
Are you even trying OP
Will at least one of you suck my dick if I agree? If the answer is yes, I'll say he's an idiot. If no, he is a genius, and you are a pack of fucking nigger cum guzzling whores with roach infested cunts.
MAGA oi boiii! All this pussiiiiii to grabiiiii! Get in lineiiiiiiii!
>morning after
you do it when you are about to bust a nut inside her m8
>which one of you lesbos wants their pussy grabbed?
They all look like trash anyway
I'm out
"Nobody cares what you stupid cunts talk about"
Go out of my Way slimey Cunts, i need room for me on this Bar.
>Don't you mean "my friend and I"?
No girl will ever say that to a guy. Write more real posts, Sup Forums.
You sluts would jump at Trump's dick if given the chance and you know it.
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
Don't fall for it.
Why the fuck am I even here, fuck off, I have a wife
Heres a secret: Hot girls actually like a `racist` who isnt afraid to speak his mind
What degenerated you into thinking that racism and sexism was cool, anons?
Did mom and dad not hug you?
I guess if you think a person worth 10billion, married to a model, and is president of the most powerful country in the world is an idiot, it says a lot about you, daaarlings.
Just defend Trump and espouse your right-wing views in a charming, fun, non-autistic way.
>not knowing a shit test when you hear one
Virgin detected.
Actually I find his economic policy quite interesting in how he seeks to use protectionism and classic ideals of Austrian economics while investing a massive amount into infrastructure to further the Keynesian mandate
Personal experiences
Mohammed drawings
Paris attack
Brussel attack
Nice attack
And local niggers chimping out
Everyone of them had allready 10 Cocks in her.
Why bother ?
literally every day at work
lol I was getting a cuppa. I'm not anally probing anyone I swear m8
No, I can't agree yet, we have to wait and see.
Gas the kikes, race war now, you filthy trollops.
They're not all bad. Just because breivik did what he did nobody says all Norwegians are psycho mass murderers.
>Someone who managed to be elected President despite a so-called best qualified female competitor ever and against the bunch of all you "smart" ladies while he was repeatedly assured to lose doesn't look like an idiot to me.
well I genuinely think he is an idiot, along with the majority of people on this earth. I'd kill all of them after sexing with one. I'd let that one live. I need to breed.
Luckly I'm trans-octopus. I'd grab them all by the pussy
you are a bit late...
Yeah right, some of them are okay, don't go to your local mosque tomorrow
strong brit post
>>Don't you agree?
No ladies, I don't. Hillary Clinton was just not the right woman for the job. The first female president should be one with honor and integrity, two things that Hillary Clinton lacks. The honor of first female president of the United States would have been wasted on her. I'd sooner put one of you in charge of this country over her.
Donald Trump may be a bit rough around the edges. Yes he has faults, but who among us does not? Do I need to bring up a certain Christmas photo from last year? I believe you know the one Sarah.
He does promise more jobs and more money in our wallets. While this does mean removing undocumented individuals from our country by force if need be, it's a necessary evil. At the end of the day, we need to put our own well being before the well being of others. I'd think you ladies would appreciate not only more money in your own bank accounts, but also let me grab you all by the pussy. You'll let me do it too, because you're completely caught off guard right now. I'm going to grab the shit out of your pussies, really jam my entire hand up there. My hand will form a wall across your vagina, okay? And this drink I'm holding? You're going to pay for it. Believe me. You'll pay for it. And Jessica? Those tits of yours? Made in China. That's why they're sagging so much! It's an inferior product! And they're here illegally too. Let me tell you, we're going to deport your tits back to China where they belong, okay? They have to go back.
I would let each and every one of them shit on my chest
>Revealing your power level before demonstrating value
sorry, i don't talk to pixel-womem
> he thinks the world is a ben garrison comic
Yeah,he is not so bright sometimes. If i was going to grab you all by the pussy, i will end up giving some of you STDs as i dont see any disinfectant here
>not asserting dominance and degrading your partner by shitting on HER chest
King of the betas detected
Varg burned churches back in the day. That's ISIS tier savagery and terrorism.
Hi girls, but I'm going to have to ask you all to leave. I'm afraid this building is completely unsafe due to fire hazards. You have 1 hour to pack your things and leave, the police are standing by to help you move along if your time runs out.
Have a good day.
Fucking christ, that's a much needed laugh
ah, the ol' Nut-'n'-Trump. good times.
> Let me tell you about the Jews and their lies
>Trump is a capitalist jewish puppet, i am a national socialist
Why is that? Do you own a tower?
>what the fuck
>they all start sucking my peenor weenor
>astral jizz
I'm gonna remember all of your faces, after our final victory you are all going to be sent to breeding facilities.
Uhh, you play her game. You "vote" SDP or Workers Front or whatever the social justice friend circle likes.
You "date" her, have pussy on a plate and you break her ego by a simple "we are worlds apart" breakup.
>Look them dead in the eye.
>Smile a little bit.
>They may turn their head, shy.
>Move your head to suit theirs, to meet their eyes again.
>Lean in a little closer.
>The small, coy smile turns into a devilish grin.
>Then calmly, put your hand on her should.
>Then and give everyone a long, drawn out look, as if they are an audience you are currently gauging the reaction of.
>Then say it.
>Turn around and run, chased by a hive of lefty-cunts like your favourite Austin Powers scene.
>Actually play the Austin Powers Theme in your head.
>implying a group of girls drinking can hold a coherent discussion and it doesn't just degenerate into screeching, cackling and selfies
You almost had me pal.
I wouldn't call a billionaire an idiot.
How much do you worth?
Enjoy your peasant life
Yeah, based Varg
I say I'm a transgender and then proclaim my worship of the god emperor.
Because they see me as a trans, they will be more likely accept me and fuck my "recently attached" cock.
However, if they dislike me because of my liking of Trump, I can accuse them of being transphobic and win instantly anyway.
win-win lads
>shoot my revolver into the ceiling and run away
>I support Putin, Al-Assad, Duterte and Donald Trump, i'm sure you bunch of disgusting brainwashed western media pets disagree, but that's the real problem, when the general population of the most powerful country has the cultural level of homer simpson, it allows it's government to genocide entire countries while you disgusting subhumans cheer and clap for "freedom".
Please neck yourselves, or even better, fuck some nigger and have beautiful mixed halfbreeds so your pathetic genes cam be cleansed and lost forever.
Please, do the world a favor and purge yourselves.
>socializing with large groups of women
I'll pass.
I'd tell them that I find it highly improbable that I'd be part of such a setting to begin with due to the lack of any and all 2D traps.
*grabs them by the pussy*
He's fine man, very cool, almost as cool as your tits.
women know if you're just agreeing with them for the sake of it, and if so their pussy will dry up faster than something that dries up really really quickly
>30 year old women
nope into the trash you go
>talking to inferior degenerate animals whos only purpose is to eat shit and breed about politics
grab the ugliest one by the pussy and let these weak minded cunts fight over for my attention.
>sure bb come upstairs and we can have all the p discussion you want ;)
What world do you live in where hot chicks give a fuck about politics? Hot chicks will have the same easy life no matter who is in charge. Never met one good looking chick that gave a damn about anything political
*raises paw*
That is sexual assault. You bragged that you have sexually assaulted women. Do you understand that?
Not true.
>Wild Female AIDS Skrillex Caught on Camera
I love that that's the official title on the Alex Jones Channel.
No, Trump is great. Which one of you is coming home with me, then?
you're all dumb cows crying for alpha cock and trump is the ultimate alpha, tell us about your nightly wet dreams about him instead of pretending to have a mind of your own
Replace all this type with hot submissive Japanese girls in 4 generations the offspring would have no oriental features.
I don't agree. Now fuck off, you blurry whores.
>Wonder what I'm doing here
>Put on my helmet
>Remove kebab
>having a political discussion with women
That's not what they are for.
Don't you have more pressing issues to discuss over there?
litterally the definition of rape.
No. Make America Great Again!
What women think men want vs what men actually want jpeg
I hope you guys know that those are novelty rubber fake teeth same with the notorious chav guy one. Scumbags see going on Jeremy Kyle as a badge of honor, and they do so whilst taking the piss, hurr durr I wore those prank teeth etc.
What would the senitic fellow have a swastika armband? I dint get it.