>Donald Trump's proposed cabinet in the 2000 campaign
What did he mean by this?
>Donald Trump's proposed cabinet in the 2000 campaign
What did he mean by this?
baiting for the real run.
He needed to convince everyone that he's only running for publicity.
In 2016, they all assumed he was only running for publicity.
>baiting for the real run.
His cabinet is just as bad if not worse as his 2000 cabinet.
Fuck off, concern shill. You lost. Go crawl back into your basement.
>You lost.
Correction, we all lost. You just haven't accepted it yet because YOUR GUY won!
If Hillary won you would be telling everyone how much of a sell out she is.
Your memes are weak. Go back to r/politics. Also, check 'em.
D-drain the swamp!
Trump will play the jews like a f-fiddle.
Welcome to nu-Sup Forums.
>Go back to r/politics.
You seem to know a lot about reddit. Maybe you should go back.
>not addressing any of my points about Trump being a sell out
I love the poorly educated!
>They're rich so they're the swamp.
Trump already the swamp that case.
>Trump already the swamp that case.
Oh course. This is why all rich people need to be shoot.
Why are these people bad?
>All the rich is gone
>Poor people become the rich
>The circle continue
That why retard like you can't into politic neither become rich.
>If Hillary won
In which reality was that ever realistic? She literally ran the worst political campaign I've ever seen.
fuck off commie, go the fuck back to /leftypol/
Swamp means career politicians, dumb shits.
Washington D.C. is the swamp. People living there are the swamp.
How are CEO's that haven't lived in Washington D.C. a single week part of the swamp?
You have to make a point to address them.
You don't buy a plane and not have an experienced pilot and crew to man it. You retarded shill.
>That why retard like you can't into politic neither become rich.
It means we need a revolution every generation
>Swamp means career politicians,
So I guess all that anti-wallstreet, anti-corporate talk during the elction he did was just for show?
>In which reality was that ever realistic? She literally ran the worst political campaign I've ever seen.
You realize she got three million more votes? I know this is hard for Trumpfags to get their brains across.
He is just an opportunist running to enrich himself and his cronies. He has no ideology other than personal gain, and found a niche of idiots that would vote for him in the so-called "alt right".
I mean, memeing him into the Presidency was fun and all but you didn't actually believe he was gonna change anything right?
This is Sup Forums.
We put Biff Tannen on the US Presidency for the lulz.
>Yeah! let revolution again another revolution.
Literally Libya tier.
Communist in western is a fucking Shame and also a fucking Sham.
>You don't buy a plane and not have an experienced pilot and crew to man it.
No you just put Exxon CEO as head of the plane.
It's a great pick. He'll get confirmed too and you will cry and I will laugh at you.
That's LITERALLY human history. Civilians become wealthy, become corrupt, and finally revolution. And the cycle continues to repeat itself. USA is in the finale dying years of it's empire in the same way Rome was during it's fall.
>Tfw not born in 2000 Trump victory timeline
And you cheered for a pathetic 300-year-old Jewish communist lesbian to win. You're beyond cucked, salty little commie subhuman.
you didn't do shit faggot
>It's a great pick.
Oh a guy who supports TPP and is appointed to a job where he negotiates trade deals IS A GREAT PICK YOU FUCKING FAGGOT!
Trumpfags need to be shoot. They are to stupid to live. Trump feeds you shit and you just eat it up. Because you are fucking stupid.
Do you know what that word means?
You realize it's about 200Rome dies because revolution again another revolution.
>Let copy that part of Rome!
Do you even know that Trump is going to be rubbing his dick all over your face using your tears as lube for the next 8 years straight?
the meme team
>Oprah Winfrey
The only part of this that sounds bad.
>You realize it's about 200
>Do you even know that Trump is going to be rubbing his dick all over your face using your tears as lube for the next 8 years straight?
It's not "my tears" he's rubbing faggot. I didn't vote for him. You are thinking of the Trumpfags who voted for him. I want him to destroy the country.
>I want him to destroy the country.
This is why you commies are subhuman and why I'm so happy Trump will be raping you until you shit blood. Your tears are so delicious.
>I want him to destroy this country.
Man you must be really made HRC lost.
The one that become extreme corrupted until Putin use a iron hand to cleanse the "revolution mess"
Yeah the one that they had to do a re-revolution from imposing a monarch just to let another monarch reign after because fucking their republic is a mess and a sham.
And that why i hate fucking Communist in Western, All they think about is revolution, not a evolution.
lol you dumbasses
Why do you fags even bother? Trump will always beat you. He's better than you are. He's not a loser like you.
oy vey!
>not replying to anything in my post
>le ebic "god emperor"
>u so mad!
Oh yes I did.
It was all fun and games until I realized some of you idiots weren't LARPing as me. That's when it became hillarious.
Now we have 4 years of shattered dreams and hopes to look forward to.
This is the campaign that keeps giving.
yfw you realize Trump is just another puppet for the tribe
Yeah sure thing kid. Now enjoy 80% unemployment as automation replaces workers with robots.
Damn friend, the fact that you're not white sure seems to bother you a lot.
>this is mad libcucks today
good goy
Trump winning means I don't have to take you clowns seriously anymore. You are there for me to mock.
>being this upset
>being this much of a cuck
Please stop, it's not even 2PM here and I'm already drunk af on your tears.
Now i remember that 15$ encourage Macdonald do this.
Trump winning means you're a Zionist now whether you realize it or not
No. Donald Trump is an anglo puppet
>General Electric
>Slav envy
I have full Western European blood, Turkish slave. Your tears are delicious.
3 millions from illegal Californian beaners
what is the issue?
give them a state and the best thing is its in the middle east
>Him meeting with this person so him have ties.
I wonder if u even have Social life. Or you that 400lb hacker ?
I legitimately don't understand the problem with him bringing in high-ranking CEOs and stuff.
He said he'd drain the swamp. That means getting rid of filth. Useless career politicians and so on.
Like Bernie.
and how's that worked out so far for us?
>I have full Western European blood
>The saltiest of tears
>Impotent rage
>No leaders in positions of power
It gets better everyday man.
Let me guess, you're going to stomp around and cry "THE WALL WILL NEVER BE BUILT YOU FUCKING IDIOTS!" any minute now?
>thinks CEOs aren't more filth
nigga you dumb
he's right about you having tainted blood and being in no position to talk.
>jewing intensifies
Nobody thinks the problem in Washington is too much corporate influence except for the most leftist brain dead liberals
>thinks CEOS aren't successful and going to be good for change and success
Commie pls go
>That means getting rid of filth. Useless career politicians and so on.
That's what commie subhumans don't understand. In their pathetic non-minds, swamp = successful people. The good guys are leeches like Zmernie Dudelanders whose first job was at age 40.
>O-only lobbyists are part of the swamp, oh and career politicians too, but not CEOs!
Go back to the_donald.
> I know this is hard for Trumpfags to get their brains across.
I know it's hard for you to get your head around, but the person with the most overall votes doesn't win. That's not how your system works. Hillary's campaign was shit because she spent her time pandering to states with large population bases that would vote for her anyway, while Trump was campaigning hard to smaller states that he could swing his way by appealing to the working class. Trump's campaign blew Clinton out of the water. He fucking nailed her. You can continue to bleat about the popular vote if you like; the popular vote doesn't directly lead to any result. It's not how the game is scored. Trump certainly knew this, because his campaign was built around getting electoral votes.
you have a satellite in the worst area on earth pointing a nuke at everyone and taking the blame
You should get really angry and point out that (((JARED KUSHNER))) IS Trump's son-in-law and he's going to push us into WW3 for Israel.
I mean, if you're taking requests. That's my favorite one.
Indeed, friend.
Where would you rather he gets his people from? Fucking idiots, high ranking people don't just magically appear
>There are people that have problem with someone for just being CEO despite the fact that they are the pillar of economy.
That why you stay poor and will never become CEO.
>and being in no position to talk.
What's with all the non-white rage in this thread? You niggers angry about Trump's cabinet being the whitest in decades? Lmao, get cucked, subhumans.
You have estrogen fortified gonads that block your brain from making good meme
Go fucking die you rosy cheeked faggot
The problem is that the working class elected trump and CEOs usually don't have the well being of their workforce in mind
I have nothing against high-ranking people, but against the ties many of them have nowadays.
Please, stay delusional and think that revolutions come with the ballot.
>LOL Drumpters BTFO swamp isn't getting drained xD
He is bringing in talented people instead of people who get bribed and sell out our country.
You're afraid of success.
>the ties
Exactly why he's getting high-ranking and successful CEOs. They're not going to be as easy to bribe.
>and CEOs usually don't have the well being of their workforce in mind
Here we see another problem with socialist filth. They are convinced CEOs are supposed to be your mommy and cradle you 24/7.
CEOs, and by extension elected politicians, exist to make the company/country as a whole prosperous and well-functioning not to take care of you personally until you die. If you're smart and not lazy, you'll succeed in those kind of conditions. If you're not, go fuck yourself.
How you know that CEO not treated their workforce well.
Oh right, they directly come to the worker, which have worked 10$/h for 8 hours and forced him to gave the CEO 70$
I don't even think that Libtard even accept people that isn't CEO to his Transition, look at Ben Carson, Libtard chimpout because him don't have any experience.
And the one that has experience they called them swamp because they have experience!
This is correct in principle but the red share on the right graph is far to small. For both rich and non-rich alike
The only thing that constitutes "experienced" to leftists is people that went to law school, became lawyers, barely practiced, then became lifetime bereaucrats. That's literally every democrat's life story at the federal level.
If they don't follow that, "They're not qualified!"
>Trump sells himself as an anti-establishment meme
>Beats a career politician at her own game
>She wins pop vote because of SJWs and beaners in California
>Somehow her campaign wasn't shit
What drugs are you taking?
lmao only a lefty would actively wish everything to be worse just so he can say "I TOLD YOU SO."
You are a child. One day, when you are not a child you'll realize that you were and I hope your parents raised you with some concept of shame.
but imagine that shoe-in election
>Trump/Winfrey ticket
Imagine the memes.
>You're afraid of success
>calling out against their (((ties))) is hating against successful people now
I have nothing against successful/high-ranking people because that is how human society is build up, but you're some utopian fuck who thinks that people, no matter their status, can't get bribed. They are humans like me and you, and we all have flaws.
Are you that delusional that you think that you can fix a decaying society with voting some idiot in instead of taking up arms?
You all ask for a racewar but then wait some years until you can elect someone, and by that time already more parts are infested by (((them))).
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
Oh wow. You're just retarded.
Nice rebuttal.
Now that is hilarious
Nice immigrants