New Zealand Hate Thread

Fuck kiwis, they can tug me willy. Everybody who hates New Zealand (i.e. the whole fucking world) can post in this thread about how much they hate my faggot neighbours.

No sheepfuckers allowed.

Other urls found in this thread:

Which one of you faggots have more muslims? Kiwis or emus?

Butthurt basement dweller detected

Your opinion means nothing I'm afraid.

Honestly, if this is aussie shitposting, Canada is gonna rule 2017

toodles loser

For scale, most of our population is in one city. With that said, that same city is also the most "multicultural" in the country; almost everywhere else has minority populations that really ARE minority groups.
Australia has several big cities, and I think most of them are larger than our biggest, so that'd make Australia have more Muslims not only by sheer larger population but also in several places.

Sydney has 5 million people but that's because Sydney has an area of a million square miles

Back to /cric/ saxshit

Eat a cock you hairy buttholes from New Zealand!
>Sincerely, not your mate from America

>4.9 million people
>4,700 square miles

>2.7 million people
>243 square miles

London is 600 square miles, New Yorkers is 468 square miles. Australia is fucking trash

where all the aussie wiminz at?

i quite like new zealand, kiwis are fine by me

>leaf determining which coutries are trash
Top kek

Fucking shitskins everywhere and the whites seem to see degeneracy as a competition.
China will probably genocide us soon anyway

It's not hard, just point to a country on the map that's not Canada

>tug me willy

fuck up cunt

Are they like your mexico? And abbos are your blacks.... You are a british colony... Wait a minute what the hell is going on here how does every british colony end up with the same situation

Canada is fucking weird though. Why do you have so much space between buildings. I swear it was like an hours drive at least to get anywhere

they're more like our Canadians
Tasmanians are our Mexicans

Average Toronto street

I agree Kiwis are really starting to shit up the place with their faggotry. We're gonna have to get rid of those cucks!

yeah but there will be miles of that and no supermarkets or anything. and between the houses and other shit there is just miles of land with nothing on it.


>hey neighbour can you turn down your music? I can hear it through our headphones

Nuke Antarctica. the ensuing tsunamis will clean up the entire pacific

>Be Kiwi
>Owned in daily earthquake

Where did you go? I live in the suburbs, there's 4 grocery stores within a 20 minute walk from my house.

Brisbane in 1960


THOSE (undersea)


glad aussies are keeping there shitposting to a single thread

what's the difference? it's about like canadians v. americans... nearly the same thing, innit?

In truth, just how shit is an Aussie internet connection?

NZ is basically a gay Aus

Which is, in turn, a gay Britain

I posted this comment a day before you

There actually was a grocery store and bar and stuff. you just had to drive for ages to get to retail stores or entertainment outside of drinking.
Here everything isn't pre-planned residential blocks. So there are stores everywhere but much smaller than your mega super stores

Looks like an average home in South West England 2bh.

reminded me of harry potter

you faggots cant hit even when we're bowling easy for you

Seriously, where did you go? Sounds like your describing America to me or Mississauga but I don't know why a tourist would go there


t. Fuck won Deng.

Come back when you aren't cucked by fucking coconuts and mongoloids.
>New Zealand

Checks out

don't you talk about my friend Kiwi Goodboy like that. we should all get along, like commonwealth brothers

Thought those two places were the same. All i know is killer animals and Russel crowe. Should we care about those 2 places??


Toronto isn't too bad a city, the suburbs are shit, unless you're in one of the rich ones like Forest Hill it's gonna be full of niggers. All the cities surrounding Toronto are garbage, don't ever go to markham, Brampton or Scarborough it's just trash, and they make Toronto worse by going to the city and making it look even less white. Toronto has almost no Indians they all come in form the suburbs

>Fuck kiwis, they can tug me willy.
t. kiwi abroad

no shrimps on that barbie?

thanks friend

that's the style, my son

Huh I've only just noticed that Australian flag has a tiny little star under the star on the right. What's that one supposed to represent?

ill put it this way:
im paying $100 a month for roughly 5/mbps on an unstable connection with no way out of the contract outside of scuicide. i was promised nbn, i got this instead. fuck telstra.

I swear to god when the rest of the nation finally decides they don't deserve autonomy we aren't gonna be able to find the cunts.

It's $50 a month here for a 100 mbs connection, this is considered outrageous here


I live in the middle of bumfuck rural nowhere and I still get a better deal and faster internet than you.

I can't remember the suburb but it was just outside of Toronto.
I also wen't to Ontario and Quebec and it was the same

yeah i thought i was getting a (half) decent deal when i first signed up. i asked for the nbn connection which was meant to be something along the lines of 15 m/bps, i was told it was available in my area as well and i thought all was good.

2 fucking weeks later the electrician rolls up and tells me that the nbn is not available from my specific provider, so i was put on adsl2+ instead (which was about 10 m/bps). 4 weeks later the fuckers over at telstra changed my connection from adsl2+ to adsl1 without even letting me know, and now im stuck with this till the end of next year. and the worst bit is the specific part of the contract that wont let me get out of this shit reads along the lines of "we only guarantee 1 m/bps" so i cant even get an ombudsman in my fucking side.

The minimum offered here now (at least in the city) is 50 mbs
Do you live on Ayers Rock? Don't know how it can be so bad

also checked

Fuck off Chink infiltrator.

I hope you're not serious.

I enjoy a good sheepshagger joke as much as anyone, but I've never personally met a kiwi I didn't get along with.

There is no ANZAC legend without those little figgits either.