When you realise that there's no political solution

>when you realise that there's no political solution

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Is war not a political solution?

It is. It will not change our warlike nature.


its not the politics that fails, its the people
any system could work if all the people wanted it and could stick to it

Varg is childish in a sense that he believes the Oil will just run out in one day and total civic chaos will ensue in matter of hours and people resort to crops, cannibalism and whatelse.

I do believe Western World is in decline, but like most of the declines, the fall is gradual.

Looking in a 500 year spawn you could say "Yes, these were the Dark Ages" but you cannot give an exact date or day when the Dark Ages began. Not even in decades. We are talking about 100 of year spawns of time.

Varg will not live up to see the "ensuing Chaos",

Even if he did. If he thinks after total societal collapse he would be safe in his wood shack with biggest bands of vagrants, bandits and warlords ever running around he's just retarded. That shit would make fall of the western roman empire look like a joke.

He thinks that generally people will cling to cities expecting the government to come and help them. And given that most countryside in Europe is home to whites I doubt he'd have to worry about huge amounts of violence.

Theres some validity in what he's saying, city dwelling niggers would kill each other before they even managed to leave to get to Varg.


I wish more people knew this. Sup Forumstards are trying to play their game, but if i made my own game i'd make pretty damn sure that i can never lose, and this is what these faggots will never realize.

It is in fact, literally nothing. It's their prison/jail, they own it, they own the personnel working there, they own the law. If anything, it was all according to the plan, and that's why arresting Hillary for example, will do nothing. That's why Trump winning will change nothing. They are all on the same side, and why should one sacrifice for the upper/middle/lower class if they can have it good forever.

These threads always get ignored or slid, and I wonder if it is because people don't believe this, or don't want to believe this, otherwise they would panic like pussies.

Ethnostates would solve everything.

varg is not wrong.
civilization is ancient and wicked
it was designed by and for evil
to corrupt with time and comfort
once proud, beautiful and strong
people and hollows them out so
that they can house evil itself in
houses built by and for ancient evil

why does he look like he just hit the bong

he is known for blazin it up


>If he thinks after total societal collapse he would be safe in his wood shack with biggest bands of vagrants, bandits and warlords ever running around he's just retarded.

Seriously, I like Varg but his videos as of late have been absoutely retarded.

>we shouldn't be nazis because the left will try to kill us!! We all need to just go larp in the woods, we will definitely get left alone for some reason.

Also just lol at the guy who constantly has to shill his shitty rpg online in order to make enough money to feed himself talking about "self-sufficiency"

Even if 99% of people indeed will stay in cities and just die, that leaves enough hungry vargants to burry varg's lonely homestead under their corpses. This was tried on a smaller scale in argentina in early '00. Survivalists hidden in their dens ended up as interesting sight for urban explorers later on when their sacked safety bunkers/tombs turned up.

>failing at black-pilling


Why can't we just fight for both land and city?

All we need to dp is start from scratch again and by small business's and get our people back in their again working hard.

People aren't even willing to sell fucking weed without turning their wannabe noble noses up in the air.

>oh no we can't do that that is degenerate
>but we could get money and make stronger connections
>omg r u sum kike 1488 xD

He doesn't need to shill anything, sometimes he talks about his game that's all. He says it's something he's proud of and there's plenty reviews out there to confirm.

You don't like Varg. At least not enough to pay attention to any of his videos. Your use of strawman to attach his arguments shows that pretty well kike.

I'm pretty sure he lives near other people, if shit really hit the fan I think people in communities like his would help each other.

Yes. And it's not about being totally protected from the apocalypse while hiding in the woods. It's about not being one of the first getting their shit fucked up by it.

What said people even think of him? I'm willing to believe he would be seen as a dangerous weirdo. He isn't particularly friendly guy.

he must be hittin that dank meme weed

Varg is kino

Sup Forums memes only on Sup Forums please

>Western World is in decline

By what metric?

Certainly, my country has never been better than in 2016.





He literally made a video saying he doesn't expect him family to survive.

So what's the fucking point? He just likes LARPing as a viking?

>implying the entire planet couldn't end up like venezuela within a few weeks if just one disastrous event causes the house of cards economic system entirely based on the confidence of a few hundred billionares to implode

moral decline

the romans had it great too, before their empire fell apart

don't be fooled by your temporary comforts


There is a political solution

we need ethnostates with high degrees of regionalism and strong militaries

>There is a political solution
>we need ethnostates with high degrees of regionalism and strong militaries

And how will that be achieved, I'm not against the idea but I'm fairly certain any attempt at creating one will get shoahd almost instantly.

He says 10% of their food comes off their own land. Rest 90% they have to buy from grocery stores.

Fight the big Jew by buying anything from multinational corporations!

gradual and pragmatically

you can't just go full 1488 and expect it to work, you have to start off by slowly coming with stricter immigration, slowly giving more autonomy to regions etc.

look at how successful the marxists have been slowly eroding our civilization piece by piece the last century

>I do believe Western World is in decline, but like most of the declines, the fall is gradual.
Not only that, but also we will most likely bounce back. If nothing else wakes us up then it will be pic related.

Exactly, moral decline, but also the concentration of wealth at the top with working/middle class wages stagnating, which was ALSO a feature of the Roman Empire before they fell

Get the Aussies to send all their foreigners to the US (since they love mudbloods over there) then Oz can be the white man's haven. Job done.

chinas "GDP" is a meme anyway dude, its entirely smoke and mirrors

>more war
how does that solve anything? hundreds of millions of white people died in war just in the last century and everything only turned for the worst.

There is still hope that Europe and North America will be white lands, we just need to fight for it

World will not be safe until the eternal teuton thirst for slav blood will be sated. Trust me, could i lie to you? It's all for your good!

but Varg says that slavs are white and roman catholicism is closer to paganism than any other religion.

He also loves muslims. He is pretty fucking weird.

how can christianity be anything other than european when it has been shaped for over 1500 years by european kings, philosophers and theologists

christianity is more european than the ancient ways

Well, catholicism/orthodoxy did. And they have probably more common with pagan beliefs than let's say judaism or even early christianity.

The Pope is an immigrant-foot-licking shill, and the largest congregations of Christians are in Africa, Asia and South America.


>literal subhumans

Go watch your family get raped.