Hey pol! Wanna play a game?

Hey pol! Wanna play a game?


I prefer Waldo, but I guess this will do.


Trump's is on the Airport baggage train, Trump's hairpiece is on the left tree, and Obama's birth certificate is under the plane.

I am not good with celebrities. Is that Michael Jackson on top of the plane?


Christian Bale???

Has to be

Find This One



He's at the top left of photo

right side of the bottom left room

Those hairy legs
Are you even wearing anything

Can Sup Forums find a guac ?

Right side with the chairs.
Please clap...

Arnold is in the 4th box of the 3rd row.

Here's an easy one.

>carrying chairs

solid giggle

*leans back*

Look in the complaints department in:

Second from the left, second from the bottom.

Same guy.

Kinda funny.

Although I get the impression that the author is extremely butthurt.




Cover page found. Just for completeness.

Hmm, lets see:

>person holding a blank white card with a handgun on it as a protest sign - no argument - just a gun

Not a good start.

>Obama Bin Lyin sign
ambiguous, maybe its meant to paint them as a racist...

>guy holding it is black

Ehm. Mixed signals here.

underrated kek


man that artstyle is boring as fuck

Top right in front of the fence.

At least Where's Waldo was challenging.

>Look in background
>see shelves
>is this in a store?
>taking pictures of copyrighted material
Will no one stop this man?