Make Yugoslavia Exist Again

Other urls found in this thread: Foreign Ministry Raises Concerns over Ambassador Baily's Remarks

fuck off

You shouldn't leave it then. Now albanians will steal 1/3 of your country just like they did with Kosovo.

yes please


I fucking love Yugoslavia!


remove kebab from bosnia and unite under greater hrvatska


Of course a non country wants to be a part of an actual country. Fuck off and sage

We join Bulgaria then

Good riddance

No thanks.

Fuck you if you don't want yugoslavia

We'll make yugoslavia without you

I'm pretty sure there's a bigger chance of a 4 way split of your country than making another Yugoslavia.

There is zero chance of any split

We can win a war against all neighbors except greece


Is this post

This isn't the best decade for trans-slavic movements. Try in late 2020's.

>Make Ethnic Genocides A Thing Again In 20 Years

Cu cks

ignore that serb/croat shills i also want to make another yugoslavia including you of course. we could be relevant again!

Fuck Off Before I Bash Your Teeth Out

i'm honestly planning to create some party with the name "pan-slavic party" in 2020. in each of the ex-yugo country, to try to revive the movement. i think that would be great success though because all the chauvinists from the each of the countries would be most likely dead by then, so it would open a possibility.

wanna join me into this mission?

fuck off i was in a war whats your excuse for being a third world shithole.

gibe back clay

also it wouldn't be based on the marxist ideology this time, we will will advocate the creation of balkan union and later federalization

What do you think about Malagurski and Pernar?

the only problem is, we are not real slavs

It would be a lot better if it did. I can remember Yugo, but I can't be bothered to remember the names, borders or anything else about the piss shit balkan countries that followed it besides Croatia.


biggest Serb mistake in history

i don't know honestly because i never watched them. do they advocate the revival of yugoslavia?

nobody is by now, but we could use that name regardlessly

No. Fuck off.

Theres a reason it didnt work the first time

your country is albanian and bulgarian clay, fyrom.

t. Ali Abdullah Mehmedipak

I think a pan-slavic movement by 2020's is pretty plausible, but only assuming EU won't really be there while Russia enters the collapse stage of its cycle. Otherwise such a movement will either end up as clients of Russia due to overreliance of easy resources Russia can provide, or won't be an interesting alternative because almost all of the balkans as well as the slav states up north will either be either part of EU and all that comes with it, or at least deeply cooperate with it.

It's fun to think about, just pretty unlikely to happen.

it's even possible to make unity with west slavs including you, and using this language in the form of mutual communication between western and south slavs:

>wanting to be contolled by the eternal polak
kys my man

but first let's create balkan union, then yugoslavia 3.0 (remeber, third time's the charm!) and then slavic union with you and other westerners (even czech and slovakia can be united to become czechoslovakia)

no, we would be still split between west and south, but we would enter in decentralized (economical) union

tfw when never

No but they are Sup Forums

never say never bro

c'mon y'all know my idea is fuckin' good and possible! do you want to become relevant again to the rest of the world, not just some irrelevant 3rd world shithole? then kindly listen to what i say above. soon we'll have to stand up and do some shit!

This is interesting, I looked into that once few years back, and I believe there were several different projects like that, which really made learning any of them pointless. Apparently they merged into one? That's pretty cool.

its not because for that to truly come true we must come to terms with our demons

every one of us must! and then there is a chance to make it happen but until then i wont give it a chance.

We are ready


How about you fuck off instead and get split already?

Yes goy, good idea. Then you start shitting on any other nationality that isnt the glorious nationality of Serbia for 50 years resulting in yet another war.

Face it Dragan, you'll never have a Greater Serbia. Not through war, and most certainly not through """""""""""""""diplomatic""""""""""""" relations and maneuvers.

i am against great serbia you moron. i even stated above that we don't want to create homogeneous country but to create federal union, and different country would rule it every next election. everyone will have equal rights

both of that is not the point

every time the union was tried it pushed against local nationalist interests

that must be a non factor if you want any form of union

since that isnt about to happen anytime soon the idea is a pipe dream

Fuck off roach you got btfo today

>Using btfo on pol

Whew, fyromains about to become the new leaves.

Face it pall it's dead,theres no chance now that can be revived butt maybe in 50 years,who knows

Are shiptars masochists?

You know everyone hates you on this board and you still keep posting.

fucking Slovenia

mby they are to Slavic for it to work

agree, we must choose the right people for the government in the each of the countries, who will suppress nationalism/chauvinism as much as it is possible

shut up Skopjein

It would be good if you excluded the serbs and alb*nians

Suck my dick bitch

I'll put you to sleep

a fucking leaf

>pol is one person

You're not even being subtle now are you?

Don't pretend you don't know what I mean 82 iq gypsy

Brown monkey

no we cant suppress nationalism because we are inherently different if only by a slight margin its enough.

its eather repress nationalism as they exist now and introduce yugoslav nationalism as the vanguard (commies tried that minus the nationalism)

or make it like Switzerland with a neutral foreign policy but a nationalistic internal policy

but both options imply a lot

>tfw irreversibly destroyed a country that had super power potential.
It was for the Greater Good.

a fucking russian pawn

if s*rbs weren't in the original yugoslavia, it would still be around today

I'm pretty sure it's safe to say the supermajority of Sup Forums hates filthy mudslimes, and your country is chock full of them

>meme map by meme country

Why am i not surprised?

there wouldn't have been a yugoslavia if it wasn't for the serbs you uneducated nigger

You have to go back and take your clan with you.
> mfw. not part of the gay reacharound

No not muslims only ShipTARDS

>this is what s*rbs actually believe

go suck some more russian cock

But i'm not muslim, so you can't play that card with me mr leaf.

Please keep them

Never. Politely fuck off, we're full.

I don't know your stupid guttural balkanspeak, but I was under the impression alb*nia was full of mohammadeens

yes but your official religion is islam so you are a muslim on the world stage

Fuck your race shiptar

Nothing would make me happier. MYEA!

this the slovenes

The only reason to restore Yugo would be so we can throw all the undesirables in our own country into them and watch them attempt Socialism and laugh as they starve.

Actually both Albania and Kosovo are constitutionally secular.

Meanwhile this is what I look like

yes, and you are allegedly an anglican country but that doesn't change the fact that islam dominates alb*nia and the united cuckdom

Lol, that's the map where the author's IQ numbers contradict each other within his paper.


As a confederation, sure. But we annex and wipe out Slovenia, deal?

who knows

why even more balkanization

Why don't they measure Kosovo?

why do you hate slovenia? is it because they are rich and white and you are poor and brown?

Jfc look at those ears.

Oh knock it off, it's not like you're kind aren't utterly retarded as well.

> Foreign Ministry Raises Concerns over Ambassador Baily's Remarks

>The Macedonian Foreign Ministry expressed concerns because of the inappropriate designation made to the members of the Macedonian majority by the newly appointed US ambassador to Macedonia, Jess. L. Baily, who in his speech in front of the Committee of Foreign Relations with the American Senate on September 17, 2014, was referring to the ethnic Macedonians as "Slavs".

ohh you got me there leaf, how will I ever recover

Why would he call us slavs? Is he fucking retarded?

Fuck you, you balkan niggers can't pass a single day without trying to genocide each other.
The only solution to the yugosl*v problem is to kill you all and replace you

Keep dreaming shiptar

Most of you vote our parties now you're so cucked

80K votes you gave to ethnic Macedonians lmao

You're so fucked you have AL in your ID.

you never will if you continue being landlocked

You would know all about killing and violent behavior.

Where is your turkish bull?

Keep on questing for a greater serbia, and you'll end up with no serbia.

Fair warning.

those are the the demons you have to face for a union to happen

you speak a Slavic language you have a mostly Slavic culture yet, you don't have a Hellenic script or culture, yet most Macedonians believe they are the heirs to Alexander.