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Never ever

No you asshole, I don't donate to your kike-infested page.



One thing that GamerGate was good for was exposing how corrupt Wikipedia is.

They are literally the Ministry of Truth.

sup you guys owe jimmy money

Fuck you, Wikipedia is the work of devil. Even worse than AIDS.

Did I miss something? Why's Wikipedia getting hate?

[citation needed]


testicular torsion

Fuck Wikipedia.

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You didn't miss anything, you're just retarded.
The most widely used and widely accepted internet source for information that can be edited by anyone - except these edits are reverted or maintained by a few select people.

Just specify on Wikipedia that holocaust denial is unsubstantiated or debunked and you can no longer argue it with any normal person.

Tfw you changed or deleted things on unlocked Wikipedia articles of subtle political importance and they never got changed back.


Go to hell you piece of shit


Okay, I understand, so it's terrible because people can contribute. Sorry about that, I deserved the retard insult.




1. write something critical
2. a second later Jew reverts it "find sources"
3. write something critical with sources
4. a second later Jew reverts it "find reputable sources"
5. write something critical with triple sources
6. a second later Jew admin bans you "edit wars"

>Why's Wikipedia getting hate?
A few people who aren't even experts on a topic decide what is true and what is not. This wouldn't be a problem if wikipedia was a small website however it is probably the mosed used information source on the web. Children and clueless adults from all over the world go to wikipedia expecting it to be some kind of objective and neutral source of information while in fact it is used to dictate the (((truth))) to the masses.

I'm rubber you're glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you!

Jesus Christ

The "Jews and Communism" article was simply deleted by The Wikipedia Jews for no fucking reason.

Instead you have "Jewish Bolshevism", an article about the (((anti-semitic canard))) that Communism is a Jewish (((conspiracy))).

>Globalist scum

Wikipedia is rife with unbiased truths and doesn't at all mirror whatever convenient narrative is being pushed about any past, present or supposed future event.

Oh and the most fucking hilarious article ever written by The Wikipedia Jews:

>Many conspiracy theories have been created about Hungarian-American financier and philanthropist George Soros since his rise to economic wealth. Many of them deal with the intersection between his political beliefs and his financial wealth; author Michael Wolraich has deemed the phenomenon "Anti-Sorosism".

"Anti-Sorosism", bahahahahahahaha.