Let's have a nice thread to discuss Portuguese politics

Let's have a nice thread to discuss Portuguese politics.

Happening of the day: Mário Soares is dying.

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Where is your Country again?

Also didnt we give you money so you can fix your shit?
Did it work? Did you survive or did you go full gree with our money?

>Gives money
>portugal elects right-wing government
>unpopular austerity measures to pay money back
>right-wing wins elections again, without majority
>centre--left socialists unite with old soviet school commies and SJWs to form government

You tell me, Kraut

Mário Soares will die because kek wills it.

I always forget Portugal exists. I keep thinking Spain owns the whole peninsula.

He's getting better though.

I met him and his son once, talked and shook his hand.

Seemed like a nice fellow.

I keep thinking Mexico owns North America too. Which they soon will, since both you and the leaves are too much of a pussy to prevent it


Lmao fuck your shit ass """""country"""""""

Literally just badspain




Be glad, the eternal moor should be exterminated.

any way you guys gonna recover from your plague?

Our plague is the French plague (thinking that the State can and should solve everything)

can you deal with it the same way we did?
i mean like about 80 years ago not todays cuckshit


Sorry, forgot pic

why did you change your colors?

Because our masonic republican fags were too retarded to appreciate art, and Salazar just did not gove a fuck to chamge them back

Your accent sucks, Manoel.


>TFW no one remembers the footage of him stepping on portugal's flag

He's a traitor, through and through.

It's clearly not too late. We need to get a lot worse if we want another Salazar or a Hitler.

When Salazar appeared in 1926 shit was absolutely insane, you'd get new governments every month filled with anti-clerical "enlightened" faggots. I'll just copy a paragraph from wikipedia.

"The era of the First Republic has been described as one of "continual anarchy, government corruption, rioting and pillage, assassinations, arbitrary imprisonment and religious persecution". It witnessed the inauguration of eight presidents, 44 cabinet re-organisations and 21 revolutions. The first government of the Republic lasted less than 10 weeks and the longest-ruling government lasted little over a year. Revolution in Portugal became a byword in Europe. The cost of living increased twenty-fivefold, while the currency fell to a 1⁄33 part of its gold value. Portugal's public finances and the economy in general entered a critical phase, having been under imminent threat of default since at least the 1890s. The gaps between the rich and the poor continued to widen. The regime led Portugal to enter World War I in 1916, a move that only aggravated the perilous state of affairs in the country. Concurrently, the Catholic Church was hounded by the anti-clerical Freemasons of the Republic and political assassination and terrorism became general. Between 1920 and 1925, according to official police figures, 325 bombs burst in the streets of Lisbon. The British diplomat Sir George Rendel said that he could not describe the "political background as anything but deplorable... very different from the orderly, prosperous and well-managed country that it later became under the government of Senhor Salazar"."

Never forget

>Numa época em que a memória do Estado Novo estava ainda muito fresca, o visual da banda, caracterizado por uma estética nacionalista e algo neo-militarista, e letras de canções que reflectiam a glorificação de um Portugal passado, não agradou a muita gente tendo-se instalado a polémica em torno do grupo, acusado dum nacionalismo exacerbado, e inclusivamente fascista e neonazi. Aliás, membros da banda afirmaram mesmo estarem proibidos de actuar a sul do rio Tejo.

Quais são as melhores músicas dos Heróis do Mar?

Saudade, Amor e O Inventor


>has morals to say shit about other people's accents

Still laughing

Que outras bandas desse género conheces?

there is a reason the world hates you, you know.
and it's not because of fucking iraq

This is an accurate image. I have traveled Europe many times and I enjoy nothing more than upsetting europoors.

GNR também são based
Xutos tambem (depende da interpretação que ohes dás)

butthurt moor


Let me guess you work in a bank?
Met him when he was depositing his clearly legit and declared money?

i can't relate to anything in this country.

i give 2 years max before i leave it for good.

Off by one

This is exactly what happened, funny to see it summarized like that