Highly scientific MSNBC poll


Seems legit goy.

Don't ask questions.




Right....and if we learned one thing this election it's how trustworthy polls are


Thumbnail looked like Funny Valentine.


Jews love Trump you Muslim imbecile


(((Microsoft Pulse)))

What the hell is msnbc user?

Why do you care?


It's a fake news website.


the wall got 10 ft higher


The closer the red bar is to the "agree" side means the more they agree, right?

What. Any context? I find it hard to believe that even (((MSNBC))) would lie so hard.

so everyone agrees then? is that what the chart is supposed to show? its laid out in a weird way.


>The only media show that Hillary gonna win Trump with double digit in election day.
Even CNN and Washington times not this try hard.

> brought to you by microsoft pulse

what do you expect

w-what's going on here?





The Polls are clear lads.


Nationalist Jews, the good jews.

Secular globalist jews HATE the guy

These people should be fined to kingdom come for inciting rebellion and sedition against the president elect.

Why would (((they))) bother electing Hillary when Trump is going to be just as good goy?

>269% of Americans agree: get Donald out of there!

Is this not the epitome of "fake news?"
another attempt at manufactured consent.
all these tools are doing is ensuring their own execution at the hands of a trust buster.

Daily reminder that if Donald Trump is denied tomorrow that the US is 100% compromised. I hope you fucks enjoy being the laughingstock of all other nations moreso than we already are.

Loli Jill is best loli.

>Microsoft pulse online voting
