Question: If Electors switch their votes tomorrow, do you think certain disgruntled voters will take personal revenge against those specific electors who switched? I would imagine that there would be some EXTREMELY pissed off voters, who would be ready to go out in a blaze of glory and might want to take certain electors with them. If I were American, I certainly would.

Yes, there will be at least one assassination. Who these guys are is a matter of public record, and there would be at least one guy in a nation of 300 million that pissed about a stolen election.

It would be betrayal of the American people's wishes, and thus grounds for a revolt backed by the U.S. Constitution.

They would be killed... right after their family was

Not one elector will switch it would be suicide for their political career, and spit in the face of democracy. I can't believe the left are actually asking them to go against the voters.

Literally immediate civil war.

I want them to.

Frankly, I really don't see anything happening. Sure, it is basically their last chance to do anything about him, but even mainstream news is saying it's super unlikely, and even if there were some shenanigans he'd still likely come out on top.


Nothing against you all, but how did you take an interest/ learn about U.S. politics.
It seems like there are a lot of good ideas from other nations and its always made me wonder if there are other nations out there or if everyone is just an American using a proxy.

The U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence are the greatest documents ever written. Within those documents are the recipe for a peaceful, secure and just nation.

I would immigrate from Norway just to help you rebuild under the Trump administration, but sadly your immigration laws are.. Shall we say "anti-White"? But I digress..

U.S. politics affect the World the most, and thus is of the utmost importance for the rest of us to know about.

There's a very large amount of armed Americans who deep down are hoping for a reason to go out and kill for the sake of America. They will jump at the opportunity


You're a joke

Hi, CIA. I'm Dr. Pavel.

Most states have laws that make electors vote for their party if it won. Do not worry, it won't happen.

OP Leaf here, no shit, I was just as happy as you guys that the Godemperor won! I'd be crushed if some Podesta cronies stole it away from bribing and threatening.

>anti-White immigration policy
I am not aware of such policies. Please enlighten me. I've never really looked into the specifics.

Stop eating hillarys ass out

What people dont seem to get is that the guv is already assured of trumps transition. They are the only entity that matters in this situation, not cnn, not faggot liberals, not clickbait. The US gov has spent 100s of millions of dollars on trumps transition and security. And money talks.

I'll psyop your ass with my tounge.

We won't know until Jan 6

You mean tomorrow. Fucking leaf.


And I think the left will if they dont change their vote after they were threatened.

Which people again? The American "People" voted for Hillary by a margin of almost 3 million votes.

Pic related.

In short, unless I get $1,000,000, marry an American woman or have family there, it's highly unlikely that I will ever get a Green Card.

That leaves the Green Card Lottery, which is just that - a lottery.

Sorry to say, but it seems like the USA doesn't want a White Norwegian carpenter, gunsmith and IT-technician working over there.

Are you retarded? They announce the winner Jan 6

Easy to get ahead when you allow dead people and illegal immigrants to vote :)

I was born with mild autism thank you very much!!

That explains it

Nobody is switching their fucking vote tomorrow except for that fag from Texas and he's not even switching it to Hillary, he's switching it to Jeb or some shit.

>the USA doesn't want a White Norwegian carpenter, gunsmith and IT-technician working over there.
Yes we do, don't blame our shitty horrible system. Sad it's like this, huh?

This explains a lot.

Hopefully this will change under Trump, but until then I will simply keep applying for the Green Card Lottery.

If there ever was an uprising due to corruption in the government, I would gladly travel over there on a tourist visa to help out.

I would be surprised if they weren't all dead within a year.


Quite obviously the people of the 30 states who didn't vote for the Clintonian, which coincidentally are the 30 states from which the electors would have to defect in order to give her a win.

Give it a few years, soon we'll be taking anyone willing to assimilate instead of only brown people regardless of intention.

It will simplify under Trump, especially for you guys.
Then we will get you over here nordbro.

Publicly betraying and insulting over half of your home state seems like a GREAT way to get lynched.

>rule the world
>"so why are you guys interested in what we do"

There's always that one oblivious burger that doesn't understand the title "Leader of the (((Free))) World" isn't just bullshit.

You Americans have bases in like half the countries on Earth if not more. Your fingers are in everyone's pies. Your petrodollar and crony capitalism makes it so like a tenth of all the companies in every country is owned by Americans. When has the US housing market dip, foreign economies economies crash. You spy on everyone. The CIA is up everyone's asses manipulating elections and social development in every single country on Earth. Your military is so large you could invade everyone else and quite possibly win.

You are the real Illuminati, and you wonder why people care what the fuck you're getting up to in Burgerclapistan?

Thank you for encouraging words. Hopefully we all get to #MAGA in the years ahead.

Consider from the perspective of the average Burger on the ground.

Going to neighboring State usually involves a 3 hour drive, sometimes longer. Going to State in another time zone is either an all day affair or requires using aircraft. And even after all that, you are still in America, just a slightly different version of it.

For your Average European, there is no comparison. A 3 hour drive in Europe could put you in a place where the language and culture are completely different. There is no room to compare.

Its very difficult to think about other countries having influence or being interested in what goes on the USA because there is no mental frame of reference for it.