Was JFK a good president? Argue below

Was JFK a good president? Argue below.

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(((Elites))) thought they could control him because he came from a powerful family under their influence. Turns out he had other things in mind like:
1. Creating executive order to create silver backed currency that could circumvent federal reserve (bad goy!)
2. Telling AIPAC they had to register as a foreign lobby (bad goy!)
3. Insisting on investigating the dimona plant in Israel to ensure that they weren't making nuclear bombs (bad goy!)

Bang, bang goy!

He was stupid enough to have Lyndon Johnson as his Vice President.

No he wasn't. Staunch supporter of negro movements. But he wasn't completely Jewed either. Can't have that can we

Yes, despite his faults. He greatly favored and supported the only group in the military that was/is capable of taking down an entire corrupt government.

LBJ was going to be dropped from the ticket when Kennedy ran for reelection, and be replaced by Bobby Kennedy.

can you actually do that? replace the VP upon reelection?


Army Special Forces is the greatest thing to have come from his short Presidency.

He supported the Communists on every issue, protected them, and wanted a new world order. His administration was responsible for the infamous "freedom from war" state department document.

Every statistic before his death showed the left was wildly unpopular in America and JFK had no chance at a reelection. Leftists using sympathy for their side after the assassination BTFO Republicans so hard at the polls that Democrats had majorities in Congress they hadn't had since the days of FDR. Democrat party power they wouldn't have had without national sympathy over JFKs assassination.

The left attempted blaming a right wing extremist for the killing before Oswald was caught and revealed to be a communist. Despite Oswald's identity the left continued pushing that conservatives created the atmosphere of hate by attacking Communists for their freedom of expression thus driving Oswald to kill JFK.

first post is right post

JFK was a Democrat though.

Is this one of those things that happened before the parties changed?

He liked Hitler so he's cool in my book.


absolutely yes

Kennedy was a progressive, but he wasn't retarded about it. Just common sense. Johnson was the WOAT, though. That guy ruined America.

sources on every single one of these bullshit points


A modern source: debatepolitics.com/us-partisan-politics-and-political-platforms/237383-modern-liberalism-began-kennedy-assassination.html

And a dated source: m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcWju2T2OTU

The civil rights act was introduced into cubes via request of Kennedy. It never had a chance of being approved. Johnson used his first press conference as president to promote the act.

I would also add that the popular media blamed "Birchers" for the assassination before Oswald was caught. Incidentally, Oswald attempted assassinating one Bircher, Edwin Walker, before killing JFK. It's undeniable that the conspirators wanted right wing extremism and conservatives blamed

I've heard that the reason for this is so he could win Texas during the election

If only he had realized the cost of that move




So you guys are telling me JFK was a Democrat communist and a progressive....and Sup Forums likes him?

Have we been invaded? I mean, I know we have, but am I hearing this right?

Maybe. I once attended an activist meeting of some tea party fags and they handed out pamphlets referring to Kennedy as the last great president.

>Not Nixon
The tea party truly was controlled opposition

Sup Forums doesn't understand history. Most people here have no idea what most presidents are and believed in. They're all locked into some dumb American modern conservative vs modern liberal dichotomy. They only care about mindless "I'm part of this team" nationalism here at this point, regardless of what has happened in the past.