Westerners think Jews are using Muslims to destroy the west

>Westerners think Jews are using Muslims to destroy the west
>Muslims think Jews are using western nations to destroy Islam
>White people think Jews are using black people to destroy the white race
>Black people think Jews are using white people to destroy the black race

Why are we still all against each other, when we are all redpilled and know what's up? Why can't black and white unite, why can't Christian and Muslim unite, and face the real enemy, the elephant in the room?

Because the elephant is smarter.

There can be only one

Total war nau!!


Every time one tries to preserve themselves against it, others are manipulated to destroy them, and then their legacy.

>black people

nice try rabbi

like hitler said:"these are the people who pit everyone againt eachother"
its just their instinct desu

Am I the only one who thinks America is primed to be the next weimar? All we really need is another big jew war. Halfway through, crash the economy, unions strike, and then give up in the middle of the war.

Fuck them kikes

Because that is antisemetic goy!

Weimerica is our land already goy

yeah dude if there were no jews mudshits and niggers would just magically stop being shit and wouldn't want to move to western countries for gibs. it's so obvious!

It definitely looks and feels that way but we aren't quite to that level yet.

>Jew bankers and corporate masters promoting the idea of a communist revolt so that they have all the plebs redistribute their wealth and have their heads cut off.

How many dimensions are in this particular game of Jewish chess?

The problem is that Jews aren't one single group trying to control the world. They're many groups all playing off each other and competing for control.

Let us prey the ones who want to use Whits to fight the mudslimes win out.

Are you the same cunt that was offended because your pussy ass accent?

Jews are masters swindlers, it's safe to assume that they get better with every generation, sadly.

If an being an enemy of my enemy makes someone my friend, then me and all my enemies are actually a big group of friends.

"ello govenah hour ugly britesh wemin wood rava fuck borwn fellas than our ugly anglos arses"
Kek, you cant even make this up, your country talks like tools to feel superior for not holding on to America

>one post by this id


I highly doubt he expressed something of that sort in regards to racial relations. You know, given that commies like to see everything through muh bourgie conthpiracy

>Westerners think Jews are using Muslims to destroy the west
yes but they mean the commie jews in NY, Hollywood and university campuses
>Muslims think Jews are using western nations to destroy Islam
yes but they mean the Israeli jews and pro-israeli lobby in USA, they're not the same

>Why are we still all against each other, when we are all redpilled and know what's up? Why can't black and white unite, why can't Christian and Muslim unite, and face the real enemy, the elephant in the room?

At the end of the day we are still enemies.

Muslims still live in overpopulated shitholes and are envious of our wealth and want to conquer us. Blacks still are inferior and want gibmedats and dindu it up.

Until whites wake up no one is going to fix this mess soon. Maybe China if they start breeding supermen with genetic engineering.

There is an unfortunate lack of Jew-awareness among black people. They don't differentiate between Jews and other white people.

Gas the kikes

I'm not confused, in the slightest.

> when we are all redpilled
No we "all" aren't red pilled. Sup Forums is less than 1% of the western population, desu. Even much less than that in non-english-speaking countries.

> why can't Christian and Muslim unite

Different civilizations with different values and beliefs can't simply "unite". They can trade, they can learn from each other, they can even have "conversations" -- whatever that means. But they can't just unite. EU should be a clear example (and earopeans are much closer to each compared to western-christian-vs-muslim.)

Same principle, to some extent, also applies to people of different ethnicities, as they have generally different temperaments and different views on what is important in life. Not impossible, but difficult.


No, trust me, goyim, we only hate bad Muslims and white supremacists who want to destroy Israel.

Jews got most people believing their Santa Clause and give gifts to all the good goys. They're too asleep to feel the knife in their back.

>>Black people think Jews are using white people to destroy the black race
prove this one. Blacks hardly ever differentiate jews from whites.

>the Jewish day of reckoning is coming..God will hit the reset button.

If it isn't Russian hackers it's just a stupid conspiracy theory.

Russians did it all.
