Why didn't you vote for Bernie Sanders?

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I'm not 18



im not a filthy communist







Be...cause I'm not a registered democrat.

>I wouldn't have voted for him anyway. MAGA!


Save and repost.

Because I am neither a communist or a cuck.

:O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O

>registered democrat
>voted for hillary in the primaries because I'm not living in a socialist state
I'd rather live in a globalist dictatorship, than in Venezuela

Because I'm old enough to know Santa clause isn't real.


We tried, but the DNC systematically worked to deny him the win.

Because he is a communist from Vermont.

Looks like Hillary won't be going to jail, then.

>Hillary in primaries
Not cool bro.

Free college education? You guys used to have that.
Free healthcare, every other european country has it. Canada too.

>Why didn't you vote for Bernie Sanders?
Because I'm not racist

>bernie forfeited the nomination before it even started
>set a date to withdraw months in advance
>immediately endorsed clinton as the 'lesser evil' while patting his sweaty brow and pocketing millions of dollars from his poor commietards
the leaks show him plainly as someone without integrity and a leech.

or Trumps associates

Because I'm not a Swede.

I'm not an in-debt ((((((((college)))))))) student that gets stoned every five minutes and knows nothing about basic economics or history

>How much would you save on day one?
I don't know like 2 or 3 hundred million, my dude.
>Ha! You are like little baby

>favorite book Farenheit 451
>shuts it down
Oh, the ironing. Bradbury would roll over in his grave.

He is a jew, Trump sounds like Hitler, what would you do? If you read up on him, Hitler is the main reason why he is in politics to begin with


Speak for yourself pinko scum

Trump is basically Lannister in Game Of Thrones, just some rich family that finally manage to rule over something and immediately does everything to endoarse themselves in business. He already hired the swamp, so it is clear he never cared about the average joes.

Also, someone figured out that the tariffs againgst other countries won't do shit because it is STILL way cheaper to move your business to other countries

Hillary fucking sucks

God you're dumb.

>((("someone"))) figured out
>tariffs don't work because it's still cheaper

The point of the tariff is that it is raised UNTIL it reaches the point that the desired course of action is the cheapest.

This fucking retard wanted to raise taxes on my bracket by about $150 PER PAYCHECK. My health insurance is already fine, it's only an $89 premium ans everything else's gets paid for, even if I needed a $100,000 heart surgery.

This guy also literally let BLM take his rally over. If you voted for this guy, I unironically think you should be dragged into the street and shot

That looks like admission that he's a gommunist to me

okay, so has Trump suggested to raise it even more then?

Honestly could be anything, but you should read the Communist Manifesto anyway. Hell, read Mein Kampf too, it's education


What do you have againgst black people user?

by how much? Remember, don't lie to me, I have google just a click away

The other bad part about raising the tariffs is that it will affect his voters the most, basically cheap products from China will cost more

Looks pretty shitty so far

I have everything against someone who lets apes take over his rally, and also wants to dip his hands into my paycheck (even more than the 30% I already pay) to fund lefondah shanequah johnson's welfare

Seriously NEETS who supported Bernie should be rounded up and have their brains blown out

Then click it yourself.

I respect those NEETs way more because at least they didn't turn out to be hypocrites

I just did, didn't find anything about him proposing to raise it again

manlets of course

Yes they were authentically retarded from beginning to end

When will they learn?