Why is Sup Forums so against psychology?

Are you all mentally fucking ill...

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I know a cult when I see one, buddy!

Because it's a Jewish invention.

it's a kind of self-loathing autist thing

if you get diagnosed as autistic, just say the jews did it and there's nothing actually wrong with you, it must be everybody else

I will give Psychology more respect when they can use medical equipment to verify illness in the same manner Doctors do.

>posts a trap pic

Kek, fuck off normie

Roofe said it was Jewish so I am aginst it.

You know what user? You enjoy those pills. ENJOY THEM.

Psychology as a profession is literally just listening to someone talk, then throwing a diagnosis back at them. Maybe stop for a little bit and suggest that they get into better health, confront their fears, or give them a different way at looking at their problems.

It went from behavioral studies to life-coach bullshit. One was the science of observation and understanding. The other is snake-oil for $200 an hour.

It's jewish invention to steal your money

Because psychology is honestly nothing but a bunch of pseudo-intellectual bullshit.

If your degree in psychology is an arts degree, burn it. If it's a science degree, well, at least you know everyone is crazy. Legit following and understanding all the changes made throughout each iteration of the DSM reveals a lot of what (((they))) are pushing and why what they're pushing is simply wrong.

psychiatry and psychology are two different things

Read this book


Circumcision leads to autism

Look at the jews

Psychology is pseudo-science with a vested interest in prolonging treatment. You think if you're getting paid 100 bucks an hour you wanna cure the guy?

One guy said I had ADHD, another Turrets. They're literally the opposite. My mom has been receiving meds for 25+ years. Every 6 years or so her diagnosis changes. Perfer alcohol and cynicism plus Jesus.

It's da jews, I thought you were more intellectual than this
Not a trap faggot



Fake science whose practicioners are often the most mental themselves. My sister-in-law and her cuck husband both have PhDs in Psychology and they ramble on about how much they understand human behavior as much as freshmen Psych students.

>Why is Sup Forums so against (((psychology)))?


jews made it so that if you are against them then they will brand you with some sickness and say you are dysfunctional then no one will take you seriously because you are sick and then they win, they always win :(

I'd have probably killed myself already if I weren't on meds, so I trust at least a little bit of psychology. Only the parts of it with legitimate scientific backing, though.

Psychology is a crock because it relies on evidence not pertaining to sexuality.

You want perpetual identity issues, see a psychiatrist.

Or maybe I meant it the other way around?

Objectivity is absolutely impossible.

Because it's a fucking joke.
You can't predictions with psychology so it's not a science but garbage


>It went from behavioral studies to life-coach bullshit. One was the science of observation and understanding. The other is snake-oil for $200 an hour.
If talking to someone for 20 hours permanently fixes your depression that seems like a much better deal than having to take happy pills for the rest of your life.

Pretty common knowledge that it's a fake industry mate, did you just wake up from a coma?

Gtfo kike

Literally everyone in favor of psychology or who studies psychology only likes it because they are trying to find out why they are nuts.

It's a Jewish swindle.

t.pharma shill

We like psychological insights, but think they differ based on group as a result of culture and genetics. We don't agree with pathologisation, generally speaking.
As to why we're against it: It's an obvious mechanism of control and we don't like the current administration.
It corrodes the quality of debates, as you yourself point out, because the arguer can just call anything they don't like motivated by pathological psychology, shifting the topic of conversation to a person's mental health rather than the truth of their statements.
It also functions as a way of devalidating any emotions and concerns a person has that don't fit the ruling decisions. Leftists had it done to them in the 60s, Charles Manson has it done to him now, Dylan Roof has it done to him, Ted Kaczynski had it done to him. If you don't like the feelings someone brings up, it's even easier to devalidate their feelings and moral commitments than their logic, because logic is usually more obviously correct to the intellectual types who would otherwise be capable of criticising psychology.
We also don't like the idea of a Jew extracting money out of you for a dubiously useful service that often encourages people to make themselves at home with defeat as its grand solution to their problems.
Tl;dr Some value, mainly a tool used by Jews, technocrats and capitalists to pull feelings that don't fit the establishment out of circulation.
Used by advertisers to encourage non-logical amoral or immoral thinking.

OP, if you like psychology, you should read Schoupenhaurs text on women. lmao

2nd post best post.

>If talking to someone for 20 hours permanently fixes your depression

But it doesn't. There's no cure to depression that doesn't involve a lifestyle change or complete change in environment.

All talking to a shrink does is make you feel a little better for a day or two after you empy your frustrations and problems.

I think trying to categorize unique souls is a moronic endeavor.
That's in conjunction with a personally held belief that I'm a far more stable individual than any given liberal arts ninny who would ever purport to give me life advice about anything at all.

I have, and?...

emotions are literally what's gonna change the world

if you don't ensure doing what's right makes people feel good the right thing will never get done

and by that I don't mean that no hardship should be involved and everything should just fall into everyone's lap, just to be clear

you just answered your question fucking faggot piece of shit

its because its a tool to label any dissenting world views as

>mentally fucking ill...

seriously take a plastic bag and a can of Raid Fresh Scent, and joyfully gas yourself motherfucker!!

changing the way how I felt about things were the first step for me to enable myself to actually change my lifestyle

without those 20 hours I'd still be sad sack of shit sitting lonely on my couch.

Now I am a millionaire with goals and ambitions.

Best 4000€ I ever spent in my life, would do again.


The way psychology is conducted and considered by many is like a religion. There is none of the hallmarks of science in psychology papers like statistics, controls, reproduced results, and consensus. Aside from parts of psychology that deal with neuroscience, it's all wishy washy fortune telling that liberals point to for answers to existential questions. Psychology is the state religion of the left.

No actually. I think psychology is bullshit because a huge chunk of modern problems aren't even worth thinking about.

cool story bro

I actually agree with this. Psychotherapy is less scientific process than it is craftsmanship.

Psychology is a category of fan fiction on human behavior written by autistics, and preached to the psuedo-intellectual white liberals in the Communist churches, known as universities, by the kikes on tenure.

>paying someone to just listen to you
kek, why am I not a psychologist?

all I can do is lead by example
for me it was very helpful and beneficial for my life, but everyone has to find their own way and what suits them best

>Are you all mentally fucking ill...
Nah, just redpilled

It's pseudoscience, not an actual scientific field.

how did you get rich?

Who is this semen demon?

Sup Forums not one person of course. I agree with Stefan Molyneux, it's a good investment to make for most people, I think most people are dysfunctional.

Psychology is a jewish invention.

Psychology is subjective. Pseudoscience.

ethnically European one

No they use the scientific method. Objective evidence. You can't lump in what is objectively true with people trying to sell amphetamines.

This. How would two month of injections in psych ward affect someone? friend of mine just got out

Because not all conspiracy theories are false but that won't stop them from trying to but you on brain rotting antipsychotics even if you believe just one commonly incredibly common held one like there having been more to the Regan assassination than a lone gun man.

Go ahead, go tell your doctor you think it's not entirely impossible that while actually dead, the US didn't actually kill Osama Bin Laden or anything similarly mild and see what happens.


user speaks the truth!

100% serious, I think about eating people everyday. Of course it's just fantasy but it has become an obsession and I can't afford a shrink, any advice?

Psychology and sociology are like trying to learn about a thing by observing the shadow it casts and the footprints it leaves behind. You can learn some good information, true, but not much. These disciplines are fundamentally concerned with how humans act, and that means the brain. As neuroscience progresses they will become completely useless. Until then, they are just guess- and- check.

stop skipping breakfast

>why don't you believe us when we tell you to take pills because we tell you you're mentally ill goy?


Wasn't there a study done showing that majority of psychology papers can't even be replicated with partial results.

why are deviated septums so unaesthetic?

Stop posting these threads.
No one is against psychology.
They are against sophistry and modern psychology is sophistry.

It's like when someone pretends to know what you're thinking and they get it wrong repeatedly but keep telling themselves they get it right.

Because of social psychology. But the whole thing's heavily politicized, and about as rigorous as economics while being not nearly as relevant.

The replication, of this bunch of failed replications, also failed to replicate.

Lady I have 2 sides to me: nicest person you will ever meet, and crazy fucking sociopath

Because psychology call you to look inwards and fix your own issues, Sup Forumstards always put the blame on external reasons. Denying their own reality to adopt false feelgood rralities in which their made up anonymous persona is finaly in a position of status and power.


>if you aren't a social butterfly who enjoys spending lots of money on frivolous shit you're a psychopath, rapist and possible murderer!!!

>Are you all mentally fucking ill...

According to modern "psychology", men like Einstein and Tesla would be considered mentally ill while someone like Bruce Jenner would be considered "normal."

Just to prove my point. Jews hijacking something doesn't make it Jewish. It makes the hijacked thing appropriated and false


This young man is delusional because he thinks he's a woman.

He has unresolved feelings about his sister

Child trafficking to the Muslims, of course. That's where all the money in Germany is made.

Ask me? Would've been better if user had just killed himself.

Super soldier serum. He will feel fantastic and be able to lift trucks now

desu both einstein and tesla had their issues mentally

You tried

Psychology was not Jewish but Jesuit created. Their "spiritual exercises" and early fascination with mind control led them to pioneer it through their puppet organisations such as the Rosicrucians. Jesuits trained and promoted Jews into prominence after Kulturkampf so that the Christian would would start blaming a different sect and leave them to their business

He got galoperidol injections three times a week for two month.

>Are you all mentally fucking ill...
only people seeing a psychologist are ill.


my dog could master psychology

Pseudo-sciences like psychology, astrology and cryptozoology are for women, ethnic minorities and conspiracy theorist weirdos.

psychology is basically white hating: the degree. total hugbox.


Psychology use to be somewhat scientific until "publish or perish" and the leftists grabbed a stranglehold.

For example, trans by definition suffer from body dysmorphia but leftist ideologies have made actually treating people a sign of discrimination and instead pushes the encouragement of mental illness. The fundamental research that has been done to build the foundation of the field would never occur today because leftists deem it inhumane.

Meanwhile academia has produced a culture of "publish or perish" where everyone focuses on publishing new research to get ahead, sometimes even fudging numbers, just so they don't end up having a wasted experiment. No one wants to test the reproducible capabilities of a thesis supported by another experiment. It's not surprising in the slightest when >70% of psychology papers are non-reproducible.

Most of psychology has become an absolute shitshow revolving around confirmation bias and the only real science you'll typically find is in the cognitive studies overlap, where they actually use scientific methods and quantitative results to study the human brain.

If psychology is so credible why doesn't the psychology community agree on LITERALLY ANYTHING?
It's not like math or physics or chemistry.
There's no empirical testing because you're trying to study humans.
You can't account for all the crazy variables of a living creature.
It's like trying to say economics is a science.
Psychology isn't a science but instead falls into a series of pattern finding pseudo-sciences.

I challenge anyone on here to post one "psychology law".
Show me something that can be proven 100% of the time in all humans.

Go back to your contaiment board in Sup Forums


Psychology is the study of why brainwashing people into believing in a false reality sometimes drives them nuts. It's bullshit and is only real because we live in a fake bullshit world