My girlfriend is on HRT and is worried she'll lose her health benefits (most importantly her MtF hormones) if Trump repeals Obamacare.

Will he really take away essential care to people with pre existing conditions like my girlfriend?

Other urls found in this thread:


he won't repeal it, it would be too unpopular. Plus, prices would be ballooning 10x faster than now under the old system

He'll change one insignificant thing, rename it Trumpcare and be done with it.


why would she lose it? rofl

people with pre-existing conditions will be covered...just sign up for the same benefits

stop being dumb

lucky I am too poor to even get obamacare

stop pretending you have a girlfriend (trap or otherwise) on the internet.
Trump's government will probably be so ineffectual that nothing too major will change with the ACA. The Republicans may try to neuter it a bid, but it won't be "repealed and replaced". Your imaginary girlfriend has nothing to worry about at the moment.

Hide + Sage

>pre existing condition of being a male
Won't matter your boyfriend will be an hero in a year.

I wasn't going to respond to this obvious bait, but I actually chuckled.

>MtF hormones

This fucking planet.

>Wanting the govt to accommodate your faggotry.
Gas yourself, faggot!

Why wont he just say which wall scroll he has? What is he trying to hide?

Kill him and then kill urself fagget.

Gross. Sage



>Trump will never win the primary
>Trump will never beat hillary
>Trump will never save jobs
>Trump will never be effective!!!

Come on man, move on from the denial stage

>girlfriend is on HRT
>her MtF hormones




High quality


Taxpayers shouldn't be on the hook for degenerates. Also MtFs are just broken males

>pre existing condition
>health benefits
My neurological pathways are firing on their own.

You forgot:

>we shouldn't treat health problems

I think you mean

>your boyfriend

He won't repeal Obamacare. You're fine.

Somebody told me

Lol that means you have to pay a penalty each year that continues to go up. Good thing you don't have a taxable income or pay income taxes

Poopoo peepee

Trump already stated that those covered through Obamacare will be grandfathered in after it's repealed.

He also claimed Rei as best gril.

great thread

>OP still hasn't been banned
>people are still replying without sage

Why can't your GF pay for her own girlification costs?

When the rest of us feel like our bodies need to be more manly or girly, we pay out of our own pocket for penis enlargement pills or breast implants.

Why does it suddenly become "essential care" when it's for improving trans people's self image?

I am a neet on obama care but I voted Trump because although I appreciate the care, it's really hurting America as a whole. I'd rather have Trump daddy in and even if I can't get health care, that's ok.

>essential care to people with pre existing conditions
Your boyfriend needs CBT and good beat down, not pharmajewticals

America shouldn't provide HRT to degenerates such as your boyfriend, but should instead 100% subsidize gender reassignment surgery.

We can call it modern day eugenics.

So fuck people born with disabilities?

Post pics of the sissy faggot

basically yes, that is how most conservatives minds work

>My girlfriends penis

I wouldn't worry about it, 'she' will kill itself or get cancer and die before you lose your healthcare. Hope that helps, cheers.

>penis enlargement pills
Please tell me this is a thing

Trannies have to go now.

Being born male is not a disability.

Being a male isn't a disability.

Trannies have to be discouraged because this shit is an epidemic.

Having your body develop mismatched from your brain is a disability. We can't change the brain, so we change the body to fix it.

It really is that simple.

Fpbp as always.

Being a fucking headcase degenerate entitles HIM to mental health lockdown ward not tranny meds

Some faggots get free tranny hormones to make themselves more feminine. Why can't I get a free gyno surgery to make myself more masculine?

You are a fucking moronic faggot. It really is that simple. Cancer took my kidneys. That is a disability. I'd love to kill both of you disgusting homosexuals.

This is science fiction. Nobody's in the wrong body.

Do you also think Rachel Dolezal is black and otherkin are really animals?

Trannies are really

1. Self hating gays (younger)
2. Sex fetishists (older)

Men are not women. The only appropriate treatment is helping to change their mind so they accept their own bodies.

It's a mental illness and it's not up to the public to participate in the fantasies of the mentally ill. Trannies should either get better or kill themselves, but I'm never going to lie about a man being a woman.

Yeah she can pay for that. No more gibs like that from my fucking pocket. It makes no sense other than "gib me".

New rules. You have a baby you can't take care of just deliver them to Johnny Pedosta. He'll take good care of them.

I hope so, I can't believe my tax money is going to your faggot ass and your mentally ill "girlfriend".

Well said Proto-Taco.

Honestly, if they try hard and successfully look like a QT then by all means keep on doing your thing. If you look like fucking Rudy Giuliani in drag then kys or get some electro therapy.

>only one disability exists

Male and female brains are different. Do you disagree?

lol faggot

sorry no more multi hundred thousand dollar free sex fetish pills

You just wait, these things will be not covered by insurance, but cost half of alldaychemist prices.

Stop dating a trap


gay op

There are no male or female brains. Brains are flexible, and they contain a mixture of masculine and feminine characteristics.

Your sex is not determined by your brain. Even if there was "brain sex", which there isn't, it would never make a man a woman.

all the policies are written for 2017, no one can be sure of anything for months, if not another year

It doesn't deserve health care it deserves death

I don't care what they look like. I'm not going to pretend chromosomes don't exist for nutcases. I'm not their therapist.



are mental disease considered pre existing conditions?

bullets are cheap


Does ur bf have a feminine penis

>her MtF
It's not "her" you mentally ill faggot.

So because a tranny's brain may or may not resemble their opposite sex, that justifies mutilating them physically and mentally? I know a few trannies from school and they're still just as fucked up after their transition because they bought into the meme that their life would suddenly become better after they chop their dicks off. There is no evidence that transitioning helps these people in the long run.

Stop normalizing mental illnesses, you filth. You wouldn't give a recovering alcoholic a drink, would you? You're just enabling them to fulfill their fantasies, which often stem from self-hate, when it's very obvious that they are in no mental state to even make that decision in the first place.

>Cancer took my kidneys

lol get fucked dipshit

