"England is a memory now," he says, in an interview with the NME published yesterday...

>"England is a memory now," he says, in an interview with the NME published yesterday. "The gates are flooded and anybody can have access to England and join in."

>He goes on: "Although I don't have anything against people from other countries, the higher the influx into England the more the British identity disappears. So the price is enormous. Travel to England and you have no idea where you are. It matters because the British identity is very attractive. I grew up into it and I find it very quaint and amusing. Other countries have held on to their basic identity, yet it seems to me that England was thrown away.

is Morrissey /our guy/?

Other urls found in this thread:


English culture is not being 'thrown away' it is evolving and getting the best from other cultures.

Yes, absolutely.

It's giving up it's best though. So yeah it is actually being thrown away.

>fucking /leftypol/

Evolved English culture already exists, it's called America.

You mom wasn't 'cheating' on your dad. She was just broadening her horizons with his consent.

He was the Milo of the 1980s.

It's not evolving. It's changing. Changing in the wrong direction.

European whites are destroying their culture just so they can include refugees that don't even want to integrate in their society properly. They are literally destroying what their ancestors built. They have no identity anymore, in the next 10+ all that great history and culture is going to be thrown away and replaced with mudslimes, have fun Europe, you're beyond saving at this point

getting the "best" from another culture is appropriating something like numerals from Arabs/poos. but England, and most of the West for that matter, is getting the absolute worst from other cultures.

British culture is thriving but English culture is dying, mind you so are the ethnically English people, help.

Morrissey is based and the smiths were one of the things to come out of the 80's

okay relax with that lol

He's a seems like a social lefty but also praised Brexist, so Morrissey is at least semi-woke.

will Brexit voters show up in the same numbers to actually elect now people like Nigel/others apart of UKIP?

i don't understand how you gentlemen vote for Brexit and yet still remain under libcucks in office. you'd think the people who made Brexit possible would lean conservative.

Nah, he just doesn't recognize it because he's becoming old and irrelevant. Remember, this is the guy who in still ill, sung, "I believe that life today is simply taking and not giving. England is mine and it owes me a living..."

Full on socialist, anti-Thatcher protesting cuck. He's also a self-denying self-loathing homosexual whose Marxist parents made him feel that homosexuality was one the excesses of the aristocracy.

>you'd think the people who made Brexit possible would lean conservative
They do. But the conservative party are cucks. Only UKIP is actually lright and they're to small and stigmatised. The conservatives always say they will bring migration down and always increase it.

he is almost certainly a social lefty, but even leftists stands to lose a lot in the wake of mass immigration and importation of third world culture.

concepts like feminism, being environmentally conscious, etc. are mostly an expression of white Western culture, and won't be upheld by Pakis, niggers, and so on. IMO, Morrissey basically just avoids this cognitive dissonance so many liberals have.

>opinions can't change

I thought the left loved him because he was all "meat is murder" and shit.

Has Morrissey changed?

In 2014 Morrissey stated that he believed there is "no difference between eating animals and paedophilia. They are both rape, violence, murder."[288]

In 2014 PETA worked with animator Anna Saunders to create a cartoon called "Someday" in honour of Morrissey's 55th birthday. It contains Morrissey's song "I Know It's Gonna Happen Someday" and highlights the journey of a young chick.[289]

In September 2015, Morrissey expressed his revulsion at the "Piggate" scandal, saying that if the story were true about British Prime Minister David Cameron inserting "a private part of his anatomy" into the mouth of a dead pig's severed head while at university, then it showed "a callousness and complete lack of empathy entirely unbefitting a man in his position, and he should resign".[290] Morrissey condemned the "sexual perversion" of such an act, adding that "people in power misusing and sexually abusing corpses" was "not excusable".[291]

He called chinks "subhumans" because of how they treat animals.

He's like a weird mix of left and right. Nationalist and socialist? loves animals? I dont even know.

he is still all "meat is murder," but you know who else was?

>Morrissey, a vegetarian and animal rights advocate who last year abandoned the stage at the Coachella festival in California because of the smell of cooking meat, described the treatment of animals in China as "absolutely horrific", referring to recent news stories about animals in Chinese circuses and zoos. He told interviewer Simon Armitage: "Did you see the thing on the news about their treatment of animals and animal welfare? Absolutely horrific. You can't help but feel that the Chinese are a subspecies."

The guy is fucked up:

In a 1985 interview with Simon Garfield for Time Out, Morrissey stated that he had always "despised royalty" and that royalist sentiment supporting the monarchy is a "false devotion", saying,

I think it's fascist and very, very cruel. To me there's something dramatically ugly about a person who can wear a dress for £6,000 when at the same time there are people who can't afford to eat. When she puts on that dress for £6,000 the statement she is making to the nation is: "I am the fantastically gifted royalty, and you are the snivelling peasants." The very idea that people would be interested in the facts about this dress is massively insulting to the human race.[245]

In an October 2012 interview with TV comedian Stephen Colbert he spoke out against the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II, stating; "It was a celebration of what? 60 years of dictatorship. She's not [my Queen]. I'm not a subject." He later went on to say; "I hate the royals. I think they're absolutely horrible people. I think they're arrogant, horrible dictators. The world does not need them."[246]

He has also criticised the royals for their record on animal welfare, focusing on condemning Princess Anne's promotion of horsemeat consumption, and Queen Elizabeth, Prince William, and Prince Harry's involvement in hunting and blood sports.[247]

Those literally have nothing to do with socialism or thatcher.

it's a bit extreme, but it doesn't mean he can't have an overlap with other Englishmen as far as their best interests go in respect to things like shitskins and mass immigration.

not everything is a perfect fit, who cares? i don't get that booty bothered by someone having left inclinations so long as they aren't suicidal about it.

I love all these idiots like him and Cleese and others of their generations who now bitch and moan about the current state of affairs after sitting around for 40 years passively watching as the chips fell into place. Would have been nice if you voiced these objections decades ago instead of deferring this mess to your children and grandchildren. You pricks sold us down the river and the best you could come up with was this wishy-washy statement? Fuck off.

>The guy is fucked up
>stated that he had always "despised royalty"
>She's not [my Queen]. I'm not a subject.

Fuck off poofter, go fuck your mum
We have a fucking Precedent, nigger.

the quote in the OP is from nearly 10 years ago. but you're right he could have done more.

>Bengali in Platforms
>This is not your Country
>Ambitious Outsiders

He's pretty redpilled about immigration

>as the chips fell into place.

I read that as "chimps".

Might as well be honestly, kek.

im gay for moz, i think he has cancer or something, he tapped out of the last gigs of his tour.

We have a "Precedent". This dumb redneck spelled it the way he heard it in his head.

Say it with me, "Mr. President." Good boy. Now go eat your Moon Pie and drink your RC Cola, people who aren't subhumans are talking here.

>f the story were true about British Prime Minister David Cameron inserting "a private part of his anatomy" into the mouth of a dead pig's severed head while at university, then it showed "a callousness and complete lack of empathy entirely unbefitting a man in his position, and he should resign
>The guy is fucked up
You seem like the fucking degenerate you tory cunt. We will hang you from the highest tree if you show your face in America. Fuck off twot I'd rather a faggot animal rights activist than a royalist. Fight me IRL with a ramp boat, cuck.

Morrissey has always been based. He makes fun of fat girls and has talked about how immigrants can't really assimilate in songs like Bengali in Platforms and National Front Disco.


how does it feel to know that your country will never look like this(link related) again, and the worst part is that you used to have the most beautiful country in the world.

Please, that's from the first Smiths album. Plus, Thatcher was a globalist cuck like Reagan.

Why doncha put on your mum's panties and whip yourself into a frenzy why doncha? Your cuck politics are a backwater to the greatest cuntry in the Wurld!

Hes literally hitler

>Thatcher was a globalist cuck like Reagan
You are correct, sir

so very wrong

He and Cleese were cheering on the subversion.

morrissey understands white genocide

>he should have named the jew

Nigga, what? I only wear a jockstrap. Courtesy of Andrew Christian

What was that abhuman scum? Reagan was a globalist? Not so long as the US had welfare for immigrants to leech off of central services.

De-evolution is a form of evolution. No doubt it's "evolving."

Morrissey has always been about the melancholy. He might have reservations about what is happening but long ago accepted that life is shitty so he isn't going to try to stop it.


"If you must write prose/poems
The words you use should be your own
Don't plagiarise or take "on loan"
'Cause there's always someone, somewhere
With a big nose, who knows
And who trips you up and laughs
When you fall"

>is Morrissey /our guy/?

He has also made these two red pilled songs.

About the disgusting pakis: youtube.com/watch?v=_ekUu-yfQ5Y

About the National Front: youtube.com/watch?v=glrYDRz5BDs

>"I believe that life today is simply taking and not giving. England is mine and it owes me a living..."

Isn't that satire though?

this. so many of his songs are satirizing the sentiments people attribute to him.

during the early 1990s and again in the 2000s, Morrissey was harassed in the media for appearing in public draped in the British flag and for using skinhead imagery in his live shows, music videos, and songs. he has consistently written songs against immigration to Britain throughout his career, and has parodied crying whining leftists in the UK for years. His song "Irish Blood, English Heart" dreams for a day when you can be a nationalist in public without being shamed and threatened by all of society. While he is not a political figure and so is no expert on anything, the thrust of much of his music is extremely redpilled. as for the homosexuality and vegetarianism, he wouldn't be the first righty to end up with those views. Hitler and Röhm had them, too. He's not perfect but he is not the fainting lilting faggot people typically take him as