Can we just go back to the good old days of pol?
Not only have we grown lazy and allowed this to happen,
The mods have become niggers.
Can we just go back to the good old days of pol?
Not only have we grown lazy and allowed this to happen,
The mods have become niggers.
Nigger, we literally just hijacked the entire US presidential election just a month ago.
What fucking more do you want?
how about vacations? We've earned it, no?
There is no goal.
Only more.
They ban our diy boards
we ban their senoritas.
We've literally kicked off a cultural revolution through shit posting, and you want us to go back to just scaring teen girls on tumblr, fuck that, I want to keep on going bigger and bigger, I want to see where this wild ride ends.
Those days were fun too though
day of the rake, when?
At the end of the ride
I agree with a leaf? ?
Wtf is going.on
oldfag here who only came back to see what you shits were up to during the election
there were more intellectual arguments in the good old days, it seems like things have devolved
but the pepe market has boomed and some loudmouthed orange tv uncle got memed into the whitehouse, pretty dank tbph
This guy has it right. There is only always more to do and conquer. This world is gonna get its shit in order and the liars and men of deceitful intention are going to get their shit kicked in until we live in a utopia. Thats when Sup Forums can just "go back to its old self"
Gotta go fast and balls deep
Our tired veterans can go rest at 8ch
Double checked , my tortalini
Everyone with a bit of ambition (or brains) left for cripplechan. All that's left here are the trolls and the cynics.
>Sup Forums taking credit for a cultural revolution and the U.S. election
Ok so we shitposted on an anonymous image board where literally no one other than autistic virgins go to but SOMEHOW we were the catalysts to a cultural revolution.
Not the disenfranchised middle class and working class, not the nationwide denial of the left wing, not the failure of the MSM to objectively report news, not bad trade deals, not more awareness on Islamic terror due to the spike in terror attacks in the West. The list of factors goes on and on.
Giving Sup Forums this much credit is stupid and cringey as fuck. Honestly Sup Forums got pushed to the right after Gamergate when SJW's attacked the thing autists hold most dear: escapism through video games. After gamers, weebs, virgins, and other social outcasts learned about the lies of the mainstream press from Gamergate, they were properly redpilled and started to shill for Trump in the U.S. election. Trump got the Sup Forums vote from Sup Forums, that's the only credit Sup Forums gets
Meme magic is a joke. A joke you retards are taking WAY too seriously. You have nothing to do with the current political culture in the West and telling yourself that posting memes on the internet has caused this is just pathetic
It's a manlet spic from /leftypol/ on cripple chan and /r9k/.
First they came for the nigger threads.
>comes to Sup Forums to explain away a post about "nothing"
girl either ur ironic or ur retarded
Yeah, either that or I understand when Sup Forums is satire and when it isn't. These newfags are really starting to fall for the memes and actually are telling themselves that THEY had something to do with the election. It's cringey as fuck
Wanting to be banned this badly.
HAve a merry christmas user see you Jan 1st.
>THEY had something to do with the election
Getting the SPLC to name Pepe a "hate symbol" and getting Clinton to spend an entire speech and web page denouncing it wasn't a measurable achievement? It didn't come from here in last 6-7 months, all the real work was done on infinit. It absolutely had IRL impact.
Thanks for correcting the record, cuck
Look at this image right now
so youre retarded. good to know. google traffic statistics for just pol specifically; this site and just this subforum get more daily active and concurrent users than mainstream media sees in a month.
cry all you like but for better or for worse some of these cringy autists are actually having an effect in the real world.
lain eat your heart out i guess
Thanks for using the same sad argument when someone criticizes the circlejerk hugbox. Have you ever thought that the rest of Sup Forums just comes on to this shitty containment board to challenge your group think every now and again?
Let me say this again. You had nothing to do with the result of the election and saying you did just makes you sound like you are begging for a participation trophy.
>getting the SPLC to name Pepe a hate symbol
>Clinton speech about the "alt right"
You do realize that the media used this to their advantage right? You do know there are millions of people out there who think Trump has created some dark hate group known as the alt right because the media was able to manipulate the whole situation, right?
This was funny, but like all other pranks on Sup Forums it was completely rhetorical. In reality the media won here by spinning the situation to make pro-trump memes on the internet seem like the work of some highly organized hate groups. All the Clinton speech did was further make the bluepilled scared of Trump supporters. It's only a measurable achievement if you are ranking it by how funny the prank was. It had zero positive effects on the election and did nothing to help Trump
This doesn't actually bother me at all. Mainstreaming right wing and nationalist ideologies is something I am for. But Sup Forums traffic statistics do not prove anything other than the fact that this board is 2006 Sup Forums
You think the average Trump voter goes on Sup Forums? The middle class families, upper class businessmen, working class white people, disenfranchised workers. You think these people even know about Sup Forums and that you had any effect on them? You think before people in the U.K. voted leave they were influenced by "meme magic". You think they saw Pepe memes and thought "I'll vote for Trump now!" Come on man you can't be this ignorant. This shit is a joke and if you don't get that you are bluepilling yourself hard
All Sup Forums did was influence the rest of Sup Forums. Nothing more
When we shitpost on Sup Forums, our images and arguments leak all over the web. Facebook pages and twitter users sometimes post such argument or pic, or whatever. If we unravel something new we can share it and spread it.
Been on Sup Forums since 2004.
I don't recall a day in these 12 years without the "I miss old Sup Forums/pol/b/" thread.
The board doesn't change, it is our views that change and grow bigger.
It's fine that your in denial about the true power of the internet, it's ok to be retarded.
Just keep typing up those paragraphs, It will surely work this time.
are you really so fucking dense that you think anyone other than you on Sup Forums is 100% serious? nigga you are retarded. Like let's consider for a moment that the poster you replied to IS 100% serious. How is YOU responding going to change literally fucking anything?
oh wait now i see, you do legitimately think shitposting will change someones behavior on an Indian Poo Trading forum
Except we did lol
no u are
no this board has gotten worse. Its regressing into stupider shit because the intelligible posters who want to converse in politically oriented content are scattered or already left. Whats left is ruins filled with bumbling morons and soot covered aristocrats. This board honestly should come and go around the time of american elections just so it doesn't contaminate other boards.
>This board honestly should come and go around the time of american elections just so it doesn't contaminate other boards.
Contaminate what ? Gay porn on Sup Forums ? Bunch of NEET's on /r9k/ ?
Lurkfag here, you're wrong. Reddit was normie redpill, this is the next step. Going back to lurking...
Too many weak newfags on this board. The rule is you lurk for two years before posting. Laying down blue pills only adds to the hate we feel towards you; newfags who post are making the world a worse place
Really corrected my record
But muh egoism and righteousness