If the Auschwitz gas chambers were real how do they explain this?
If the Auschwitz gas chambers were real how do they explain this?
when will the jews stop raping little children?!
>How do you explain this video made by an obvious conspiratard and rejected by scholars and historians who know their shit.
Because they weren't. It's a hoax.
Literally work camps. Jews died because they were weak parasites that should have been gased thousands of years ago!
How dare you. Millions died you fucking liar.
>Literally work camps. Jews died because they
I bet your fat NEET ass would die in a day, little bitch.
why are we giving the jews so much money when we can't take care of our veterans and citizens
(((rejected by scholars and historians)))
yeah bud believe everything they tell you. after all whoever wins gets to write the history.
> Video was blocked in your country
Fuck you
So, im actually an ex convict. I miss turning a knife in the back of the neck. I miss it.
*gorrillions get it right you stupid goy
gtfo then
Holy fuck is this your first 10 minutes on Sup Forums?
Proof would be testing the age of the chimney since it would prove it was crafted after the incident was said to have taken place.
They don't have morals, so never.
how many fucking jews are there if every 10 years 6 million perish
Weak bitch jews getting triggered!!!!
This is awesome! Literally a race controlled bt ugly women and pedophiles
but they just want peace :(
Goyim can actually do half a day of physical work without breaking in half and dying.
T. German pride enthusiast
explain this
soon user, soon
soviet famine was actually real caused by the (((bolsheviks))) but im not sure whats with the 6 millionTM number
they are making sure you never have free speech again
our (((politicians))) sure work swiftly on (((certain))) issues
while our soldiers wait years for treatment
Typical low impulse thug. You could probably do the dirty work the elites sic you on.
Cowardly shit. You would break in their position. No empathy from the bottom of barrel tough talkers.
Yes. I discovered this place today. My Rabbi talked about coming here.
Yeah like you are a great seeker of truth. You swallow any cum gargling garbage from sources everyone else knows are a joke. You don't give a fuck about anything other than reinforcing your bigotry.
No one said the people in that picture were jews you inbred. Most were ethnic Ukrainians. The Holodomor happened too.
The Jews were kind of pathetic as the Soviet troops who ended up in such places at least tried to escape instead of selling their fellow people out.
That said this video does accurately challenge the number of Jews killed but it certainly does not prove that their was not an attempt to destroy (((them))).
At least 1 million kikes were murdered in the Soviet Union, here is some evidence is you don't believe me: youtube.com
literally ever few years 6 billion jews die from something. ..pic
wtf is going on .. what's their reproduction cycle
>die in a day
I'd want to die in a split second. But long after ending your pathetic Shylock existence,
actually I have the HQ version and a few more sources that specifically mention them being jews
lmao. ..you jews are more inbred than anybody, and the arabs are your genetic cousins lol .. pathetic
heres 5 shekels (Soros troll
I stopped watching after (paraphrased) "why would they use something already available and constructed when they could have spent precious funding on building a whole new furnace". wtf kind of logic is that?
>those jugs
Trips of falsehood
Hi pls tear down the firewall :DDDD
I'm new to the whole Holocaust being a myth conspiracy, but I am intrigued. Can someone red pill me on it? What is the end purpose of making up the Holocaust? Were Jews still targeted in WWII, but just not as much as they act?
trips of a better future and Deutschland will rise again
and be called antisemites?
get outta here you racist nazi
here .. watch and learn
trips of truth
>Yes. I discovered this place today. My Rabbi talked about coming here.
its always the shills that respond to multiple and every answers at once, can't be more obvious.
gotta keep the goys in line eh?
>Spain also blocks this video
download it with this: en.savefrom.net
Can't you see how perfectly airtight those last three doors are?
German engineering. They built the first stealth bomber out of wood.
Holohoax is a hoax
lol .. and the V2 rocket was a plastic 2 litre of Coke
Holly fuck!
Is this your first week on Sup Forums?
Actually, it was made out of leaves. They're just as good for holding water if you know how to weave them together. You could carry a bunch of 2 liter coke bottles and feed them into the leaves, which through photosynthesis, could extract extra energy from the coke that plastic would not.
weapons of mass destruction, Syria, Vietnam. Afghanistan
what did these "wars" back stories accomplish.
who gained from these events?
do you see what i'm getting at.
everything your being taught told fed learned ect.. is fucking Illuminati propaganda.
the system is so big, that people know its real.
fake news will be the trojan horse that destroys everything.
us under huge freeze..
planet x will literally destroy us..
trump will.. hahahahahahahaa
maybe a jew is smart enough to think of what you said .. but those germans were not smart enough to think of anything important (sarcasm since some autist will @ me with some stupid comment)
pic is for muh constitution americucks
Everyone knows Jews are far smarter than Germans. That's why they needed to implicate nearly half of the civilized world at the time in their own private war.
The German Barbarians never stood a chance. Their intellect and engineering was no match for the Jewish warmongering talent.
>At least 1 million kikes were murdered in the Soviet Union, here is some evidence is you don't believe me: youtube.com
The soviets murdered jews and russians then blamed germany. Typical soviet tactic.
Sup Forums btfo holocaust did happen. fuck you conspiritards
>captcha pizza
>being this autistic.
>This video contains content from BBC Worldwide, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.
oy vey!
Trips of truth beat trips of falsehood
>he thinks that extremely limiting his sources of information is a good thing
blocked in my country you fat nigger jew
So what you're saying is, we should instantly throw out something someone says if it's well researched and sourced, purely on the basis of a lack of an honorary title?
Does that mean we can throw out your post?
How many other videos has this guys done? He did the one called "One Third of the Holocaust". His videos are top tier.
>BBC Worldwide has blocked this video in your country
Ah i answered my own question. The credits at the end list the guy's work. There is another video on Buchenwald. Three videos in total.
BBC worldwide
>blocked in my country
guess they aren't worldwide then