Is anyone else here kinda nervous about tomorrow? What if there are enough faithless electors? What if we end up in a civil war over this shit and all the sanctuary cities? What if it's exacerbated by Russia and China picking sides? Fuck there's so much that could go wrong, I just don't want it to end like this.
Is anyone else here kinda nervous about tomorrow? What if there are enough faithless electors...
Yeah I feel you, I've been feeling a lack of I guess you could say "presence" and things are getting weird
What time is it supposed to be over at?
Tomorrow's my birthday. I want nothing more for Trump to be confirmed as POTUS, and for my father and I to spend the day together making fun of liberals.
it will pretty likely happen and the house will vote in hillary. we have to protect the republic.
It feels like God is taking this one out.
Not sure
Me too if only for stability's sake. I'd rather have some chimpout riots than a fucking civil war.
No one else?
Listen I am not one for weird end of days conspiracy theories, but I have lived in the Balkans and seen enough thousand yard stares and heard enough stories to know that something is brewing in America.
Monday has at least a reasonable chance of generating a Balkans moment.
Please go to the store. Get food, get water, get fuel, get batteries, get ammo, get whatever you might need to survive for a month. Get some two-way radios if you can and give some of them to your most reliable friends.
There's only maybe a 5% chance of RaHoWa but that's still fucking gigantic.
I have always been a guy that says, no, I like the cities, I am not a country retreat sort of guy, but this is not one of those moments. If you have the ability to leave urban areas for a bit, don't be there on Monday.
Soros and friends are in a panic, they think that a civil war and a collapse of everything is preferable to their sins getting out. Has to be Pizzagate related. They don't care anymore, they'd rather see everything burn than be found out.
Be ready.
won't happen, but if it does, /k/ will get its wish
>implying it's only /k/
Let the happenings resume.
shut the fuck up
Nothing will happen. Trump will take power and MAGA.
In the 0.00001% chance that there are enough faithless electors, Hillary won't be able to do shit as president with the republicans owning the senate and house.
I await my eventual obliteration. Make peace with your gods.
fuck you concern shill op
tomorrow's going off without a hitch and you're going to be posting your "is anybody else worried that drumf isn't staying in that house" or "is anybody worried that he won't make it to the inauguration spot" and so on
then after he takes the oath of office you'll be shitposting "is anybody worried that he's gonna be impeached"
faggot op
>Being this mean
Hey this is a comfy month
just wondering what the point of this bait is
go back to r/thedonald you fucking newfag
>He disagreed with me, must be bait!
There will be no faithless electors, you dumb piece of shit, because they would soon become dead faithless electors.
I know it's a bit of a meme to say "the people won't stand for this", but disregarding the system by which the leader of the nation is chosen is shit that only happens in 3rd world countries.
Nothing will happen.
If something did happen it would be prank time. Some high-ranking people in Washington would start getting pranked and federal intervention would probably be enacted within a day
Hopefully no one has to get pranked
No. Not worried at all. You must be retarded to actually believe that the ec will deny teump the presidency.
>being a habbening fag is now concern shilling
I hope you're wrong.
Sure thing
Are you joking? I want a coup to be attempted, the traitors would be fuckin lynched
t. underage kid that has never dealt with death
got my last final tomorrow so im a little nervous
Electoral college voters, if they do not vote for the candidate who won the state, by effect resign from the office and faithful electors shall cast a vote in their place.
Get fucked, #nevertrump losers
Worst case we get another Republican as pres. Could be Jeb's master plan all along.
Best case Trump gets 305 and liberals are btfo for the next 4-8 years.
They can't just replace hm
If there's a civil war would I be allowed to go fight?
Could it spread up here?
Nah it's time
The same way a forest must burn once in awhile to renew itself so too must civilization go to war to renew itself
It's the cycle of history like the cycle of life itself and it cannot be stopped
The time is coming soon
It'll be fine
if they steal the election, millions of liberals die
it's not a big deal, don't get so worked up.
It needs to take form of a semi-ethnic conflict otherwise it's for nothing.