Why are Sup Forumsacks against communism? It's literally the only way to fight against the jew menace.
Don't tell me you fell for Hollywood's "Communism is bad" meme.
Why are Sup Forumsacks against communism? It's literally the only way to fight against the jew menace
jews created communism
Only because of the jewish kibbutz system
Kek. judeo-russian JEWS created the USSR shitlord.
Karl Marx had hebrew roots. Communists are the the useful idiots weaponized by the jews. Or maybe communism is the endgame of the jew all along.
This thread won't be deleted because of that manlet leftpol mod. Go home, Ayden, you poof
That's odd. I thought Sup Forums was a leftist board.
>hating on Marx because he was jewish
grow up faggot
Racial Workers Realism is the only way. Basic living standard income. More if you work. No one's going to shame you if you blow your brains out either.
I'm talking about a communist society, not the corrupt as fuck soviet union
>profits are worse than usury
OK kike
If history has taught us anything, it is that
Communism is code for White Genocide.
No. Anyone can network.
>I'm talking about a communist society, not the corrupt as fuck soviet union
>Le communism never been tried
No true commie falacy detected.
>what is free speech
kill yourself
Not only do I hate Marx due to his jew heritage but due to the fact that he is a complete fucking moron who has inspired total cucks to think communism is going to work somehow.
>(((KARL MARX)))
Plus he was a smug asshole who refused to get a job and rather watch several of his children starve to death than "degrade" himself.
Not to mention being a hypocrite for raping his housemaid and forcing her to raise his bastard by having his cuck friend Engels claim paternity.
Well the meme killed my grandfather by sending him to an inhuman work camp
>Bbut ssen... senpai.. memes don't kill people, right?
You have my deepest condolences. Fuck commies.
deleting these troll threads is also free speech you stupid ass
>Not viable economically
>Even worse than what we have now socially
Fucking commies
Why is Brazil shifting so fast to libertarianism ??
Being a quasi-socialist state for 2 decades does that to you really fast
I'm from Argentina too. Our country is almost communist and it is shit.
>and China
>and Cuba
>and Laos
>and North Korea
I could go on?
In before
>B-B-But that's not REAL Communism
It's funny because many founders of communist parties were jews
stop trying to subvert you retards
>literally the only way to fight against the jew menace
Please tell me that you are not really THAT stupid. Communism was created by Jews.
Communism and capitalism have the same final result: a caste of untouchable elite/Party members, loading it over a pack of hapless proles.
The difference is that capitalism has less starvation and secret police
Back to leftypol faggot
One system for us, another for (((them)))
OC to combat the lefty/pol/ menace
shoo shoo kikes
What do you think of the Imperial Brazilian posters?
Because I can't enjoy muh freedom with that political system.
"Better dead than red"
-Fallout 3's capitalist robot
People in the west who claim to be "communist" are insufferable. I'd rather be raped by capitalism than commune with retards.
Aside from this, you will always hear that no state has tried "true communism" yet. There is a reason for that. Marx's theory has a fatal flaw in that the working class cannot and has not ever won the theorized "class struggle" during the transition.
goyi..er, works of the world, unite!
It is impossible to become a truly communist country, every country that tried later on adopts a capitalist economy or it becomes shits
Take it from me, it was absolute shit.
nobody had anything, we shared kitchen and toilet with 4 different neighbors. Nobody can form groups in public (police man would come and say "what are you doing, go separate ways").
If you had much wealth b4 communism - sent to gulag, if u were an intelligent - sent to gulag, if u were a person who was in movement to implement communism after it was in power - sent to gulag too.
Don't believe me? Look in youtube "yuri bezmenov" watch his interviews he talks the same as I do.
Oh how everybody was interested in exclusive products from capitalist countries.
To wish communism on your country is to wish poverty and unhappiness on your country and your people.
You are despicable human being
communism is for idealogues. it fails in practicality. capitalism, literally the free market, exists as a natural consequence of proper (small) governance.
Judeo-Russian ATHEISTS. Communism is the one ideology which gets people of Jewish heritage to fight to lift their country out of religious barbarism.
Now Communism is gone and Russia has gone back to (((religion))).
I did not fall for any meme. I literally was born and lived in the USSR. The system sucks so much I wouldn't even wish to live under it for my worst enemies.
It the most unjust, the most deprived regime to have ever existed in the modern times. Everyone is a slave with no rights and no hope for the future.
Communism was always fail becuse or assumes there is no one who's lazy or will try to cheat the system, people are flawed and niggers exist
It's the same reason ayn rand philosophy fails.
Bioshock actually presents it quite well, a single clever con man can destroy the whole house cards rather easily .
>set up businesses that sells superpower meth in a city that offers no assistance to homeless
>methheads with superpowers become homeless among the others made homeless by the uncaring society
>set up another business to shelter them
>the shelter provides them with access to more super meth and propaganda against and Andrew Ryan
>unleash an army of super hobos and destroy the city
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being Communist.
Because it's ran by people who capitalize their gains out of the system.
Is there anything more autistic than a communist weeb?
We don't like Chuchshill either though?
National Socialist weebs.
A reactionary weeb.
>created by Jews
>installed by Jews
>advocated by Jews
>goy students brainwashed with it by Jews
>only way to fight the Jew
Kill yourself commie
>marginalized and largely poor minorities flock to a system advocating an egalitarian society with no class division
>it's a "communism is bureaucracy" meme
most of us are anarchists. either long-run or short-run
>marginalized and largely poor minorities flock to a system advocating an egalitarian society with no class division
This. Tired of you stupid neo-reactionary fuckers that I am inferior for not being white. I'm tired of your nat soc bullshit. I am not a means to be used for your ends.
Communism isn't just one way of doing everything you fucking moron
Because Communism isn't politically incorrect? Leftism isn't politically incorrect? How do you not see this? YOU are the monsters!
>Republicans are communists
This is why Horsey is horseshit.
>Be anarchist nation
>Want goods from other countries
>"Hey guys, I'll trade you guys some jam and cookies for 100 tons of steel!"
>Get told to fuck off
>Nation starves
Tell me again how your system works?
Patton had the same quote about kikes you mong
It's literally jew idea
It's an edit, pretty sure.
What makes you think anarchist cooperatives couldn't make high level goods? What the fuck?
I don't like him either.
communism is soooo fucking awesome that only a handful of the shittiest countries in the world still use it, and the board is always flooded with people from those countries talking about how fucking great their lives are because of it.
t. squat
They were shitty before they put the ideology on dunkass
Cubans approve of their system. Sorry
>only way to fight jew
>give away all our power to the jew
Explain to me how an anarchist society would work. By it's nature it can't have a state so there is no official currency. You would work with the bartering system at that stage would you not? How would that work if you wanted to buy medicine from say, Europe? What would you use as currency?
>Cubans approve of their system. Sorry
They know nothing else.
Here's a hint- there's no such thing as an "anarchist purist". When we say anarchy we mean "the closest thing". Look at Rojava and Chiapas for examples of modern "anarchist" "states".
But yes, abolition of currency is the long-term goal. But to do that you'll naturally need to not be dependent on other countries goods.
I guess that's why all the Cubans I follow on Twitter who use the Internet daily miss ol' Fidel.
stop trying to spread your cancer, only a braindead moron would consider communism or socialism in a positive light
Why label yourself as a communist at this point?
You've had enough times in history to try it. It failed every time.
Don't have to be that smart to push a button and nuke jewishstan
Sage goes in all fields
Communism is the jew trick.
Communism only works at 100% automation that has been organizedone previously by a world government who is willing to step down and litterally attempt an ordered anarchy. The only thing holding the social construct up is the generally good will of everyone. And you won't find a government like that anywhere today I can assure you.
>But to do that you'll naturally need to not be dependent on other countries goods.
So basically what you're saying is that anarchists are living in a fantasy world? Because, every country is dependent on others for goods.
You commies come here and ask us again and again why we think you guys are jokes and why we reject your beliefs. It's because of shit like this. Your beliefs aren't well thought out, nor is there even a consensus amongst yourselves what direction an anarchist/communist system should take. You guys are full of shit, so stop trying to recruit.
>Plus he was a smug asshole who refused to get a job and rather watch several of his children starve to death than "degrade" himself
If you really want to get mad read Marx's writtings on the family unit.
>this post I've never seen
>a leaf
I dunno man.
>Cubans approve of their system. Sorry
Cubans have been shot by their government for simply trying to show the world the real conditions of their hospitals.
Obama was met with a huge crowd of Cubans protesting their own government.
Cubans live in fear of their government one which had imprisoned and killed "dissendents" at a higher rate than Stalin
>Your beliefs aren't well thought out
Which goes all the way back to Marx himself ffs.
The core foundation of everything Marx wrote was based on his labor theory of value which he himself was never able to make into a working theory.
There is no greater example of sophistry than Marxism bar fucking none
First of all, I don't give a shit about Jews or buy into that conspiracy shit.
Second, communism deserves to be stamped out of existence for undermining the state and sowing divisions in society. The "working peoples of the world" will never unite because it's not in our nature to rally around something that vague.
Religion? See ISIS. Nationalism? See both world wars. Freedom? Ongoing. Anti-imperialism? The real motivation behind most "communist" movements: Vietnam, Cuba, African movements, etc.
already tried doesnt work
they are horrible at skydiving
m8 if you actually believe that tinfoil shit you should literally kill yourself if i get le digits on this post
^Fucking this x9001
Jews invented communism to subjugate the goyim.
T. Shart
Also, i was on cuba. You are wrong.
I never understood the jewish takeover communism thing. If they had malevolent interests it wouldnt be to come down to our level.
If your dumbass read a history book, you'd learn pretty quickly that your stupid sickle/hammer fetish isn't as it seems in reality. Seriously, do all of you kids think philosophy books are history books now or something and hold some sort of credibility?
Go back to /leftypol/ faggot