How is this happening? our founders are rolling over in there graves because of you pussy fucks for allowing this to happen in This country how are the people responsible for this not being made examples of? Shame on you user our children are under attack and all you do is jerk off to anime and play video games all day
What are you going to do about it?
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why cant you just live and let live
Sup Forums is so anti happy because they can't make peace in their miserable lives and want everyone to suffer just as they do
i shitpost on twitter about it too
>implying anyone is subscribed to NatGeo anymore
It's appalling. This shit will end civilization. Science is already being banned because it offends trannies.
Why can't trannies live and let live and stop converting little kids? And forcing people to say their made up pronouns?
It's a mental disease that we've allowed to become commonplace and acceptable in our society. It's a slightly different flavor of body dysmorphia, imo.
Honestly, this is a positive
The more children who get fucked up the more chances they have to kill themselves
Most modern day children are border line retards anyway, it's not like anything is going to be lost if a couple hundred thousand die
yea duuude like some leftist LGBTQDFKLRWEJII2 activist parents suggesting to their son that he's really a girl and putting him on puberty-blocking hormone injections is just like their freedumb man, why are you so filled with hate, this totally isn't "political correct insanity meets child abuse"
Take a good look at this meme. We've reached the point where the ludicrous is indistinguishable from reality.
There's no way to fix it, we need it to get worse. We need to create a situation so bad that voluntary segregation happens. The land is divided and cultural homogeneity is restored to those who choose it and they will choose to leave otherwise.
Push it harder to it's eventual conclusion and then move on.
We are living in the MATRIX ..Get Mr Smith!!!!!!
your country and all of your liberal cucks are about in implode in on yourselves, the only way to stop this is mass genocide.
I can't get my mind around it. Parents can legally railroad their kid into getting his dick cut off.
How the fuck is this acceptable much less fucking LAUDED by liberals?
It's like liberals are cheering a little child getting fucked up the ass. Except even being raped isn't anything like as damaging as a fucking sex change.
I think the world's gone insane to tolerate this shit. Like, it makes me question my own sanity to think I live in this world.
There is nothing wrong with transgenderism. It exists in every culture and country.
Found your problem.
I would suck her girlcock
Kill yourself. And no it doesn't. Tranny-ism is an abomination created by Western medical technology. Other cultures have gays, they don't try to cut their dicks off. Except Iran and Thailand, two backwards shitholes.
Sup Forums is always right
You literally can't make this shit up.
>Implying our founding fathers weren't ALREADY rolling over in their graves for a variety of other reasons.
hers too
Americans love ignoring this shit cause Trump won and it means this shit will now all magically disappear over night!
National Geographic: Gender Revolution
Youtuber: our founding fathers are literally dead!
Every time
I'd definitely fuck that.
>Jesus Christ who is behind this degenerative shit
> Oh. It's the Jews.
>Rince and repeat.
Cant make this up.
Nothing can be done about it. It has to run it's course, I have to just believe this is apart of gods plan and continue to do my part. I cannot change this shit.
fuckin lol
>Gender revolution
It's going to be like the Sexual revolution, lead to a bunch of stuff but ultimately die off and no one will care, afterwards SJWs will either begin dying (Whether it by suicide, freak accidents, or result of shitty lifestyle) or eventually might grow up and throw away their pretend game of "get a random gender out of your ass and stick with it", and just become absolute nobodies. Just like how the people of the Sexual revolution started dying due to their life of reckless sex or just became nobodies after they just got bored of sex.
the pendulum swings back
>typed goldstein and nat geo
But wait.
There's more.
This, they're just trying to stay afloat
Of course...
We need some kind of name list Sup Forums. Where all of (((them))) spread across various media are catalogued, ready for day of the rope.
>Dr. Saad
seems about right
Is anyone else bothered by the whole hand-resting-in-the-crotch thing? It's distracting me from deciding whether I'd fuck that thing on the cover or not.
>genital mutilation is acceptable for kids
>spanking is bad
Look at the kids left arm. Thats the arm of a young man. Seriously, look at that fucking arm.
What has our civilization come to?
People in America and those who choose to swallow the garbage that comes out of that sewer have always been stupid idiots swallowing propaganda nothing has change except the flavour of the propaganda...funniest part is the left work for eight years to get government made propaganda legal then gives the wheel to trump!
it's got a dick so if you wanna have sex with a man then yea
Nevermind, I take back, Sup Forums is right again
Yeah, imagine what the great men of history would have to say about this suicidal madness if they rose from the grave tomorrow. None of them would have anything good to say.
These faggots have been pushing this shit here. I listen to the radio at work, and these insane cunts have brought radio advertisement slots to push this "gender stereotypes are bad, break the stereotype, buy your son a barbie doll for christmas". You go on their site, it's psuedo-intellectual bullshit hiding the true aim of this organization and what they push, transgenderism and the destruction of traditional gender roles.
I say we counter this with pic related.
couldn't agree more
What bothers me most about this shit is that gender is constantly replacing sex in their verbiage. If Nat Geo or anybody else was upfront and said these kids want to change their sex, the public would catch on that it's sexual exploitation of children.
The pizzagate stuff looks more and more credible when the same governmental organizations accused are also pushing younger and younger children to concern themselves with their sex/(((gender))) roles.
What is this Sup Forums?
Please God, help us out of this dystopian nightmare.
I'm afraid these (((jews))) or whomever is propping this up is playing with fire. The backlash against this disgusting leftist degeneracy is not going to be a fucking joke.
First they set women loose to run wild, ensuring that 70% of the male population was undersexed. Then they put fags, interracial and mutant trannies on every magazine cover, commercial and daytime TV show. It's like their laughing as they shove sexual degeneracy down your throat.
Seeing what looks like a hairy bald fat guy breastfeeding a baby is just too much. It turns my fucking stomach and I shouldn't have to be subjected to that fucking filth. Let alone the poor baby that is probably getting dosed with hormones! You think 'Vote Trump' was a backlash? These subversive creeps haven't learned their lesson. Don't they remember what happened the last time they pushed the white man just a little too far? The next Hitler is out there somewhere trying and failing to get laid and getting very fucking angry at jews, trannies, fags, blacks, muslims et. all.
I really would prefer it doesn't come to that.
Children can consent to change their gender and accept all the consequences that comes with it but cannot consent to suck on a man's cock?
>tfw there's gonna be tons of cock hungry traps in 15-20 years
>tfw you were born too early to truly enjoy the trap revolution
>tfw no qt gf (male)
What's the general financial incentive in supporting sex transitions?
Liberal "Boohoo" bucks to fund it.
Look at all the anons in this thread excited over a possible influx of dickgirls because they've consumed too much pornography and warped their sexuality into something the English language has yet to properly define.
a typical rat-faced kike
If they can define their sexes, they are responsible and old enough to understand "can you suck daddy's finger, that will makes daddy happy".
It's not a hard concept to grasp, it's not intangible to persons under 18.
Thought that was Zoe Quinn from the thumbnail
she's a cutie. why the hate Sup Forums? are you jealous that you're too old to become a little grill?
What is so great about this finger? Tell me more about it.
I don't want to be a little girl. I want to fuck a little girl. Preferably a legal one.
basically how I feel about the entire left. I'm disgusted by it.
>why not both?
Fucking..... stop
>implying I was not being literal
Imagine a lewd girl sucking and soft-biting your finger for minutes.
>"thish will make mah adult deeth grow faster, mister?"
im just gonna go ahead and kill myself
It's for the best.
It's almost worth it to see National Geographic commit journalistic sudoku just to get a meme as dank as this
How mad do you think these people get, no matter how hard they try to convince society they're normal, when they realize at the end of the day they are still a blemish of the world? They will never be natural.
I don't dislike all gays. I am just really tired of the pretentious fags that ram it down your throat every day.
This is but a glitch, albeit what will be a 50 year one, in human evolution.
>We'll get over it.
fuckin degernerate
Same thing we do everytime
Helicopter rides
purge the unclean
I'm a reasonable man but I don't know how many pictures like this I can look at without becoming unhinged.
I'm getting Battlefield 1 later, just set up a really great pc rig to play it on.
Think I'll fap to traps after that.
Fuck life is good.
We've already done so much to slow down this hellish nightmare.
Why is there nobody else willing to take a stand?
how can a little girl be legal? vampire and demon lolis aren't real (yet) senpai.
Future's coming
It all happened so quickly man.
The world was rough but okay and then all of a sudden everything went to shit.
For what? For resources to dry up and result in the degenerate side begging to be let in? And for the bleeding hearts to actually do it? For the whole fucking cycle to repeat ad infinium because nobody had the balls to do what needed to be done?
>implying vampires and demons are the only way to get legal lolis
Really, dude?
I don't normally agree with Sup Forums's use of the word but that is impressibely degenerate.
Every day we stray farther from God's light
god bless you nippon-sama.
We're just getting started.
stop being homosex, comrade
My fuckin sides. Did not know CM3D2 had support.
>tfw you have a lot less facial hair than a woman
Fuck being low-t and latino.
>enabling degenerate culture
You're a cancer on our society, KYS
when i was a kid, we flipped through natgeo to gawk at the freaks
if the West falls the sand niggers will purge them. better that we do it than fall to the darkness of Islam