Your daily reminder that blue states have faster growing economies than red states
Your daily reminder that blue states have faster growing economies than red states
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That graph is prettyised between right and left leaning states desu
Are you a mentally retarded leaf?
Pretty mixed*
Yeah sure, just tell me how blue Texas is you fucking idiot.
>not blue like the rest of the gulf coast
Thanks obama!
Sure just as soon as you explain why Arkansas is so blue, you dumbass leaf.
>southeast 1.5
>rocky mountain 1.7
Literally 2 conservative af regions with the 2nd and 3rd (tied) highest growth
Looks like your own graph contradicts you, faggot.
Wal Mart is headed there and the Walton's cycling through income from other states.
I think this map is outdated because Texas is the US' 2nd largest economy because of Oil, North Dakota is climbing up the ladder because of the same reason.
Over the last 8 years texas and ND have had the biggest contribution to the labor force because big oil has employed so many people.
I am a californian and I would die for this state, our economy is the largest and I fucking love it. The thing is we are near the verge of bankruptcy, especially after we have so many bankrupt towns with little growth. We would be larger if we didnt keep taxing and regulating the Film, Technology, and Small Business industry out of the state.
The downturn in oil prices crashed most of the red states which are dependent on it. Places like North Dakota, Idaho, Wyoming, and Texas all suffer. Texas has a super strong economy but because of the decline in oil prices it shows a slight drop.
Also the map shows the change from 4th quarter 2015 to 1st quarter 2016
If that actually meant anything you wouldn't be here shitting up the board you fucking leaf
Map is fairly accurate. Texas, louisiana, Alaska, and the northwestern states that are orange are all oil states. This past year has been really shit for oil growth, and it shows in the map.
You don't know which ones are our red states do you? Most gdp growth in your pic are right wing states
kek, do Americans even understand how economies work?
OP was making a joke because on that map blue = growth and red = no growth and you retards fell for it
ITT leaf is jealous that he doesn't live in the USA
Nigger if you are going to bait try to bait shit that doesn't go along with your own fucking post Why are leaves always so bad at this.
God canadians are so fucking embarassing,
>Fucking MS
Sweet shit, OP
Not an argument, natural gas and crude are big industries in at least half of the red states, and the prices collapsed over the past year.
Yes they do! All you've got to do is sell all your gold stocks and make money right?
fake news
Oh hey wow it's almost like democrat policy favors democrat voters whodathunk.
>arkansas is growing
why the fuck you lying
why you always lying
oooooo oh my god
stop fuckin lying
Most of those places have medical/legal weed. A lot of red is from the price of oil being driven down by mud shit OPEC.
>The downturn in oil prices crashed most of the red states which are dependent on it
I don't think it crashed them. The companies obviously halted the drilling for most oils, but they moved on to invest in refining it so increasing the price would be justifiable, which has been whats kept them in the economy still. The DAPL pipeline would have been perfect for the labor force and employed thousands of people, for the construction and oil industry. They also are able to stay afloat because of the government funded farming, which helps the US be the world's #1 exporter in Wheat and Soybeans.
>state govt repeal extreme left law
>see huge gains in GDP
>cities in red states continue to run themselves like idiots
>poor GDP gains
The truth will set you free
Your daily reminder that you're a leaf, and you're fucking no one. Also, daily reminder that your dollar keeps going further into the shitter compared to the US dollar.
>North Carolina
>South Carolina
Looks like your own infographic shows you're wrong.
>fastest growing economy in Canada
>massive increases in employment, even manufacturing is booming
>new ports being built
>affordable housing, healthcare, daycare
Americans will never be able to top us.
Reminder blue states have faster growing debt than red states.
The entire Bible Belt is growing according to your graph, how fucking retarded do you have to be to think this proves your point?
>implying most of that money isn't from welfare handouts from blue states.
This is true
I am a californian and the way the politicians in sacramento keep funding alphabet soup programs, my state is committing economical suicide.
Americans will never have qt Québecois girls
What about a map that is GDP per capita? No doubt NY's pop is going up faster than the .05 GDP rise on your map. Probably California is too
I wonder how much higher these states would be if (((they))) were excluded.
>growing economically
>Positive growth
By not putting corrupt republicans in charge.
>north dakota
It's percent change dumbfuck, doesn't measure how large an economy it is. If it was more up to date Texas would be more red anyways cus oil prices continue to tank since early 2016.
Lmao, they measure gdp growth in percent. How dumb can you be?
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