ive never seen so much delet
y r mods deleting the threads by anons more interested in the politics of security?
ive never seen so much delet
y r mods deleting the threads by anons more interested in the politics of security?
Because they dont want to get evicted from their "homes"
A lot of the /DIY/ Safety threads are going down. Anyone reading these threads sees excellent research and diligence that ought to be lauded as some of the finest use of free time that existed on this site desu. Mod knows what the real deal is. He has much stake in their hazardous leftoid game.
One autist is on a deletion rampage, probably knows he will lose his post for abusing his powers so blatantly and that the end is near, so he is going out in a blaze of autism.
Posting in a soon to be deleted thread.
>webm related is what is trying to be prevented
I don't know why anyone would want to prevent encouraging following basic fire code and raising fire and safety awareness.
>inb4 thread deleted by leftycuck faggot mod
Mod just deleted a Republican primary roll game, it was pretty fun. Why are the mods here such big faggots?
Yeah it's weird. The pizza thing doesn't get trimmed even though someone got shot yet fire safety threads are verboten.
Because one of the mods is literally a communist from 8ch's leftypol.
Also because they only enforce rules when and how they want to enforce rules, it's always been that way.
It's just one mod.
inb4 this thread gets shut down just for talking about it kek
i liek the pizzagate threads pls no complain about them
It's because pic related
Faggot nigger mod wants to keep his "job"
Sup Forums moderation has been infiltrated by SJW cucks that allow Sup Forums tier threads to stay on Sup Forums while banning any form of activism
In other words, they are here explicitly to sabotage this board because they fear our meme magick
It's multiple
cuz fuck you
Go to FEMA's official site to get certified for Hazmat, incident management and all other sorts of safety related stuff.
It's a great way to update your resume and it makes your safety reports more credible.
Enroll in a course, they can be done in 20-30 minutes and will give you a leg up on what to look for and how to properly report it.
Wait really? I require proofs.
how u kno
So it isn't just cacktus?
>threads about INVADING A COUNTRY are allowed
>Threads about keeping people safe... FUCKING DELETED
Too many stupid people make the same thread.
Mods delete flooding.
A bunch of idiots make threads about tv shows, relationship advice, or origami. All should be on other boards that relate to that topic.
It's why mods exist.
Fuck the mods board war now
That... is actually useful information. Thanks for that bit.
Also, this thread is up longer than I thought it'd be.
Discussions on an irc chat show multiple of them getting pissed about it, not even sure if the /qa/ shit about this lefty mod is true though
Dumb nigger, the "shooter" was a false flag. And your bullshit threads just spam the board. Good its becoming deleted
Are we revolting right now or something? If so, I'll get my pitchfork.
he's a retarded 19 year old going through a socialist phase
wow. wtf.
I saw one of those jimmy neutron nu-male fag threads deleted, so I approve.
Fuck /leftypol/ and fuck /qa/
and fuck that beta cuck 19 year old mod too.
Is that a new dawn of the dead video game? Graphics are fucking smoking
this, day of the rope will come soon
what cucks
Holy shit really? Someone pastebin the logs I want to laugh at their buttrage.
Hate speech and other forms of intolerance will not be tolerated, Goy.
unfortunately there is only 1 screencap that i kno of
How do we know he's 19?
There's been an image circulating but I havent saved it
There's no way to verify this guy is actually a mod, people claiming to have pictures of him are just posting pics of chris chan
They are at war with our memes!!!
Now I just feel bad for him...
>tfw your loser ass finds someone worse off than yourself
It is literally just one faggot janitor... We have to keep raising a stink about it untill something is done.
Keep posting about it, eventually it will get the attention of people who can do something about it.
>new dawn of the dead video game?
I got that leaked footage, it's set in Europe
Commies always hold others to the highest standards while they themselves are constantly cheating, and they don't give a shit about being hypocrites because Communist, which justifies *everything*
Sup Forums Status
I mean chris chan could very well be the mod given the level of butthurt autism.
He posted a /soc/ type diagram with his email on it
>crying because your concern trolling operation isn't being sanctioned by the mods
Retarded autists
Fucking this!
at least you caer about safety m8 :^)
based-dad-tier shit
awww whats up dude you cant make your cuck threads anymore ?
Here you go
Why don't you faggots just move your shit into ? It certainly wouldn't get fucked there
Nah those stay up
>IMPLYING janitors can issue bans
Fire safety is everyone's concern. We'd hate to see anyone burn to death even if they are worthless liberals.
need flamethrower
No these mods are actually ban happy, they deleted a Republican primary game thread, it's fucking bullshit.
Taking bets:
How long till faggot lefty mod bans everyone and deletes the thread?
He's 19. He has his whole life ahead of him. He thinks he's fighting the good fight doing this, though, so to that I give him credit for doing something he believes in. However, the sad truth of it is his lack of life experience is leading him to make poor choices as he is literally advocating people die horrible deaths and cause large amounts of property damage. I can only hope this experience allows him to grow as a person. I also it hopes him realize that the next big fire akin to the Oakland one is on his head as he actively stopped people from preventing it.
>'stop posting cuck threads'
Was just in that thread. I'm pissed as fuck.
Why don't you faggots just go to the other chan, you can do everything you want over there. I originally didn't care about these threads but you faggots spamming are worse than the actual leftists. Just go to the other board and post to your heart's content.
>unironically using the term concern trolling
>calling others autismo
How is the weather down there?
Did you finish your homework? Mommi has some tendies for you when you're done :))))
They won't, they'll scope it out and learn as much as they can about what we know and then delete it
Fuck roll threads. They don't belong here.
t. warehouse dweller
a vip cucking
vips are faggots that like reddit memes
everything else scares them
he's a mod
but same tactic's a good idea
hopefully they don't sperg out and ban us for calling them and him in particular faggots
Yeah right
eight chan or ch?
It's so easy to spot you guys now.
Concentrated redditor cancer.
correct it's one of those
The new mod is a /leftypol/ack (and allegedly someone who browses srs but that might be bullshit)
check the board some time, they're all laughing about it
manlets when will they learn
Did Sup Forums get you evicted from your unsafe dwelling?
why is /qa/ filled with bunch of CTR shills?
A living breathing meme, fuck I feel bad for this guy..
Mods r get. They just deketed my thread.
My thread was .....
>be me
>Fuck a Roastie
>Develop genital warts
>Go to doctor
>Get prescribed genital chemo cream
>Use cream for a few weeks
>Penis head starts developing a huge purple splotch
>Look at pack of cream package
>Package says "Made in Israel"
>Month's later and my penis still is discolored and looks burned
The Fucking kikes did it to me again.
Kikes and women, not even once.
This is a true story
Mods are in full angry autist mode right now
Thread is gonna get nuked soon