What goes on here?

What goes on here?

The eastern nations of Strangereal from Ace Combat series.

You don't need to know.
Delete this thread.

The origins of the white man.

Hail Caucasia!

Bad luging

hello I'm from Dagestan

border gore

hail bro

I have never seen this term used outside of eu4 discussions, lmao

Old (one of the oldest to date I think) christian temples on beautiful hills. "Chill" muslims along with some islamic insurgence on the Russian side, also interesting script from Georgian language.

t. Kike

Or other paradox games

It the world of hobbits, elves, wizards, and men.

I play a lot of those desu


Basically, Africa , might as well not have running water.


Mexico and Saudi Arabia's love child.

> Both Ossetia and Abkhazia

Kind of like Rednecks with more mob stuff.


Most degenerate of them all really wants to be a globalist EU state.

> Armenia

Israel of the caucuses. Had some genocide and fucks with another country for some reason to feel better.

> Azerbaijan

Calmer Muslims, have the best food.


A gigantic Chinatown. Fucking hate the Muslims.

best to just vassalize this place, they have huge coring cost

Not a kike, just a kart.

ahahahha you idiot

Azerbaijan is the fake Turkey.



bump avar national suit

f r o z e n
c o n f l i c t

Is that what a cossack is?

Look the monkey can type.

Mostly mountains and slightly isolated alcoholics

It's basically Russias backyard with Armenia being Russias satellite

Georgia getting fucked over by Russia by an invasion every decade

Azerbaijan is a Turkish satellite with oil shekels and gets proper fucked by Armenia every now and then

Georgian warrioir or something

Confirmed roach

this not shitty cossack
this Goretz ( angl Highlander)


last questions. What is in the pouch? Flares? I don't understand what those are or why so many?

border gore


it's actually just Turkish clay

the Chechens

Looks like a fucking retard

Don't talk shit about cossacks

a shotgun shell, consisting of a measured charge of gunpowder or paper cartridges and bullets. Hazirs worn or in a bag hairnice, or, more often, fastened in a row in his breast pocket, acting as a bandolier

You know how your illegal aliens come from south, europe's toilet scrubbers come from east? Our slaves come from this region and they work in various fields including prostitution, house keeping and other shitty jobs

Arm*nians are too afraid to come for some reason though

Yes you are right but it is the national costume of their ancestors

Thank you. Informative and a good picture.

They look more normal than scotts

males wearing skirts is the ultimate cuckfest

in the mountains it's very cold so they wear those hats
sorry my anglish

>whiter than the average french


he looks like a final fantasy character