What have they contributed Really?
SnowNigger Hate Thread
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Repeatedly raped southern women to enrich overall european gene pool
answer is located in pic
Real one
You really shouldn't speak badly about your Gothic ancestors.
you talking mr. 60%
muh nigga please
Why not? They were incredibly shit. I have no problem with Nordics as such but the Goths and specifically the Visigoths were trash.
>divide and conquer
Wonder who is behind this post
canacuck you got other problems than the Goths
Not really. I'm a dual citizen and have absolutely no allegiance to this country.
I don't know if this is you being butthurt about what I said about the Goths or not, but my point absolutely stands and the historical record speaks for itself.
Snownigger wenches who make you pay for their lanklet giraffe pussy?
>Muh Height
nordic > afro-angloid (american)
camo cargo shorts, crocs wearing redneck please don't talk about women
pic related amerifat
>Germanic achievements
creating the industrial revolution and 80%+ of the worlds technology
>Mediterranean achievements:
Butt fucking, first case of interracial mass migration and creating some ruins
pick one
Why? We hate niggers here
Ai gf?
Who's "we"? For all I know you could be a tatar or a jew.
Why do you keep posting this even though you've been informed about the methodology of the Moorjani study? It strikes me that you have an axe to grind.
when can we finally get rid of the eternal Greco-Roman?
They have been oppresing us israelites (yes nords are one of the lost tribes it's a fact) for centuries.
100% Germanic
Chances are you are a chink, maori half breed or wog
No, he's a butthurt Bavarian. Or so he claims.
a country is nothing, a people is everything
visigoths along with all white Europeans are my people
fuck your pseudo intellectual attitude
It's always the """Meds""" to chimp out
>1/4 unemployment
>master race
Pick one
JIDF OP in progress
Don't listen
>Her Majesty's Anglo-Saxons
Pick one Ivan
bullshit, she got those looks thanx to viking men stealing hot mediterranean pus.
natural redhead and blonde girls from the north are either manfaced or hot as fuck thanx to ancient mixing.
but even anceisnt times, barbarian men had small dicks and look gay. Even more so now.
sorry, I don't have it
here's a good one though
See Anti-Italianism and Immigration Act 1924. You know who pushed emancipation of Italians as Whites in the US? God damn right - Jews
kek, nordland is more arab then ever
Does that mean that Jews also pushed anti-Irish immigration as well? Are WASP's just Jewish puppets?
Well, that's fine if you'd like to parcel yourself in with the Visigoths. Personally, I wouldn't. Like I said, perhaps you should look at their history before calling anyone a pseudo-intellectual.
Who's chimping out? You literally copy and paste the same nonsense knowing full well that it's been refuted numerous times previously. I have never seen one of these threads in which you weren't ranting and raving about Mediterraneans, either.
I have to add, also, that I find you posting your 23andme results a bit curious. I seem to recall you having said to me when I posted mine that 23andme was a Jewish racket and totally unreliable. Presumably because my results didn't gel with your ridiculous and petty attempts to denigrate Southern Europeans with abject lies.
all of western europe has some roman and some nordic in them in them
So he claims.
I thought most russkiys went on about "muh Byzantium, muh third rome" anyway.
I still think there is a good chance he is just lying though. Like that "British" who lives in the Netherlands.
> tfw windy day and leafs are airborne
Y-You are shiting me, right?
This pic is 10/10
Italians didn't need to be "emancipated" they were always viewed as White in America, just not desirable Whites. Same thing with Germans.
America was founded as an Anglo-Saxon country.
Sorry, Jamón. I couldn't resist.
*taps shoulder and whispers > you're country is at 77%
He presents himself as a Bavarian nationalist/supremacist who, strangely enough, has abandoned his people at a time when his region and more broadly his country is becoming increasingly Islamised. Most people would call that cowardice, myself included.
That makes no sense, why on earth would he voluntarily go and live in shitty rashka?
Boats. A trip that would take a month in a floating coffin only took a few days in a viking ship. They didn't build fancy buildings because they were more interested in ships for exploration.
>birth of civilization
>literally arorund mediterrranean
>try to civilize snow niggers cuz even africans had civilization in ethopia,mali and others
>literally bring about dark ages
>islamic golden age helped bring italy to bring renaissance
>civilize snow niggas and save europe
>now barbarian desendents start industry first time
now they go hurr durr we master race after 500yrs of progress while forgetting the last 5000yrs
Tax evasion and money laundering
Didn't Han niggers build the most advanced boats in the ancient era?
As a Mediterranean, Nordic men succeeded in breeding the perfect women. Give them credit where it's due
No problem Is the pure truth.
Supposedly he's "loundering" [sic] money for Bavarians and Austrians who don't want their taxes going to pay for refugees and Merkel's other ventures. A convenient excuse, I think. Perhaps he tells himself that so he doesn't have to face the fact that he slunk off into foreign territory while his homeland is being slowly but progressively subjected by Moors. Perhaps, like you said, he's not Bavarian at all.
Nonetheless, I would say that someone of this nature is in no position to speak ill of anyone else. If he accepts that his people are presently in a state of war - which is true for much of Western Europe, let's face it - then what he has done is tantamount to abandoning the front line, or treason. An offense typically punishable by death in any other circumstance and any other time frame.
...bringing death
well its native land anyways....But were still peaceful unlike amerifats and eurocucks
>he fell for the "christian dark age, islamic golden age" meme
500 years? Try 1500 years.
Pic related was built around 800 AD.
Not only are you anti-white, you are anti-Christian too.
He's just trying to endear himself to Sup Forums by claiming he's helping his people. If he's so ready to admit it and not even use a proxy, why isn't he worried about the Russian government arresting him? It doesn't add up.
>is Portuguese
>Portugal is getting enriched and Portuguese Navy fishes out refugees
>lives and Canada and shittalks the expat who would be back home in two month
Shitskins everyone
My people live in many places - Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia and "Germany". Shame that we can't have a county of our own
Create the bedrock of Law, Philosophy, and Art out of the primordial chaos of ancient history. The shoulders of giants on which we still stand today.
Lived in Africa-tier shithovels until the middle-ages. Only begin to grasp civilization and complex society after nomadic orientals rape them so hard they flood stable, prosperous societies en mass . Literal rapefugees that hemorrhaged their host culture to death.
> why isn't he worried about the Russian government arresting him? It doesn't add up.
Because Russian government let you do whatever you fucking want as long as you bribe the right people.
So you're just scamming money from these people and passing it to the FSB in a roundabout way.
>Catholic monastery
>An actual useful building
Wow. Germanics built a cool looking monastery while having its society entirely based on peasant farmers
Germanics aren't nordic though, most of germany's population descends from celt germanics.
And then they picked up your black ass and hauled it across the Atlantic on a slave ship. Say "thanks".
And I suppose you think every ancient era Roman was literate and lived in a mini-pantheon made of marble?
>is Portuguese
Yes, half. And born here.
>Portugal is getting enriched and Portuguese Navy fishes out refugees
There you go again repeating the same old arguments that you've been shown are wrong. Now you're attributing to the Portuguese those offenses with which you have previously charged the Italians to boot. Have you not been told that if the Germans are so eager to provide their land to foreigners that it is not the place of Southern Europeans to deny them this pleasure? Whine to your kinsmen, those who are responsible for making this mess, or don't whine at all.
>lives and Canada and shittalks the expat who would be back home in two month
But is not back home, and is instead living well removed from the goings on of the people and land he claims to love. Every coward usually has some excuse for his cowardice, some justification. You "loundering" money is your excuse, and also the evidence that you are criminal trash, which is not in the least surprising.
>My people live in many places - Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia and "Germany". Shame that we can't have a county of our own
Yes, criminals exist everywhere unfortunately. In Canada they are mostly negroes and chugs, in Portugal gypsies. Fine company you keep.
You really realize in order to build those cathedrals you need a pretty decent amount of income, infrastructure, etc. Right?
You are not European so stay away you filthy jew. You are the only one spreading this meme you know. We Europeans must stay united and strong, even if we disagree in various things we agree that we must survive this invasion. I would gladly DIE to save an European friend from shitskins. So stay in your country, make America great again and then choose between joining our side and stand against white genocide and sandniggers invasion or fight against us. An United Europe would have no rivals but actually we are too dumb to even realize this.
>Islamic golden age
>aka the one time that the muds decided to look at what was written within a Babylonian library before burning it down
what the fuck did i just read
>Watch TV show
>mfw scientists are women, black or blond
>Not only are you anti-white, you are anti-Christian too
>christian semtic relgion
>redpill on history go wah anti white like feminist cry sexist when you tell her theres no pay gap
What's the other half
>we catch them out because Germans told us
Nope. You do it because you are a race of degenerate race blind cucks. Always been since late Rome when you let free travel. Italy catches out the scum for 30 years now. Has bigger antifa than Germany. Really something.
Implying the law is not a meme.
>there is war
Not where Bavarians live. Eternal Saupreiß can go fuck himself.
technically it was also their first....last was ottoman
One drop role. Nigger. Fuck yourself
I am German and Scandinavian to me knowledge, am I what you call a snow n11ger?
It's obvious that you're just some Trudeau voting liberal who gets all his perceptions of history from Family Guy.
Jelly anglo detected
hahaha surprised you still have computer snownegro Ivan...your country still aint.
down another vodka maybe youll find it then
Must be nice to suck the cutted dicks right? If you don't care about us than fuck off and don't try to divide us. You'll see fucking jew how an United Europe will lead to the destruction of Israel and the extinction of the jews. Stay mad big nose boy.
>What's the other half
English. Why are you asking? You've seen my DNA results.
>Nope. You do it because you are a race of degenerate race blind cucks.
You realise that the Portuguese have "saved" almost no refugees, right? I just searched Google and found only one incident off the coast of Lesbos. Portugal doesn't even have a Mediterranean coast and literally no refugee is making the journey to Europe via the Atlantic. Somehow in your stunted criminal mind this is an inconceivable crime that only the most "degenerate race" could have committed but are more than happy to overlook or downplay the willful ethnocide of Germans BY Germans as something which pales by comparison.
>Implying the law is not a meme.
Ah, you are truly the epitome of the Aryan Übermensch. In point of fact, actually, you are the sort of degenerate filth - a money launderer and a traitor - which would probably serve as some example of the more perverse elements of the German race in some Nazi's writings. I assume you'd be packed into the carts with the Jews and Gypsies and shipped off to some labour camp. Personally, I wouldn't object to that.
>Not where Bavarians live. Eternal Saupreiß can go fuck himself.
Oh no? Only 4% Muslim and climbing. Climbing drastically according to Uwe Brandl, as I've already told you. But, yes, "there's no problem" and you're "actually helping your people by performing criminal services" in a foreign country. Keep telling yourself that, you coward.
>Nordcuck detected
Can I migrate to your country or is that only reserved for sand niggers with dynamite vest?
sheepshagga, your country is consider more feminist with your macho slutty women.
just stay in the bottomcorner of the globe cuck
Pick one pastaroni
Agreed Italybro, a truly United Europe (not this EU bullshit) will truly be the greatest Empire the world's ever seen. I do think we need to work together with the Russians though.
Also I've made a few of my own in case anyone is interested.
Why? It's fucking boring here.
the truth
I think it would be easier to unite Africa into a single country then to get 5 Europoors countries to actually agree on something
But then why you let so many inmigrants pass into your country? I mean, you are jewish, ergo the most valuable persons in the universe.
They founded the nation you're shitposting from
People like soros have been against Israel too.
The jews (that aren't nords offcourse) here in sweden that have been for open borders are in most chases the same people as the "free palestine" ones
ahh thats why u need crazy guys
At least we didn't choose A FUCKING LEAF for our flag.
Pls. Our minister of immigration hates muslims
Stfu fat ball, if you are not whit us you are against us. And learn to read, I said we have to unite but we are too dumb to even realize it.
EU has to be United, with a true central government, an EU army and all EU citizens. EU has some of the most relevant countries in the world, imagine all united under a unique flag. We would be unstoppable my friend. And Russia is not a menace, it could be a very great ally imo
The fact is that you fear us. But stay strong ameribro, we still like you and I think an united Europe could go very well along with the USA. We just need this new generation to fully grow and replace the older one.
I... need time to swallow this pill. God bless you, chosen one.
lol,ur new flag looks better then stars and ripping off the union jack you unorginal cucks
first stage is always denial
Kek, Nordcuck ships were nothing compared to Byzantine ships.
Read the EU manifesto nigger. Begin with Kalergi.
Implying Nazis would give a shit that I brake the laws created by the likes of pic related.
Implying Nazis wouldn't give me a medal for saving German money from being spent on degeneracy and jewish causes
>German ethnoside
It doesn't pale in comparison, because you genocided yourself long time ago. Who cares?