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why the fuck did he pull a gun? he clearly didn't have reasonable cause for arrest, but he still pulled a fucking gun. why? that's actually pretty disgusting

powertrip = fun

>you don't touch me
>you don't touch me

I can't believe him sperging out actually worked.

Must be cause he was white.

This is so old

>A man in California
I stop watching there

The shithole Cuckifornian city Rohnert Park did an "investigation" and found that the officer's actions were "within the law and followed department policy".

retarded immature hipsters bating the Police.



Hipsters in the USA don't drive full size trucks and trailer boats around.

>This is going all over You Tube.
What a fucking cock.

The cuck should have taken his hand out of his pockets. Probably a blm supporter.

Thats the thing, the juvenile hipster mentality is now so common it traverses many boundaries between social groupings or sub-cultures.,

He had no reason to take out the gun; that being said once the gun gets taken out, you're a retarded human being if you don't immediately swan dive onto the pavement and get in the starfish position. Any action other than an immediate faceplant is inherently suspicious

So you can't film in public and put your hands in your pockets now in America?

Hello boot licker

I got pulled over last night drunk on federal land. I had my Dog and was going to hike at 3 am. I was polite and made small talk, instead of getting fines for having a dog and being on fed land before sun rise, I got a month ban. Still sucks but is a lot better than 300 bucks in fines. Being polite is key.

Christ, I hope you never become a police officer if you call using a camera and having a hand in your pocket "baiting the police"

Didn't you watch the video? How could he even have a chance to "be polite" with a gun in his face.

Filming the cop is basically saying "I see you patrolling around and I don't trust you, so I'm going to film you just in case you do something bad". The polite thing to do would be to ignore the cop and go on about your day

>he had no reason to take out the gun
he had his hand in his pocket at a close distance, see the 21 ft rule, then refused when asked. He made the cop believe he might be in danger

>you're retarded if you don't immediately swan dive onto the pavement
might as well rush the cop

What's with all the criminal degenerates on Sup Forums?

youtube.com/watch?v=BwQ7mQObheY qt cop taking care of one of you faggots. Enjoy all the misspellings on his shit for nothing caption KEK

Criminals are so easily predictable and stupid at the same time.

Everybody needs to take their little antifa cookbooks and jam them into their cock hole.

Most likely because the cop kept driving around and looking at the guy like he was stealing his own boat. Cops love doing that shit.

Dont film them. I was out one night real late and this dude was filming an arrest and they snatched his ass up also. Took his phone and towed his car. Providing me an opportunity to drive away drunker than a shithouse rat

Taking pictures of some LEO giving you the stink eye makes you a criminal, retard?

You know I'm not literally suggesting swan diving right

you're entire post was retarded from the get go, i have no reason to believe you weren't because of it

If it were up to me I'd shoot anybody who filmed me, regardless if I was a cop or not. Point a camera in my face and I'll point a gun at you. Better hope the trigger isn't slippery or the only thing slippery afterwards will be your brains on the pavement.

>some kind of Constitutionalist...crazy...
what the fuck...you take some kind of oath, right?

treat cops as enemy.. get mad when they return same attitude.

I would have waved and said good morning.

If a cop tells you top get your hands out of your pockets, get your fucking hands out of your pockets.


At the end of the day, all the officer should care about is doing his job and going back home safely.
How is he supposed to know if you have a weapon in your pockets or not?
How is he supposed to know your intentions? Fuck your feelings and fuck you, you fucking leaf.

>Cops love doing that shit
Stopping people from stealing things? How's he supposed to know it's his boat. People steal things sometimes you know

Nice divertion. Kiss my scrotal sac

cop patrolling making sure dickheads boat is safer from theft and he spergs.. pretty stupid.

>doesn't tell the cop he wasn't smoking when asked
>claims he did in the text
>he's being difficult for no reason
i hate fuckers like this.

>being salty that you're retarded
why though?

I would say an enemy is someone who points a weapon on you while on your own land. You unironic cuck

Yeah, shame he didn't reach into his pockets in a fast manner and get rained down with 3 different lead cases of lead poisoning. People like this benefit from death.

>if the trigger is slippery
>the only thing slippery afterwards will be your brains on the pavement
>only thing after

How will shooting someone in the head make the gun's trigger less slippery?

>on your own land

You mean the bank's property, cuck?

>Stalking his neighborhood
>Gets out of his vehicle for no reason to harass him

>has hand in his pocket
>officer tell him to take his hand out his pocket cause he might have a knife,or a gun
>get told to do it repeatedly
>dude spergs out I didn't do nothing

All he had to do was take his hand out his pocket

how fast should you remove your hands from your pockets? if i do it to fast, i might get shoot. if i do it to slowly, the cope may be suspicious and than shoot me.

Nice pseudo intellectual come back. mega cuck.
>"Oh wes pwease officer want to fuck my wife too"

manlet cop on a power trip

The guns, Citizen. Hand them over

Why engage someone who is obviously hauling their own boat? If the cop is really so god damn worried he could run the plates of the guy towing his own boat.

>waaaaaah stop filming me or ill pull out my gun and escalate the conflict

2 many boot lickers itc

>if i do it to slowly, the cope may be suspicious and than shoot me.

literally retarded, not surprised you're from Sweden

My meatus is also available if you're up for it

wtf is wrong with being a constitutionalist? Does this moron even know what country he's in?

cop didn't draw his weapon until the guy kept his hand in his pocket

hahaha, intelligent response, yourself. Still doesn't change the fact that it isn't YOUR property.

>muh domicile

KEK you've got no idea how the law works pencil dick.

So nothing happened?
Who gives a shit?
Pulling his gun out was kind of dickish, but if he didn't do anything I don't see the problem, he didn't even go onto the guys property.

>walking around pointing at cop in street and shouting
>not asking for trouble

I dunno where the line needs to be desu, but this guys retarded and confrontational af

Also we see 0 (zero) context to why this was going down

Reminder it's not redpiled to be pro cop

On a sunny afternoon? All casual like? Yet, when he gets out of his patrol vehicle, he doesn't ask what the guy is doing. He knows this dude isn't stealing shit. The conversation wouldn't have went that way. Classic case of bored asshole. If you think that officers don't fuck with people out of boredom, you are probably on crack.

I'm not saying the boat owner handled it well either.

They stuff guns in peoples faces all the time because they know they aren't held to the standards of normal citizens for when its okay to shoot them.

>Man does nothing wrong filming from his car and carrying around his right to bare arms
>Crazy obese millennial has a breakdown for no reason

wtf i hate police now

>Are you some kind of constitutionalist?
- Manlet Cop

lol, cops confirmed for anti-constitutionalists.

Also, this video is old af.

>Stalking his neighborhood
A cop doing a patrol is now "Stalking". You're a fucking idiot.


That's the least retarded thing in your post, although you said it in a profoundly retarded way. Good job!

>manlet cop gets triggered by camera because he doesn't want people to see how short he is

This is actually what Sup Forums believes
You're living in a fantasy land

Go protest about it then antifag.

Oh.. That's right. He isn't black.

Ah yes let me patrol this dead end suburban neighborhood for these pesky criminals several times. I'm obviously not going to do something retards
>Video Starts

>US citizens who also happen to work as police officers aren't allowed to have guns or use video cameras or speak to people

The only brains you should be putting on pavements is your own you overly ''masculine'' cunt.

The cop went away like nothing happened
He obviously knew He acted in a non-appropriated way

this is actually fucked up OP

>Pulls gone pointing it at a civilian towing his boat
Move to some fascist country please.

I didn't see anything wrong.

This looks as if it was made by a theater troop.

He didn't point his gun at anyone. Did you watch the video?

Is your daddy a cop, user?

>On a sunny afternoon? All casual like?
When you least expect it.

But really, yeah I'm sure the cop was just bored. Was just saying the guy shouldn't have just filming the cop who was, ostensibly, making sure a theft wasn't happening.

niggers and spics honestly believe that complying with police is somehow worse than running or fighting, because the result will be the same either way, and you MIGHT get away with fight or flight

>Why engage someone who is obviously hauling their own boat?
in what way was it obvious that he was the owner of the boat? Do you know if a neighbor reported a suspicious person in the area recently or not?

Where does he point it at him? Screen cap it.

based cop should have shot him

it'd one less libertarian we all have to deal with

Yeah. And on top of that it's a shitty compilation by cnn.

I overstated,half razed both hands on the weapon. The fact that it's even out and you're defending it speaks miles. Let me guess 17-23 years old, middle class, suburbs, never dealt with a dick head cop that thinks hes the law.

thank you based soldier, too bad these Lolbertarians here are so salty that their meme Feel the Johnson lost and couldn't get more than 4% of the vote.

I'm all for cops publicly executing stupid people. Should be a sport and offer pay grade raises on top of it.

There's an entire sub genre of videos on YouTube of libertarians getting pulled over by police. It's pretty great. They really highlight how buttfucking retarded lolbertarians really are

>Sir, do you know how fast you were going?
>I WISH TO REMAIN SILENT.................
>Okay, that's fine, sir. Mind if I see your license and registration?
>Sir, I just to see your license
>Sir, you were going 100 in a 45, no you aren't free to go, now please give me your license and registration

Only been harassed once by a cop.

Was during SXSW. Was walking down the street texting, and I guess this cop thought I was filming him walking. Walks right up to me and starts demanding why I'm following him, and that "You know it's pretty stupid to try to make a cop nervous."

Meanwhile I'm just standing there going wtf, and before I can even do anything out of nowhere this older cop comes up behind cop number 1, slaps him over the head and pulls him away, and tells me to have good day.

Weirdest shit that's ever happened to me with a cop.

Cop circled neighborhood already t.Video
Suspicious people don't film police officers and scream about posting it on youtube.

>Ah yes let me patrol this dead end suburban neighborhood

Yes, they do that. Guess what? Shit happens in those neighborhoods all the fucking time, and "pesky criminals" do target suburban neighborhoods.

Only a retarded contrarian could support the cop in this case. He was being an immature cunt, right from the get go when he started taking pictures of the guy with his phone to when he got out of his vehicle and drew a gun on him for NO reason at all.

I don't understand you people.

>Getting triggered by the sight of a man holding a gun
Hello, libtard.

>implying cops don't take pictures to run it through investigations for possible suspects

You're too easy. Stay off the path of a cop, you'll likely end up dead.

I hate faggots like you. Cops are here to PROTECT AND SERVE, not harass citizens for literally no fucking reason. If you aint doing shit a cop has no right what so ever to harass you

54 and dealt with cops when they were REALLY dicks. You fucking millennials are spoiled. Cops are all fluffy now.

kek confirms

Oh and you think that the cop was taking pictures because this guy was a suspect pending investigation? Is that really what logic dictates? Or are you a fucking faggot who refuses to admit that for once a cop might be in the wrong in this case. He was being a fucking child. Even if taking pictures was for some fake investigation he had no excuse to pull a firearm on that man.

>cops pulling out their guns at you for no reason it's Ok

No I understand the word "Cuckservative"

Hahaha, I support the cop who shot that nigger in the back 9 times. What's your point? People get what's coming to them. Moral of the story.

lol look at that scrawny little manlet
bet he got bullied in school

Some Blue Nigger comes to your house for no reason and pulls a gun on you , >better do what he says , faggots.

>Holding a gun is "pulling a gun" on you
Hello, Eurocuck.

Figured as much. You people who flood here from leftypol and reddit have no idea how to even properly use this website. Try not to breed, but your wife's bull probably took care of that breeding situation for you.

How do you dictate "What's coming to them" are you saying that if someone swatted you and a bunch of SWAT and police broke down your door and shot you right in the fucking head that'd be alright morally because you'd simply "gotten what was coming to you", that's flawed reasoning. I don't think you understand morality very well. I think the actual moral of this story is badge or no badge people will find a way to take a power trip.

>How do you dictate "What's coming to them"
By repeating it slowly.

It's common knowledge in the police and when you take basic firearm training that you NEVER pull out a gun unless you intend to use it.

Hello, blind burger.

And yes, if He pulls out his gun is to intimidate you and be in a superior position to force you to do whatever He wants.

If you're Ok with this you're literally a Cuck.
Better start licking those boots!

He unholstered his weapon as a precaution when the man was sperging out and being non-compliant when asked to take his hands out of his pockets.
Stick to picking oranges and hopping fences, you stupid bean.