If you haven't figured out yet Trump is controlled opposition after seeing his cabinet, you are so fucking blue pilled you should just kill yourself. Trump was picked by the Jews in order to divert white rage away from them and towards other targets like Muslims or Mexicans, while ignoring the puppetmasters behind the show. He will do nothing to help out the white working class base that voted him in and white America will fall asleep under Trump like it does under EVERY REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT! Trump is not new in appealing to racism in the Republican Party to get votes, and throwing them under the bus after election. This has been going on since Goldwater.
Trump: Controlled opposition to tamp down white worker rage
Boo hoo hoo, Trump this, Trump that.
Shut the fuck up already nobody gives a shit.
wtf I love Hillary now
israelis are hardly jew jews. i think the little butthurt ragheads should get over it.
WTF I love Jews and neocons now!
Didn't he just put someone in his cabinet that believes in a greater Israel?
>israelis are hardly jew jews.
Who cares what they are? They are a welfare apartheid state sucking American tax dollars.
>Didn't he just put someone in his cabinet that believes in a greater Israel?
Remember when Sup Forums in 2015 thought Trump would be (((((neutral))))) on Israel?
It's even worse than that, man, Trump is involved in all of the Kabbalah/Satan worship and his ancestry goes right back to Ashkenazim Bavarians. Scottish-rite Freemasonry on his other side.
He has already had a ton of history with all of the most corrupt figures among the elite like the Rothschilds, George Soros, Epstein, etc.
This whole entire society is a sham.
No one said anything about Hillary straw manning brainwashed losers. Make a real point.
>He has already had a ton of history with all of the most corrupt figures among the elite like the Rothschilds, George Soros, Epstein, etc.
This guy gets it. This is the biggest psy ops in US history. Elites need to pretend Trump was trying to "overturn the system" when in actually he's just as much of a pedophile as the rest of them.
> cant btfo my opinion with any argument of substance so instead you just keep repeating that same meme straw man argument
you are literally a tumblrina, congratulations
Trump is a good man. He is not Hitler. I'm not Nazi. I don't care what he does so long as he MAGA.
Exactly. These brainwashed people will tell you that it's obvious that Trump's on our side because look how much the media shills against him- and I can't understand why these people are trusting the media so much. It's illogical.
He is a Satanist.
>He is not Hitler.
No he's not but they are both "Jewish" trojan horses so there's that.
If this board wasn't ruined already, then Trump is the final nail in the coffin
Fuck this shitty board
Satan is on our side. Yahweh(Reptilians) are on the Jews side.
If Trump's a Satanist, we're saved, if he's a Talmudist we're doomed.
Spot the kike
wake up!
> In order to divert white rage away from them and towards other targets like Muslims or Mexicans
So when is he going to push schools to implement an education that heavily accuses Muslims and Mexicans for all the worlds problems? IN INSTITUTIONS!
Wake up they are both controlled opposition but only one was openly and actively advocating the disenfranchisement of whites via quotas, affirmative action etc.
Yeah, no. Considering how much backlash he has received in general, Jewmedia and alike - not buying your bullshit.
He's the real deal, that's why all of you are losing your minds.
If he was, someone would be saying that.
If he wasn't, someone would be saying that.
I don't think controlled opposition is opposed quite so hard, but sometimes I'm wrong desu.
They're both controlled opposition from the same exact team, you need to think bigger and look past all of their pageantry.
>Considering how much backlash he has received in general, Jewmedia and alike
> trusting said kikes to express their authentic feelings and motivations to you
> implying a kike can be the real deal
>t. I'm a fucking retard, Hillary 2016
My god, I need to change my vote now.. oh wait..
>Fake news
Cmon son
Hillary is a Satanist kike too. What are you, a 16 year old girl from Tumblr? Is a straw man the best argument that you can come up with? Honestly tell me why you're trusting the lying kike media when they tell you that they don't want Trump?
>Trump is controlled opposition
>(((They))) are using up the last of their dignity to try to stop Trump from being President even though he would be doing as (((they))) told him anyway due to him being controlled opposition
Yeah, makes perfect sense.
There's not a single fake thing in that picture, I implore you to give one example but you won't because you're a kike shill or a loser that has no ability to back up their own arguments.
They're not actually trying to stop him, they're creating a song and dance to keep people like you completely unaware. They want it to look like they're against Trump. Can't you understand what types of lies and schemed evil people like these would come up with? It's not going to be third-grader level ideas like "let's just all whine about him and continue pandering to the people who already don't support him and that'll hopefully work!". How do you think people that idiotic would be capable of gaining the type of control that they have?
I completely agree, man! An experienced senator and Secretary of State running for president? How fucking dare she.
> backlash
> not free publicity
the burger goyim got dubbed again didnĀ“t they?
Israel has nothing to do with white genocide. Kill yourself.
Pro Trump and still believe in him, but to dismiss his ties to Jews makes you no worse than the left.
Ermmm yea nah, not an argument mate
Then why does Ben Shapiro hate Trump so much?
>Israel has nothing to do with white genocide.
Why hasn't Israel bombed ISIS or Saudi Arabia, the causes of terrorism in the middle east?
>Then why does Ben Shapiro hate Trump so much?
>I don't know what controlled opposition is
For every kike opposing Trump, there are three kikes promoting him.
So what's your point?
I'm assuming you have a decent plan of action and aren't just whining about Trump?
>I'm assuming you have a decent plan of action and aren't just whining about Trump?
When you stop thinking voting changes anything, buy a gun, and ovethrow ZOG we might save our race. Trump is ZOG and the enemy of the white race.
>Why hasn't Israel bombed ISIS
ISIS is not a problem for Israel itself.
>or Saudi Arabia
So now you want them to shut down the #1 source of oil for the whole West? Unless we find another reliable supplier, it's the Saudis or nothing.
Israel created ISIS.
No. Bush did. Stop blaming everything on Israel, your crooked presidents and the CIA are behind 99% of all the attempts to destabilize the world since the end of WW2.
>Stop blaming everything on Israel,
>Yes goy! Ignore the fact we invaded Iraq for Israel!
And, the plan is try to get as much of pol awake to this as possible, and then use that classic pol with and ingenuity to come up with clever ways to ACTUALLY fuck with the system or get this information out to more people.
Typical amerikek
>w-we dindu nuffin, it was Israel!
>if there weren't jews, we wouldn't have done such thing!
Maybe your country will improve when you amerisharts will stop blaming all of the failures of your government on other countries.
Breaking the Iran deal is Trump's only neoconservative position really. On everything else he's a noninterventionist.
This redpill is too much for Sup Forums. Let them live in fantasy land for now. They will come around in a few years.
>Breaking the Iran deal is Trump's only neoconservative position really.
Really? Have you seen the neocons in his cabinet? What about war with China? He appointed Exxon as Secretary of State, so that means more wars for ZOG in places like Iran.
And he wants to spend even MORE FUCKING MONEY on the military. WE DON'T NEED ANYMORE WARS FOR ZOG!
Don't you have a bus to catch?
If he was, I still would've voted for him. It means the establishment is actually listening to our concerns in a sense.
you need help
>wahh the jews!!
You are literally a sub 80 IQ autist.
End yourself.
Some of the controversies were so stupid (and entertaining), it's hard for me to believe he doesn't have at least a few people on the other side helping set the narrative. Maybe I am too cynical though.
>visit Sup Forums
>realise de joos took over the GOP
>realise de joos controll The Democratic Party aswell
>realise de joos controll all america
then why am i still poor?
Because the Jews Jew their own people as well. Gas yourself.
t. Ahmed
I would just like to say... thank you