Is South Africa really that bad?
Is South Africa really that bad?
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It's HDI is Iraq tier.
would you visit it though if you were offered the chance?
Never. Aside from Egypt solely for KANGZ reasons I'd never visit Africa.
Yes, it really is that bad.
Homicide rate of 33/100000, double than subsaharan africa average.
oh boy. So I shouldn't go there on a trip with my family?
Tourist areas are usually safe anywhere
This place appears to be nice, though
why is all the writing backwards? including the watermark
It's worse than you know, and getting worse by the day.
South Africa is basically Rhodesia 2.0
>Is South Africa really that bad?
It's worse.
t. nephew of a south African citizen
so they just made their own school and don't allow the black people in?
any stories?
I know 3 people that have been to SA.
My dad and 2 different friends. All 3 had their possessions stolen. Luckily for my dad it was just some golf clubs.
Afrikaan community with very few/no black africans in it. One of the safest places in the country.
Does anyone claim it's racist?
Not that I do per se, but it would be hard to imagine the mental jumping jacks you have to do if it really is nicer without the SA blacks.
You're talking about the country which invented anti-carjack flamethrowers.
that is actually very cool. Well organized, not overtly racist, and ultimately very successful. Wow very interesting that this exists but it actually makes sense.
Depends. Top tier tourist areas are cool.
It's better than you think but far from what we hoped it to be.
The government is corrupt beyond accountability, most of the agricultural sectors are in ruin due to the drought, and gibs-me-dat syndrome at an all time high.
However, we don't have coups yet, nor rebel forces chopping people to bits like in the rest of Africa.
That, and our economy is not yet ruined, though teetering on collapse I suppose.
Their rape and HIV stats are even worse.
It's great during summer, if you guys are white. You can literary walk into a 5 star hotel beach and nobody will suspect anything.
I went on a tour of Johannesburg. It was like an urban safari - you go in a doubledecker bus with bars on the bottom floor and all of the tourists on top. The whole city is in ruins, shit and dirt everywhere, beautiful buildings abandoned and baricaded. Niggers raping or killing each other in the streets or rolling market carts with shit in them.
You stop in front of the Carlton Centre, the highest building in Africa. An armed guard comes out - tactical vest, automatic rifle, sidearm. He checks if the coast is clear before you can leave the bus and enter it. The sights are amazing from up there, and there's a huge shopping mall on the lower floors.
This. We are still miles ahead of any other African country in terms of development, but the gap is closing
Anyone who willingly goes to the central parts of Johannesburg is an idiot. It's almost as if you're looking for trouble
Wtf. Do they think they came up with a new language when really its just english backwards?
I wanted to be on top of Africa. Physically. I'm already on top of it in every other way :^)
SA constitution allows the various ethnic groups to set up their safe spaces
whites are just taking advantage of the law
Lemme explain it to you
South Africa is niggerland with some white people who got stuck there after everything went shit Obongo brother Mandela
the image is flipped but you at least you tried
The "city is in ruins" triggered me, but apparently according to this site, life is hard here...
So as an Afrikaner what is life like where you are?
Is daily life interrupted by [black] crime
Nice website
Stop making more Coloureds
If it was why aren't there white South African qts lining to marry fat Europeans?
this is great. Thanks for posting this. The narrator is a certified pussy though
are you using a throwback word or are black people still called colored there, and is kaffir still used for black people
I'm not an Afrikaner. Life is pretty chilled out actually. Crime isn't nearly as bad where I live compared to Joburg. That being said, you still have to have "second nature" perception levels when it comes to crime (Never walk around with valuables, never walk at night, always make sure the front door is locked etc etc)
. I actually laughed at that. pretty true I guess
He can be pretty frustrating at time. Just wait until he's interviewing the old white farmer and see his face when he says
>An African solution for an African problem
If you aren't in a white area it's pretty unsafe, desu
t. family in SA
that actually sounds fun. Did anything get stolen on the trip?
>blocked in my country on copyright grounds
>from the beeb
Well ain't that some shit
Coloured and black are two different races/ethnic groups in SA, with a totally different culture. Blacks are bantus that speak bantu languages, coloureds are a mixture of bantu, european and south-east Asian and they mostly speak Afrikaans/English. Trevor Noah would be classified as a coloured here, but black in USA
So do you just not bring your cellphone and wallet with when you if you go somewhere? or do you only carry those things if you are driving with doors locked?
not trying to bantz actually curious
Literally everywhere with a large, westernised African population decimates their own community. What's telling is that non westernised Africans simply don't do this, even when they're rough they'll fuck over the community next door instead. Nope, westernised Africans are just self destructive.
And it all comes from hip hop, a culture completely designed to keep the black man down. If you have anything to do with this, you are a degenerate.
post C Unsafe pepe 1.png
Coloured people are halflings. And saying kaffir is a hate crime
>99% less likely to have AIDS
>95% less likely to be murdered
Kek. I'd ask how, but I already know.
Too bad. It's fun to watch Louis Theroux get uncomfortable since he's such a leftist faggot
which one is perceived as worse in terms of crime?
i see thanks and yeah trevor noah and this redheaded peta loving bitch who lives down the street from me are the only south Africans i no about
Stay safe
>a-are t-they rubber bullets
>w-why are you beating criminals
Fuck I hate british people so much, I can't believe these subhumans cucks were my ancestors.
any family stories from SA
I'm pretty sure it has more to do with the nigger genetics.
We need a second scramble for Africa desu
>Kosovo not part of Serbia
No. Nothing will happen to you if you're smart.
Canadians aren't much better. At least American cops would know how to handle those people.
>tfw the only police from first world countries that are able to handle that shit are mostly from America because we have a bunch of blacks and hispanics that act like this regularly
Not quite. I just wouldn't take out my wallet or phone in the streets. Once I'm in a shop/building then it's fine. I generally lock my doors when I get to an intersection. You get some intersections that are known for being hijacking hotspots and others than are relatively safe.
Blacks for sure. Think of our blacks like your blacks, and our coloureds like your hispanics. The biggest problem with coloured society is drugs, which leads onto other crimes whereas the biggest problem with blacks is the culture of being black
Thats true everywhere tho
tbf that could be a street corner in London.
Except that our signs are written the mirror image of the ones in that picture.
>Canadians aren't much better
We can own any type of gun you can, Britcucks on the other hand can't even own pepper spray.
Black people run the government. How well do you think they do? Beautiful country, however the people and culture needs to be executed
Hey man coming as a tourist is great, setting up a life and living here is different.
My father in law shot a nigger with a hunting bow once
Go spend some time in Rio and let us know how it goes.
Oh sure, okay, no doubt. That plays a factor.
Now tell me why even the roughest Sudanese adult doesn't graffiti, rob his neighbours (again, he'll at least go a suburb over) or brawl his "friends."
This is nigger culture. This is "you're not cool unless you're completely self destructive and doing everything possible to sabotage your future" culture. I won't sit on Sup Forums and say Africans aren't more likely to be of lower intelligence, thus impacting their reasoning skills and long term foresight, but nigger culture is something so brain dead stupid it requires a layer of conformity, group think and a general insanity quite alike the insanity pathologically altruistic lefties experience.
No, this is hip hop culture. No animal could be this self destructive and survive evolution without some sort of outside force creating the self destruction.
Literally end hip hop. Call it degenerate, sperg out in public if someone plays it without headphones, do whatever, just make it die. Unlike emo, which was simply vicariously embarrassing, hip hop is destructive.
Tl;dr niggers aren't as bad as they seem, it's literally MTV executives who've made them this way
How did you end up in Serbia? What made you choose it over all other places you could've gone to.
>We can own any type of gun you can,
No you can't. You also have to do more paper work and you're restricted to 5 round mags for rifles and 10 round mags for pistols.
>Britcucks on the other hand can't even own pepper spray.
They can own non-hangun handguns with weird rod things, single and double barrel shotguns, and other stuff. The only first world countries that come close to American freedoms or surpass them are Switzerland, Finland, and maybe like Slovenia or the Czech Republic (I can't remember which).
>end hip hop
schlomos will shut down any anti hip hop shit instantly
You can actually, just know where not to go.
If you want to come to South Africa, I suggest that you go to the Cape, because in general it is much safer than the northern parts. There is also a ton of things to do and see if you are a tourist.
I guarantee that you and your family will have lots of fun and would likely return at some point, just stay away from squatter camps and other dodgy areas.
Serbia bruh, Serbia.
Gun laws are nonexistant.
Always fel bad for the Afrikaaners.
>Serbia has relatively liberal weapon laws compared to the rest of Europe. Serbia ranks in 2nd place on the List of countries by gun ownership, which measures the number of guns per capita for a given country. Gun culture is strong among Serbs and especially important part of rural life.
>Weapons are regulated by "Weapons and Ammunition Law" (Zakon o oružju i municiji[68]). Rifles, shotguns and handguns are all allowed to civilians. Handgun ownership is allowed, but the licensing is strict. Concealed carry permits are available to approved handgun owners, but are extremely hard to obtain - one has to prove to the police that his or her life is in imminent danger, and even then, license is far from guaranteed.
>In essence, people over 18 are allowed to own guns, but must be issued a permit. People with criminal history, mental disorders, history of alcohol and illegal substance abuse, cannot be issued a permit. There is a thorough background check prior to license approval. Police have the last word on the matter, and there is no court appeal possible. When at home, the guns must be kept in a "safe place", and owner irresponsibility could lead to gun confiscation by police.
>Fully automatic weapons and non-lethal self-defense devices are prohibited[citation needed]. Number of guns that may be owned is not limited. Every gun transaction is recorded by police. There is no rifle caliber restriction (Must be smaller than .50BMG, however). Rifle and handgun ammunition is severely restricted, there is a 60-round limit per rifle, per year, except rounds shot at ranges. Shotgun ammo is unrestricted and shell reloading is allowed, but rifle and handgun ammo reloading is not. There is growing pressure, especially from sport shooters associations, to change the law in this regard.
Serbia has its own civilian gun and ammunition industry. Zastava Arms,[69] Prvi Partizan[70] and Krušik[71] export internationally.
Just because they no enforce doent mean they dont real
Have you got any articles or websites where I can read up on all that happened in South Africa, without the liberal drivel of the 'Rainbow nation'?
To be honest, most people don't even have permits. Only for hunting. They don't enforce the law because there's virtually no gun crime so they don't have to, although they should, it's the law.
Genocidewatch has a collection of incidents
then there is a bunch of news articles,like
most of the stuff is in Afrikaans tho
You might also want to watch this
The few half-decent places left won't last much longer.
And its illegal to owns guns in Albania, so guess what? My village owns 2 T72s and 7 BRDMs. Such a village Lazarat is
>Is X really that bad?
>Is X white?
You got ghetto in USA too, Johannesburg is a ghetto because whole Africa tried to move into it at one point and of course there weren't enough jobs, so they started doing crime.
that must be amazingly painful
He shot the leg, but nigger still made it to get back over the wall. But at least he broke off some of the glass shards on the top of the wall
kek, does he hold the memory as a badge of honor
Suid Afrikaner here, moved to the Netherlands about a year ago, people are really nice to me here.
I lived in a shit neighbourhood, my family slept on the streets and were constantly called "white devil" and told to "go home", a lot of us want to go home but they can't because Europe doesn't want us anymore.
I'm just happy to see my family safe, Dutch people are actually quite happy to have me.
What part of ZA? not trying to doxx, glad you got out, wish more could. It's about to get a lot worse, Zim levels. Credit rating was just downgraded again. By rights it should be junk already.
There's many Serbs in South Africa, including my uncle.
Serbian gun law got liberalized last year. We're actually able to legally buy ammo now. You were only able to buy 50 rounds a year with the old law, meaning you either had to use shooting club's ammo or buy ammo second hand from your mates you didn't use their quota.
It's still almost impossible for a civvy to get a carry permit though.
Old law.
Thanks mate.
Hah, Dutch people are nice in general, and since you kind of are their kin, they'll be even nicer to you.
I have some family in the Netherlands, I'd move there desu but I don't like flatlands, I'm more of a hill/mountain and forest guy.
It's worse than this.
Nah that's after the cleaners were rioting
Central JHB was done a u turn over the last 3 years, if the DA can maintain the momentum the ANC built up in rehabilitation the CBD may actually be quite nice in another 5 or so years
Stop slandering Mother Africa
Yes and no
Depends where you are, who you are and what you are doing
There are parts that are as 1st world as you can get, there are others that are Mogadishu tier
"Pockets of excellence" is the best way to describe the country
Although Mogadishu parts of JHB and Durban have been improving bigly
multicultural utopia free from white racism