Guys, I've been on here for a while now. Still believe in the holocaust but I'm worried now. What if it isn't real? All I see is (((eyewitnesses))) which "prove" it. Redpill me on the holocaust. Is it real or fake?
Sup Forums has changed me
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If the holocaust isn't real, than why are jews real? Checkm8 aytheists
Real, but overexaggerated in intention and death toll.
Sure is odd all of the death camps were in Eastern Germany, behind the iron curtain after the war. No death camps in the west.
>muh 6 gorillion
Stop lying mate, you know full well its not real.
Long story short it's fake, there was hatred of jews but there were never death camps. Only containment ones.
The rounding up of Jews definitely happened.
Zyklon-B is not a deadly gas, its meant for delousing (removing pests found on clothing, which were at the time prevalent). There were no 'gas chambers'.
Allied/Communist bombing and wartime confusion limited medical supplies and food/aid to camps, which caused starving and death.
Hitler's main issue w/ the Jewish population was that post WW1, a communist revolution took place in Germany. (
So yes, the Holocaust did happen, but there were no skin lampshades, no teeth necklaces. That is all stuff grossly amplified by Hollywood and jewish media in order to shame white men (like you and me) into feeling bad about calling out Jewish subversion of our civilization.
Interesting. Can you throw me a link to the greatest story never told documentary I keep hearing about?
If you are so weak that you don't know what's real until other tell you so, you shouldn't make any decisions. This place is worse than huffpo if you are looking for truth. Do actual research before making any decisions about world history. Even then it is probably inaccurate because history is written by the victors.
Info for you m80
>In 10 seconds
>In 20 seconds
>Eric Hunt: Majdanek
>Eric Hunt: Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor
>David Cole
>David Irving
>Gerd Shulze-Ronhoff
>Steven Anderson
>The Haavara Agreement
>The 6 million
“You shall return minus 6 million"
So, I shouldn't trust Sup Forums, shouldn't trust my own research. So I just kinda guess?
dude, this is some random shitty website, and you have like thousands of independent books of different nationalities about the Holocaust
>worse than huffpo
No way dude, you can trust infographs
Doing research is the opposite of guessing.
You can't trust anything unless you were personally there to witness it. You can only put together different accounts to establish the closest possible truth.
Why does Sup Forums trivialize the most of 6 million humans?
There wasn't even 6 millions jews at that time.
its called lulz newfag
Advanced impartial AI says otherwise :^)
>pic related
I agree with you. The numbers were probably more like 300-400k, most died of starvation or being sent out of the country in rail cars that were bombed. Some were probably taken out into a forest and shot.
Essentially all the aspects of concentration camps with the exception of free labor and very small food rations is false. And so many peoples were subjected to that by the Nazis not just the Jews.
-Concentration Camps & Slave Labour
-Human Experiments
-Rape & Torture
Not Real:
-500k instead of 6 million MURDERED
-Extermination Camps & Gas Chambers never existed. Most 'murder', which is willful killing, was through of Ghettos and the Einsatzgruppen. A further 2-3 million Jews did die/go missing, but at least half was non-nazi related: natural deaths, soldiers, Soviet Union, Collateral Damage (bombings), Starvation from rations and famine etc. Why was there never an autopsy conducted on a 'victim' of gassing? We could dig up one of their remains right now... all we need are some fossilised blood cells....
>pic related
All jokes aside though,
this for the most part
If the Holocaust wasn't real, where the fuck did all the Jews in Eastern Europe go?
>Real, but overexaggerated in intention and death toll.
Depends on what figures you're looking at. Credible historians estimate 5-6 million Jews were murdered. Non-Jewish deaths are not normally included in 'the Holocaust', though, even though the murder of millions of Slavs was a major component of the Nazi plan for lebensraum. So if someone is saying 'Nazis so racist they killed six million people' they are UNDERSTATING DRASTICALLY. If someone is saying 'Nazis so racist they killed six million Jews' they might be overstating slightly.
>why east?
Because they started out mostly murdering Poles. If you want to kill a million Poles would YOU decide to do it in Copenhagen?
>If the Holocaust wasn't real, where the fuck did all the Jews in Eastern Europe go?
>Sup Forums has changed me
no it hasn't, you're just getting older
Which makes it fake.
>oh, it's a car, but it has no wheels, no engine, it's also meant to float on water
What the fuck?
Jews were supposed to be deported. War started, so something like 500K jews died of disease and famine.
How is that make Holocaust ''real, but exaggerated''?
Hitler didn't want to exterminate jews. He didn't gas them. There were no soap or lampshades made out of jews. 6 million didn't die. Zyklon B wasn't used to kill any of them. There were no gas chambers.
Oh, but 500K died, so it's ''real''.
>>Zyklon B.
Every time I heard about the gassing of Jew's while growing up, has always mentioned carbon monoxide was used and it seeped through the shower rooms. This whole Zyklon B stuff is a whole meme on its own.
Extermination camps = Labor camps, because jewish mafia organization
Corpses = People who died of typhus transmitted by lice
Gas chamber = delousing chambers, so thypus wouldnt spread more
(((Alied)))) bombing destroyed supply lines, which would provoke starving of jews
I'm just going to leave that here.
>Muh zyklon B is safe
Which explains why they wanted gas-tight doors to keep any of the PERFECTLY HARMLESS delousing agent from leaking out. And armored peepholes, so they can check to see if the clothes still have lice. Yeaaah NOPE.
>allied elf shot the food
Starvation was a deliberate part of Nazi policy in Ukraine. Why would they suddenly start being nicer in the camps?
>but Jews tried to overthrow the government
The bullshit of this excuse is so thick that the next town over is whining about the smell from your slurry.
Item: Nazis routinely claim that everyone who gets in their way is Jewish without regard for reality. See also > Jewish subversion of our civilization.
Item: Even if the leaders WERE Jewish, it doesn't take a lot of leaders to have a revolution. Blaming all the Jews for the participation of a handful of 'em in the Communist Party is like blaming all Christians for the participation of a handful of 'em in the Beer Hall Putsch.
Item: Oh yeah, that Beer Hall Putsch. It's bad when OTHER PEOPLE try to overthrow the government before MY SIDE gets to overthrow the government? Fuck off.
Item: Hitler routinely showed that he was willing to fuck the German economy to achieve his goals. Economically motivated butthurt is implausible.
> no skin lampshades,
True AFAIK. Shockingly enough, it turns out that putting a bunch of people in death camps drives some of 'em crazy.
>Hollywood and jewish media in order to shame white men (like you and me) into feeling bad about calling out Jewish subversion of our civilization.
The reason American Jews tend to support liberalism (and even that is a 'tend to') isn't that they created Western liberalism; it is that one of Western liberalism's most effective enemies was Adolf Fucking Hitler. Jewish liberalism is a reaction to what Nazis did the last time they successfully subverted Western civilization.
No one said Zyklon B is safe, you disgusting jewish lying piece of shit.
Lurk for two years before posting, newfag. nobody cares about you. Kys. Sage
Holy shit...
>muh almanacs
1948 is based on 1933 estimates.
What's more likely:
>towns full of Jews all over Poland
>Nazis gather them up
>trainloads of Jews go into concentration camps that don't have room for more than a few trainloads
>obviously the camp is quietly letting them go goys
>maybe that ash that we keep brushing off our doorsteps is people
Might as well have linked directly to wikipedia, faggot.
>captcha revisamos
How apt.
How many times must the obvious be stated.., "Truth Does Not Fear Investigation"... The truth needs no laws, and it doesn't need to be defended. The truth stands by itself. Europe is trying desperately to keep the lid on this greatest lie of the 20th century. The Holohoax is the most protected act of treason against humanity in history. It's enabled many of the laws and wars that have caused countless acts of murder against innocent peoples. Sad and sickening.
There were multiple facilities trying different approaches. Up next: Luftwaffe jet fighter research disproven by this picture which CLEARLY shows a prop plane!
>No one said Zyklon B is safe, you disgusting jewish lying piece of shit.
Poster I was replying to distinctly said
>Zyklon-B is not a deadly gas
Eat raw upenes.
Pretty obvious it's fake. The whole premise is retarded.
If niggers can genocide a million people in a week with nothing but machetes and shit shotguns then Germans can sure as fuck do better than 6 million over 4 years with ridiculous procedures
Zyklon B is not a deadly gas
Something not being a deadly gas doesn't mean it's safe.
You're a scumbag.
You couldn't rebuke anything he said, so you had to change what he said to make it easier for you to ''rebuke'' him.
You're an absolute scumbag, and I am starting to see why in white nationalist circles ''Finn'' is a codeword for jew.
You couldn't just quote him saying ''Zyklon B isn't a deadly gas''. You had to make up a fake quote of him saying ''Muh Zyklon B is safe''
Gas yourself.
Ok, I'm biting...
where did the 6 million jews, 50,000 homosexuals, 3 million Russians, 1.5 million Poles and the 500,000 combined Gypsies, Jahovas' Witnesses, Disabled and Communists go?
Are you saying that (((they))) got 10 million + to agree on the same story, and fabricated all the dokumints? That they managed to fake dokumints from all governments?
The most logical most simple answer is probably the correct one.
Fine. Tell me where the Jews in Eastern Europe WENT. There were a lot of 'em down south.
Read the thread.
Objection: you're assuming that the Third Reich was actually more competent than a bunch of African ethnonats killing on behalf of a 'race' invented by blegians.
They very clearly were.
I'm not a holocaust denier but I am becoming a holocaust doubter. Certainly the stated scale at least is very much in question. Eyewitness reports mean dick. There should be mountains of physical evidence. Where is it?
[This comment has been censored by Her Majesty's Government for potentially violating legislation pertaining to hate speech and/or antisemitism.]
[All citizens are to be reminded that antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.]
Did the Soviets confiscate your sense of humor? Anyone else could see that I was mocking him.
If Zyklon B is dangerous enough to need special containment, yes, it is likely to be dangerous enough to actually kill people. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out.
Zyklon B's active ingredient is hydrogen cyanide.
Tell me more about how hydrogen cyanide can't be used to kill people. Are American executions fake?
Dont use fancy infographs from pol which just summarize everything. Read the book dissecting the holocaust by germar rudolf for a Start. If you still believe in the official narrative then you are beyond hope, especially when physical impossibilities will not convince you.
>we changed the figures to match our fraud.
You can still like Jews that aren't globalist pharistocrat shitbags while realizing the holocaust was a hoax.
>still believes in the holocaust
>hasn't seen
There is no humor when dealing with jewish assholes like you.
You were not having some friendly banter, you were having an argument. Your entire argument rested on you (((mocking))) him by flat out lying about what he said.
You don't get to pull a ''haha, I was only joking'' when you are using the ''joke'' to push an incredibly damaging hoax that has been 100% proven to be complete bullshit.
You are a jewish asshole. Fucking Finns.
>Tell me more about how hydrogen cyanide can't be used to kill people
Another strawman. Is this another one of your epic ''jokes''?
No one said zyklon B can't be used to kill people, but you know what else can be used to kill people? Water.
All Jews must be dealt with sooner or later. They're like muslims, their horrid religion compels them to destroy civilization. If they don't do it, their children will. They should be deported, locked in ghettoes, or exterminated.
Its fake get over it.
Their religion is completely toxic. I agree there. That and banking are the main things that need to be dealt with. Do that and future Jews should be fine.
>You were not having some friendly banter, you were having an argument.
Not all jokes are friendly. But since you apparently cannot handle the refined and developed Finnish sense of humour, I will spoonfeed you:
>Zyklon-B is not a deadly gas, its meant for delousing (removing pests found on clothing, which were at the time prevalent). There were no 'gas chambers'.
He is making the (legit) claim that Zyklon-B can be used to delouse clothes. He is ALSO claiming that Zyklon-B is not deadly. He appears to be trying to imply that, since Zyklon-B is not deadly, therefore it can't have been used to kill people. This is stupid, it kills mammals at a LOWER dosage than needed to kill lice.
Now point me to where he said that Zyklon B is safe, so rooms didn't have to be sealed to prevent leaking.
You jewish asshole.
I am impressed by how well Hitler's writing manages to capture the experience of arguing with a Nazi seventy years after his death.
However, I have difficulty believing that you are quite as stupid as you pretend to be.
You do not need armored doors and fancy locks and armored peepholes to delouse clothing, because lice are not known for their attempts to batter their way out of a delousing chamber. You DO need armored peepholes if you're checking to see if humans are dead. The physical evidence is consistent with 'Hitler murdered a bunch of Jews and Slavs in extermination camps', it is not consistent with 'Hitler deported them to nice fuzzy concentration camps' and then the Allies screwed things up.
Correct. Propaganda basically
From my understanding.
>Jews, Gypsies, Pollacks were destroying German Culture.
>Germans were essentially being culturally genocide due to the immigration and multiculturalism
>They took a stand
>Made plans to expel Jews, Gypsies, Pollacks from their land.
>Jews in the west made an agreement to send the Jews to their own piece of land.
>The Nazi began to take up land they believed belong to them
>The war started.
>Due to the the war camps were created to house Jews. Gyps and Pollacks until they could send them away
>Because of the war disease started to spread
>Typhus killed tons of people.
>Allied bombing destroyed ration deliveries resulting is starvation
>Zyklon-B was used to disinfect clothing, and the camp due to disease and lice (which is why they had shaved heads)
>There were no such evidence as gas chambers, only anecdotal evidence
>No such thing as mass burning. anecdotal evidence
>Many of the Mengele (AOD) stories were made up, he said he should't feel bad for taking blood.
That's basically it, but you can't ignore that
>Jews, Gyps, Pollacks were discriminated against
>In some cases they were killed for being who they are, even though the Nazi party never openly said we want to kill all of them
>They were forced to do laborious activities.
>They were mistreated(they were at war, so it wasn't a summer camp.)
>Some Jews, gyps, pollacks were killed at the camps because they broke the camp rules.
That's basically it. There was no mass genocide, the numbers don't make any sense. The "holocaust" is mostly made up of anecdotal evidence, and not facts. The real horrible thing that happened in WW2 is the amount of death on both sides. The war mostly fought by White people of different ethnic groups and many of them died. We should care more about the legit millions that died than an anecdotal number.