Did he do anything wrong?
Did he do anything wrong?
Beast. should be ordained a saint
Not really, my hometown even still has a statue of him.
Even libtards will defend him here.
There's nothing wrong with going colonising with the lads and killing a few people here and there.
the belgians took "killing a few people" to the extreme compared to our colonies let alone the french
How many people is he supposed to have killed, and was he personally responsible for it? Is there proof?
I need you guys to educate me. Fucking public schools...
yeah its pretty bad even europeans at the time thought he was bad
Hero of the human (white) race.
Did he knew about all that shit in Congo, all that violence?
I don't think he really needed to be as cruel as he was.
That "using human hands as a form of currency" shit is pretty fucked up. And like other posters said, even other Europeans at the time thought he was a monster once word got out of what he was doing to the Congolese.
>How many people is he supposed to have killed
10 million at maximum, likely far less however (oversampling the Congo's population and discounting the fact that a large percent of the population drop would've been refugees).
>personally responsible for it
*See "Command Responsibility"*
>Is there proof?
Mark Twain, Joseph Conrad, and Roger Casement have all the proof you'll ever need.
The killings in Congo were wildly exaggerated by the British press so that they could seize control of the land. There were relatively no more killings than in other lands.
Leopold II was a complete legend who even had a battle plan ready to invade the Netherlands. But Napoleon III of France, a good friend of Leopold urged him not to continue his plan.
Yeah, several missionaries wrote him directly.
Thanks a lot. One more question: was what he did right or wrong, in your opinion?
This. My personal hero. Niggers and non-Europeans should be exterminated
OP wasn't familiar with him twenty minutes ago too
He got to know about him from his another thread
No, but he's relatively low tier as far as heroes go.
>There were relatively no more killings than in other lands.
no british colony was a land where we made niggers into semi slavery and cut of their hands if they did not gather enough rubber
Shut the fuck up slav scum
watch this video
As much as I hate niggers, the actions of the Congo Free State are throughly indefensible and represent the worst level of barbarism. All made worse so by the fact it was done the guise of a "humanitarian" mission (Belgium's media war to cover up the atrocities in the Congo was perhaps one the greatest mass media ruses of all time).
Leopold II absolutely deserves condemnation.
most British imperialists were disgusted by the Belgians
>no british colony was a land where we made niggers into semi slavery and cut of their hands if they did not gather enough rubber
Just shut up you disgusting anglo. listverse.com
kys nigger
It was actually niggers under Belgian command killing other niggers and chopping their arms off.
It was the niggers who were the perpetrators. They still eat pygmies.
I wish France and the Netherlands would just bifurcate Belgium in 1939 Poland style.
Make Cecil Rhodes' Dream Great Again
Look at this map and let the facts speak for itself. If GB controlled Congo they controlled an entire north to south line in africa, thus beating the French in the control of Africa. The Belgians and the French got along better and the jew anglos couldn't stand it. They desperately tried to make a small country look extremely bad while trying to let the world forget what kind of crap they were pulling off continuously throughout their colonial era.
Thanks, based Nathan Bedford Forrest. One more thing: maybe you shouldn't let this get out. Like, don't tell anyone about it. It makes Whites seem really bad. It could mess us up. So, hush, hush, everybody.
>It was the niggers who were the perpetrators.
Operating under the orders of Belgian officers and NCOs, who either turned a blind eye to their brutality, tacitly approved of it, or ordered it outright themselves.
Jesus Christ take a fuckin chill pill will yer?
It was just banter
all of these were against enemy combatants and was not any different to how modern armies deal with rebellions. the famines are could never be stopped and no where ever did we commit ever atrocities against natives who were to be lifted up by with Christianity,Civilization and Commerce and not exploited and treated worse than the slaves ever were in America
Another bleeding heart.
It's not like Leopold maimed and killed people is it?
for every bullet spent soldiers had to bring back a niggers hand to show it was not wasted meaning they would cut of innocents hands if they had wasted too much ammunition
holy shit, did he do that too? the absolute maniac
Enemy combatants? Yeah I guess the jews in WW2 were enemy combatants as well right?
We weren't angels back then but at least we don't act like we were.
Didn't expect this level of feels?
The British mission in Africa was to educate and uplift the natives while transforming the country so it could join the empires economy. But congo was a personal land that the King used to exploit for his own gain and used medieval and primitive violence against the natives who are no better than children mentally for forced labour
when did any other europeans cut off peoples hands and forced them into labour during the scramble for africa
>and forced them into labour during the scramble for africa
Fucking everyone. There was not a single Imperialist state that did not have conscripted labor, even Britain.
dude i'm just being realistic. if you think he really did these atrocities, then you need to either start explaining how they didn't actually happen revisionist style, or you need to shut the hell up about them and bury that shit deep. because if a white man truly killed 10 million niggers we have got a MAJOR pr problem on our hands
So... he literally did nothing Wrong?I feel nothing. I'll take off my edgy kid lol specs and say yes, he took the piss but what am I supposed to feel about it? Allegedly
>Implying niggers are people
Calm your fanny flaps you nigger shill.
It all happened a long time ago. Leopold has been recognised in the past for his wickedness but guess what? Something happened in the 1940s..
Well taking control of African resources before France and Germany could was the primary goal to be honest.
The British were kept somewhat regulated in their conduct in Africa and India by their free press and public inquiries, who would punish brazen acts of abuse with career-end public humiliation, even when criminal proceedings were not possible.
t. Ghandi used this to his advantage in the aftermath of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre
>he literally did nothing Wrong
in his letters it tells us that he was personally involved and the organisation of the state and that he himself set up the commissions for officers who reached above the required rubber quota
He just asked the Africans to give him a hand.
What's wrong with that?
Ghandi would have been killed if any other empire rulled India
Fuck sake... so he had a few dinghy lipped apes working for him in poor conditions and he treated them like shit. So what? He's Nike or Gap of the whatever it was century
>and he treated them like shit.
but he said he wasn't he lied and he claimed he was bringing them Christianity when it was only protestant missions on their on accord who were converting natives in the congo
>something happened in the 1940s..
so should I call you "jewish shill"?
Pretty much.
Harry Turtledove's "The Last Article" illustrates that pretty well.
And why do you give a shit? It's ancient history now.
My apologies. Sarcasm never really translates well in text
Read In the Heart of Darkness. The ape savagery of the Congo bantu would turn a sane man into a character like Kurtz.
>How many people is he supposed to have killed
not enough
>It's ancient history now.
i'm not going to let a belgian say its was ok because then the niggers now blame all imperialism when it was the greatest gift we ever gave to them and even my own family fought to expand the empire and share the gospel with natives and i won't let some 14/88 larper talk about "yeah it was good so what he killed some niggers" when it was the biggest humanitarian project in history
Yes. He kept Congo Freestate under his personal reign instead of giving it to the state as he should have. He only did so under pressure of the senate in 1908.
On the other hand, if he didn't take control of the Congo river, the British would have absolute power over Africa and thus completely dominate world trade at the time.
The Belgian government didn't initially want a colony to destabilize diplomatic relationships with its neighbours. This government was old school liberal and a colony didn't fit in their political model at the time.
So you can conclude that there was some hardcore black ops going on at the time by the Belgian king and state.
God! You must really hate our guts for this one. topkek!
Don't listen to liberal faggots. Leo was simply doing what every European monarch did around and before his time. And like modern corporations today, he was simply taking advantage of the inexpensive resources. They RRAL trouble is that Leo hired blacks to control and subjugate other blacks and regulate the rubber harvest. These black governors, having no real skill and no real reason for their position, tool to killing and dismember in their own people when quotas weren't met. Yes there were some instances of whites doing the same, but the vast majority of this was black on black crime. Leo in no way ordered the massacres and had little knowledge of them until after the fact. As usual, this is an example of "niggers gonna nig."
>black governors
what are you talking about officers and NCOs were brought to lead the forces
Oh gosh. Well that settles it.......3 low class religious fanatics wrote letters to one of the leading monarchs in the world so he MUST have read and believed every word of it. Come the fuck on. Even if he knew full well what was going on was he just supposed to cease all rubber exportation? The massacre was initiated by the niggers. Even if Leo had completely ceased his operation, someone would have filled the power vacuum, probably niggers, and the massacre would've continued or gotten worse
> On the other hand
They all got their orders from Belgian military command, you fool!
Yes, it was the niggers executing it, but isn't that what made all this really really great?
How could Leopold II not have known this is he gave the orders himself?
He didn't care about cutting off limbs or chicotte beatings. All he wanted was to maximize production by any means.
It wasn't nice, but it just werkt. We're not ashamed for it.
Now shut your lying whore mouth and get yourself educated.
Here, have a JCVD pepe.
Don't see what Britain had to with it, the Congo was undesirable for most the european powers so the scrap got thrown to Belgium. Only after somethign approaching outright genocide did the canal actually make it a viable plantation.
Thank you. I thought it would go unnoticed.
Pic related and think.
I don't mean black governors like state governors retard, simply the next guy in the food chain.
There's no proof that Leo knew anything about this before it began. It's speculation that he ordered the massacre. The white overseers that were brought in were told to regulate arms because Belgium was not France and didn't have the firepower of one of the greater empires. They told their nigger handlers to keep watch over the rounds of ammunition. Niggers came up with the one hand per bullet scenario, which when you think about it makes sense that a nigger would come up with that: they said " bring a left hand for ever shot fired." Most niggers couldnt tell left from right, so there were as many right hands as left hands brought back. The HNICS decided to accept any hand and the nigs realized that each person had two hands so they could maximize their bullet hoarding by taking everyone's hands all the time. God damn black people suck
cool pepe
Leopold is my personal hero and this comes from a Bavarian who sees Belgium as illegitimate country
Here, have these aswel. I shouldn't be spoiling you like this...
t. hanks