Capitalism vs socialism
Which is better and why?
Capitalism vs socialism
Which is better and why?
Id like to hear what you think first mr
There he goes with the "smug anime girl pic number 56"
I can just imagine you with your greasy fingers typing out a response while gulping down on Mountain Dew and fast food, laughing as you think to yourself "Heh, i got him now", then you open your image folder and search for it, the perfect pic that will complement your post, a smug anime girl.
You make me sick.
they're both bad
distributism ftw
Who cares?
Socialism is nice as long as there's no cultural marxism and lazy immigrants
I don't know. That is why I'm asking you.
>You reap what you sow or theft
>Boy I wonder what the fuck is better
You need both
A mix of both. That's what most of the Western countries are anyway...
Democracy with capitalism roided
Well, one of them is a system which is predicated on voluntary transactions, the other requires the government to force its way into your home, family, and wallet with the barrel of a gun.
Really makes you think.
>socialism is nice if your a lazy, talentless doublenigger who needs to steal from others to provide for yourself
both are shit
This: Both have upsides, market is a hell of a self-organizing system, but greed needs to be balanced out by cultural achievements that are better achieved with totalitarian nationalism.
Capitalism generates more wealth in 200 years than the rest of human history combined
Lifts 2 billion people out of poverty in 50 years
Puts people into space.
Cures polio.
But nah, bro, capitalism is like shit amirite?
You need a mix.
Anyone who claims otherwise is retarded. Pure socialism and pure capitalism don't work.
I think a middle ground, something like Sweden in the 80s and 90s is good. Minus the shitskin immigration obviously.
>cancer vs aids
>Which is better and why?
gee I don't know you tell me?
Nope, you're retarded. Socialism is just theft of someone else's labor and property.
You can't attribute all of that to capitalism.
Space programs in particular are state funded.
Capitalism because 1st grade math
Alright niggers, I want to capitalize. Where the fuck can I move to in the US where I can get a shitload of forested land for cheap? Small ponds a plus.
yes, it is
Funded with funds taken by the state from capitalists. The wealth the state confiscated for space programs was generated by capitalists.
Oh fuck off retard.
Go masturbate to Ron Paul speeches.
Yes and it would never have been spent on space programs without the govt you imbecile.
How can you respect yourself at all knowing you need to leech of another human's labors? Are you incapable of feeling guilty that you are a red number in the ledger of humanity?
Why do you think capitalism wouldn't put people into space without a government? Also, you are confusing capitalism with anarchy. Capitalism doesn't work without a government to ensure individual property rights.
>where I can get a shitload of forested land for cheap
Nowhere. The companies that are selling that land bought it for subdivisions just before the bubble popped and are looking to recoup their investment.
>land is the only form of capital
Better get some sheep and iron ore, while you're at it.
I work for a living and I have no problem paying taxes in order for society to keep functioning.
Because there's no profit in putting a man on the moon. Maybe if the moon was made of diamonds.
If you knew about English history you would see the failures of pure capitalism.
For example, in 1666 during the great fire, we had private fire companies operating throughout the city. They would only extinguish fires in buildings that were insured because that's what they were paid for. This lead to the fires getting out of control and destroying half the city. After that we decided that we need a bit of socialism in the form of a fire dept.
capitalist countries usually have term limits for the boss. socialist countries usually don't.
when the same guy stays at the top too long, things start to smell. Socialist countries where the guy at the top changes every few years do ok, but they are rare
Bro, he asked for land
Ultimately, these are false alternatives, OP: do we allow the greed run uncheck, or the envy towards success? No, we must work hard to balance out the passions and needs of an individual to ensure their harmonic development into a contributing member of their community.
This is impossible in the absence of a statesman who is not bound by democratic conventions and is willing to implement unpopular, but efficient methods of government, and the ones that will ensure greatest prosperity of the subjects.
Capitalism is a means to distribute scarce resource according to needs.
Socialism assumes scarce resources have already been distributed according to needs.
Who are the innovators in a Communist market? Why would they be motivated to innovate if they personally gain nothing?