Dank year for memes.
But meme aside, why de you browse Sup Forums?
For news? Boredom? For trolling? By satire? For discussion? (And so on).
Also, why Sup Forums and not 4+Sup Forums? (Out of curiosity).
Dank year for memes.
But meme aside, why de you browse Sup Forums?
For news? Boredom? For trolling? By satire? For discussion? (And so on).
Also, why Sup Forums and not 4+Sup Forums? (Out of curiosity).
It is a place where I feel like I belong to.
Like those high school "depressed" girls and Tumblr.
Or like those fat feminists and Tumblr.
Or like the NS and Stormfront.
I have this pathetic background desire to find a redpilled bf to love. I only can think of Sup Forums to find him
Because I like the banter with other nations and Sup Forums is a genera circlejerk filled shithole full of people with unwarranted self importance and cunts (and it's coming here since the election happened)
6+2chan is and always has been cancer. Literally plebbitchan
>int/ is a genera circlejerk filled shithole full of people with unwarranted self importance and cunts
>post to int
>fat bananas try to type out bad simplified chinese or sometimes japanese to me
you guys get me
been on Sup Forums for over a decade
hope my drug stash arrives before christmas
will be high welk into the new year
then need to bullshit my credentials into the best uni here
in the mean time just eating, sleeping and playing pokemon go ( spawn rate is insane atm inb4 nerf )
The shit talking reminds me of my old secondary school. I crossed over during the gamergate thing on Sup Forums. I don't have a current gen console so my reasons for being there are little.
and anime
but every year that passes seems to increase the chance i will get banned for posting loli thx to shit mods
ps: i dont even have to get up to reset my ip smd mods
For fun. And it's legitimately more informative than most news outlets.
>Also, why Sup Forums and not 4+Sup Forums?
>"I agree with some of your points, but I don't think that last one is entirely necessary"
>You have been banned.
>subtle 2^3chan shill
Because Sup Forums tends to be right more often than not, especially when compared to pretty much any other place
I come here for the truth.
bants and seeing my country get BTFO
Honestly it's because this is the last free place to talk about politics, everywhere else is either mainstream so will ban you for having non-liberal opinions or somewhere like eight-chan that's a lot slower and will ban you for having non-echo chamber opinions.
Do you have a feminine penis?
The Flags, bantz, it feels good to type nigger and Jew, foreign anons are funny as hell and have interesting perspectives, no faggy points or likes, not to many attention seeking women, uhhhh also meme magick,
4+4 chan is too orderly. I like the chaos here.
Send some more of that fine loli.
23chan i only visit sometimes when in need of chromosomes, pizzagate was fun. Sup Forums i mostly visit due to it reminding me of early Sup Forums and because here are some likeminded, redpilled individuals thst do not scrutinize me for my political view, except the shills
Welp, my ^3 was not recognized
>why Sup Forums
because i cam here after Sup Forums died and just went with it ever since
>why not gaychan
because, any *chan whose whole community and culture is built off le epic "fuck Sup Forums cuckchan cancerous fascist shithole xD" never lasts, and once you get past the whole "Sup Forums with a slightly different twist and slower board" it always dissipates and turns to shit. (examples:4ch*n, 7chan, 420chan)
plus i don't know what self-respecting internet user would cuck themselves by giving up on the motherland of memes just because they are dissatisfied with the mods or the community, that's the most cowardly thing possible. Those are the kind of people who would run away first in the outbreak of war, and turn their back on their country.
I have always been shit at socializing. Not due to lack of social awareness or something like that.
I just have interests in things that other people I live around dnt find interesting.
My only friends are those I met while doing what I find fun. Which includes banter and politics.
That means that this is one of the few places I can be and feel like I belong.
I didn't know the internet went past walkthroughs and cheat codes for old games I had on my 95 until my cousin showed my Newgorunds.
I knew of Sup Forums before I knew of social media or any popular sites.
So I personally feel kind of attached to this place.
Also fuck that reddit-tier shit known as √64-chan
I browse Sup Forums cause I like giving reality checks to faggots!
Went to a liberal arts college, in fact, I went to the same liberal arts college as the infamous trigglypuff, I actually knew her through friends and sat down and had lunch with her a couple times.
I was generally fairly liberal before I went, and after being there for two years I was able to see the pure insanity, double standards, contradictions, and dare I saw, degeneracy that the ideology purports if enforced on an institutional level.
I found Sup Forums sometime after the Ferguson riots and it was like what I imagine people from East Berlin saw when the berlin wall fell after years of Soviet occupation.
Whatever people say about Sup Forums, there is this stark honesty in it that I find to be very necessary in an age of political double speak and thought.
Because other social media platforms are more about social capital, accruing followers, likes and pity parties, there is this constant pandering and attention whoring that obfuscates anything really funny or insightful.
Sup Forums is like one long great satire that finds the exact most brutal & funny thing that everyone thinks but no one says.
It's like fucking Socrates, and the tumblr culture is the Athenian elites, a caste of hedonistic hypocrites trying to strike down original ideas for the sake of not being exposed as the flaming morons they are.
And who do they fear the most? Not the Persians knocking down the gates, but the bumbling, smelly, autistic and vaguely faggoty idiot savant Sup Forumscrates.
because you speak the truth, the ugly, ugly, truth.
Which is why I keep coming back :^)
Because here I can talk openly and don't need to hold back and I don't get any niggers crying that I'm inhumane.
Also boredom.
CrippleChan somehow manages to be too autistic even for me.
(read faggot as, idiot, bubblehead, etc...)
Rabbit hole.
Help up in Ecuadorian embassy, growing beard, researching aliens and government cover ups.
Hi Jehk! PY
4+Sup Forums is too slow, also the site just feels foreign to me
too many stickies on the front page
alot more autism than even Sup Forums
also ironically, 4+4/pol/ has severe problems with moderation. They left because Sup Forums had problems with moderation, now they have more problems with mods than Sup Forums. I appreciate that they are very protective of being a far-right forum, someplace needs to do it, but ultimately, banning dissent just makes it a circlejerk. I mean, plenty of people accuse Sup Forums of being a circlejerk, but there's a subtle difference between a circlejerk and a board zeitgeist. 4/pol/ has plenty of trolls and baiters who love pushing the other opinion, and constantly being exposed to the opposite opinion prepares you for debate where you can know which points the opposition will use and how to defend your argument better. 8/pol/ doesn't appear to have that.
also its full of donaldfags. the guy is great, don't get me wrong, but they're full of donald zealots on a much greater scale than Sup Forums. i admit to not browsing 4+4pol too much, maybe its changed recently but that's just my previous impression of it
waiting for happenings preferably WW3
also trying to cope in a reasonable community with the the unraveling insanity known as reality ...
uhh, im not a trap, not feminine but not manly either?
News, mainly. It feels easier to detach Sup Forums's bias from its information, and I don't feel right browsing any kind of forum or outlet without anonymity now. I don't feel any need to jump to other chans either. Not politically aligned though, I'm a race mixer.
I like to post smug anime girls and get (You)'s for it.
>tfw Sup Forums stayed the same age but you got older
No one is entering me from behind unless I get a whole sixer
good post desu
>Because other social media platforms are more about social capital, accruing followers, likes and pity parties, there is this constant pandering and attention whoring that obfuscates anything really funny or insightful.
Sup Forums is great because there isn't any fucking normies, except on maybe Sup Forums and /soc/. Nobody cares about you, they don't care about your day. They only care about your opinion, they don't care about being nice to you, and if you don't have a well-founded opinion, you're going to get shit on for it. Where other sites try to avoid toxicity as much as possible, Sup Forums embraces it, and its all the better for it.
Also this might just be me, but I find that Sup Forums has a much higher level of discourse than basically anywhere else on the web. Or at least, there's no site that's this popular that has such a high level of discourse. Sure, there's plenty of spammed tired memes like Poo in Loo, etc., but Sup Forums really cuts all the bullshit and really gets to the underlying meat of the issues at hand. You can discuss racial demographics, you can discuss why you think boomers/millenials/whatever are bad, the sheer amount of direct and unabashed analysis and unending critique of any society, ideology and person would make normies surprised and angry, or they would just tune it out and get bored because they have the attention span of a goldfish.
Me and my friends are here literally just to troll and to LARP as nazis. Endless laughs. We all connect our phones to the houses wifi and shit up threads with the same ID.
i don't know..
force of habit
most likely because all the other social media sites censor their audience\participants, its no small thing in this age to actually have a place with contrarian and politically incorrect views
i like both 4 and 4+4 (unfortunately the device i use seems to take forever to load 8ch boards and just seems to freeze on loading 8s pol catalog page....time to get a new device !)
anyway i like both sites and other imageboards
long may they continue.