Chinese Golddigging Women Level Holy Fuck!
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Holy fuck! The entitlement of these dog eating bitches..
Bitch past the wall, and still want a free meal ticket.
Here we go fellas, no more that stupid haircut of yours
this is why you fled?
When men way outnumber the women in a country, they get to be more picky. Natural selection.
So, she ain't a gold digger, but she aint messing with ordinary chinkies.
i would pick this one desu.
Red Pants are a big no, fellas.
I think youre the one.
Its on SBS here. I find it a pretty amusing show. Ive seen chinese-American doctors rejected by the panel (20 girls) because he wasnt "traditional enough"
I've always been taken aback by the bluntness of the Chinese.
You are the one
I don't know of anyone that likes gook "women". Not even the Asians i know like Asian women. They are niggertier in the dating world so the fact that they act so entitled is hilarious to me.
maybe they don't realize they are disgusting shitskins and thus are entitled to jack squat?
If you ever want to date chinese, korean, or jap bitches, demand their high shcool photos.
Gook moot approves
One child policy results.
Supply and demand, anons
either that or lifetime of making iphones. Even Chinese traps are super picky.
> Ive seen chinese-American doctors rejected by the panel (20 girls) because he wasnt "traditional enough"
The complete opposite of Western women.
Is this show scripted or are they really being themselves?
That dude he better stick making Iphones. Beta is not even a fucking enough word to describe him
are you an SJW?
Reality show that are meant to hook single people up. So, no script.
What is a moot?
is it a sausage fest in china due to the effects of the one child policy? I heard they can have two kids now.
Hmm No, But then again, I'm not certainly like this Chinese bro either
>Women who all look the same
Their situation is so fucked up, maybe they should consider moving to Thailand and become trap ctuties.
Bitch, you ain't Beyonce either.
Of course its scripted you credulous retard.
Tbh, all women look the same to me. The only difference i take into account these days are the curves about the hips.being the stud that i am, most of the women i hook up with are cute by default.
Yeah pretty much. Women have the rule of the land and it turns into pay to date given the competition. They also have some culture thing called "leftover women" where women not married by their 30s are looked down upon for being oddities.
Lel, gooks really does all look alike. Chinese women are the least attractive asians.
Probably a bit exaggerated because it's a TV show.
>"You look like an alien"
>that face
ayy lmao
>shop assistant
WOW she sure could be picky.
chi nao
The reason he didn't get a date is because he's a pushover beta orbiter.
Truth about women: Women are only interested in men with resources, i.e. money, and/or that are confident (being tall and good looking also helps, but having resources and being confident is the most important things).
It's all about biology. Women intuitively looks for men that have a lot of resources and traits that indicates that he will have access to a lot of resources. This is to insure that her child (her genetics) will have the greatest chance of surviving and prospering.
>beta ass males goes on a date reality show and it's posted of Sup Forums
Why the fuck is this a thing?
my ex was chinese living in america
she was fine ( for a woman )
guessing this only applies to natives
men with resources tend to be the betas in the end. Because they don't work on their alpha male traits and only care about resource accumulation, women see that as a beta trait and take advantage of you bro.
>the balding
>men with resources tend to be the betas in the end. Because they don't work on their alpha male traits and only care about resource accumulation
I don't think that you're entirely right about that, but you're partly right that a lot of those guys are going to end up as beta provides for some used up cock carousel whore because they are so stupid when it comes to relationships.
Women want a man with confidence. Not loudness, but rather, presence. A man that is nor afraid of being wrong. Ambition. Big penis very good suck long time. Kek! Asian hookers are the worst
Just leave him alone geez!
why is flag australian then?
reminder that these women are choosing partners for life and are of course picky because of it, unlike a western culturally bankrupt women
also reminder that a western women is not really specific to race but rather under the influence of the Hollywood sphere
>Mediocre women pretending to be on a level far above some schmuck on the dating show they are on together
It's just reality TV, meaning it's not reality.
What's source on this? Looks lulzy.
>American wants to watch reality t.v.
See lefties, stereotypes exist for a reason
fucking gooks
worthless cunts
This is cringy and hilarious at the same time
oh man, fucking why? even if she tried to lower her pride, it'll only end up in shit.
It's cheaper to rent a prostitute by the night rather than forcing yourself with bitches that won't accept you.
these fucking guys.
There is one difference between Asian and western women. Asian women say it honestly how it is, while Western women mean the same but deceive with feelings, true love and such.
The value of pussy in China is sky high because of the one child policy. Combine that with some feminism ==> chink females can all unironically expect to only date Chang Thunderwang.
>acrobat calling someone a noodle
The genders are more balanced with the younger generation than the older one. Women still have the upper hand but they are competing on a more level playing field nowadays.
Any Chinese man who doesn't look like a fuckin 1.5m Goblin can find a girlfriend
Kek. This.
The Wall Show.
Sven, is that why Brownies and blacks fucking your native bitches?
This l33t hacker knows
>Sup Forums's nippon """"" based conservative""""" women
Rate of based asian women might even be lower than whites imo
Source is in the image.
Apparently this show only had attractive guys on the show. They stopped doing that after complaints from viewers or something.
>Chang Thunderwang
fucking kek! Bravo Sven
It's in their genes.
Fuck off gook
>Women acting like women.
News at 11.
Fucking zipperhead
There are some whores that race mix a lot and that rides the cock carousel hard. But a lot of Achmeds can't get any so they have to ficki ficki by force, although they mostly rape other female niggers in the flyktingboendet.
Also, most women these days ride the cock carousel. Because of muh feminism etc. the cost of being a whore is not as high as it once was and where feminism is more widespread there is more cock carousel riding ceteris paribus. Same is true in Finland and every other European country, to varying degrees of severity.
women live off of peer group think, if one of these slant-eyed rice chinks turns a guy down, the rest of them will too because they can't handle the supposed shame of being looked down by other women. For most women, other women's opinion holds far more importance than a man's opinion.
Nigger detected
Look who's talking
Woman be like
Why no man from movie like my boring ass?
Refer above dumb cunts.
but your girls were marrying rich Chinese men
says the noodle eater
True. No ordinary white cucks can touch Chinese pussy
It's because men out number women 3 to 1 in China thanks to their one child policy.
This show has its moments.
Agree with you. Finland, we tend to be siper sensitive about basically everything and anything negative in our country, and we automatically jump into a defensive mood, but we are equally fucked as you guys. Even tho ratio wise, you have 10/10 has more brownies and blacks than us.
>implying on child policy is the only reason that outsourced men by women
Absolutely fucking right. You are spot on mate. Women has a group mentality.
Yes feminism is strong in China while white nigger loving women are offering free sex in US
Yeah, but she will likely be a 1.2m warlock.
Source: some dead sluts cunt.
>not fighting fire with fire
bless online is looking good
Would unironicallly not breathe the same air as any of these nasal voiced surfboards. Asians are low tier scum.
it's still peer group think, it's just the the jewish menace has taken control of the group. Through movies, music, commercials, and articles, all run, directed, written or influenced by subversive jewish multiculturalism in an effort to genocide whites whom they view as the only real threat to their plans of global domination.
It sounds crazy but they actually believe this. They believe that for jews to rule the world they must bring back their messiah and that to do so they must make the world as horrible as possible.
So you can't just say "Oh white people/americans are shit, etc etc." We are literally being genocided on every front while everyone claps and cheers. Sometimes even by our own. The brainwashed fucks.
This is what happens when you kill off every girl in order to have a son. You turn you entire country into r9k and all the females, even the ones who are 1/10 become Stacy by virtue of having the most valuable currency, their vaginas and ability to reproduce.
Joke is on her, I shave that shit off
Same, except I'd only do it ironically.
She gets it all wrong! The hairstyle get's fucked up BECAUSE his love is over, not the other way around!
Correlation ≠ Causation
>mfw his normal hair now looks weird to me
Thanks you fucks.
> normal hair
he looks like an asian elon musk
>Chang Thunderwang.
my sides
This is nature. You don't need a 1 kid policy to know that sperm=cheap/eggs=expensive
you don't really go out since 2003 right